Thursday, October 27, 2005

Disgraceful!!!  I just heard on the evening news that Harriet Miers has withdrawn her nomination to the Supreme Court.  The conservative groups who judged her guilty (of exactly what I’m not sure of), even before the confirmation hearing could begin, should be ashamed of themselves.  Even criminals get a trial before being convicted—not Ms. Miers.  Disgraceful!!!  

Disgraceful!!!  I wrote during Justice Roberts’ nomination that the Libertine Democrats should not use his position on specific issues to determine his qualifications to the Supreme Court.  If that is true for the libertines, it is just as true for the conservatives.  Their actions are a disappointment.  It is not a good idea to model your behavior after the libertines!  Disgraceful!!!  

Disgraceful!!!  They behaved as badly if not worse than the libertines do.  The libertines are laughing at you!  You can only have strengthened their resolve to keep a strict constructionist off of the Court.  You did their work for them.  All they had to do was sit back and watch you destroy the nominee.  Disgraceful!!!  

You may have also eroded your own support base.  Disgraceful!!!


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