Monday, November 03, 2008

Wake-up America—Barack Hussein Obama and a Christian’s responsibility, part 33

Rule Chicago, rule Illinois, rule the nation.
Ruin Chicago, ruin Illinois, ruin the nation.

As of October 24, 2008, I am no longer accepting orders for my book The Black Sword from Illinois residents. All orders from Illinois addresses will be returned unopened. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you. My book—The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam—is available by mail (not yet in book stores). See post on July 31, 2008 entitled The Black Sword.

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do not plan to get to them until after the general election in November and not until sometime in 2009.

I do plan to discuss Iraq but not until 2009. Soon after the election on November 4, I plan on taking the rest of the year off from writing the blog to begin writing a second book. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

The following comment was posted on my October 7, 2008 post:

“Anonymous said

Bravo and Amen! Everyone with a conscience should Google “Obama Supports Public Depravity.” (This occurred in Pelosi’s district!) Also Yahoo “God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up” and “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right.” And here’s a new pro-life slogan: “Unborn children should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!”

3: 11 PM”

Thank you! I did Google all three and they can all be retrieved with Google. In fact, the “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right” is posted tonight toward the end of the post. It is very good. I also like the slogan. Here is another such slogan that I like: “The unborn have rights and lefts and minds and bodies and souls.”

Wake-up America!!! Who ultimately is in control—GOD or man? Who determines right and wrong—GOD or man? Who controls the weather—GOD or man? Who determines righteousness and sin—GOD or man? Who controls our economy—GOD or man? Who defines good and evil—GOD or man? Who controls what happens to the United States of America—GOD or man?

The three crucial issues in this election are:

1) to END the MURDER of unborn babies

2) to NOT allow HOMOSEXUAL marriages

3) to APPOINT STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST judges at all levels of the federal court system

Three crucial issues in this election and Barack Hussein Obama is WRONG on ALL three!!!

Barack Hussein Obama has been part of the Chicago Democratic political machine from the beginning of his political career. In his first political race, he was elected to the Illinois State Senate from Chicago. He was elected to the United States Senate from Illinois as a Chicago politician. He is running for the Presidency of the United States as a politician from Chicago.

“The Christian’s Responsibility to Government

Matthew 22: 15-22

What is this that we’re hearing so much about ‘Separation of church and state?’ There’s nothing in the Constitution about it. But, what about the Bible? Does it have something to say? Stay tuned and we’ll see, because we need to know what it says, don’t you think?

A hearty welcome to you, my friend, to our Bible study program, In Search of the Lord’s Way, and we pray we will all be blessed by our study of God’s word together. I guess there’s always been a question about the Christian’s relationship to government. It must have been so a way back in the first century because Jesus was confronted with it during His earthly ministry. The writers of the New Testament epistles addressed that subject, too, which would indicate their encounter with the question. And the apostle Paul repeatedly appealed to his Roman citizenship for protection under the law, and an example of that is found in Acts chapter 22, verse 25. Some people believe in something being called a ‘wall of separation of church and state,’ which in their estimate forbids the Christian to participate in government. Well, they would be surprised to learn that the word ‘church’ doesn't even appear in the U.S. Constitution. Nor does the word ‘wall.’ But, the idea is frequently used to intimidate Christians from participation in the processes of government.

There are also some professed disciples of the Lord who believe that the Scriptures prohibit their doing so—even to the act of voting. So that, the full impact of the Christian’s influence is not felt, even in a government said to be ‘of the people, by the people and for the people.’ If Christian people can be led—or frightened into non-involvement, others can pretty well have their way about it, can’t they? And, no one would be surprised that in such a void of Christian influence, the nation would suffer a down-draft or a down-turn in Christian morals and ethics. Well, do Christian Americans have the same rights and responsibilities under the Constitution that others have? Just as it has always been, it’s a topic of current interest; and we’ll leave the Constitutional and political side of the debate to other people, but we are going to inform ourselves on what the Scriptures teach in the message today. We are calling today's message The Christian’s Responsibility to Government. Ken Helterbrand is going to lead us in a hymn right now; then I’ll be back for Bible reading and prayer.

Our Bible reading today is from Matthew chapter 22, beginning at verse 15 we will read through verse 22. ‘Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His talk. And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of God in truth; nor do You care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of men. Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?’ But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, ‘Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? Show Me the tax money. So they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them, whose image and superscription, or inscription, is this? They said to Him, Caesar’s. And He said to them, Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left Him and went their way.’ And now we are going to go to God in prayer. Our Father who art in heaven, it is in the name of Jesus Christ that we humbly come before Your throne today and express to You our thankfulness for the freedoms and the responsibilities that we enjoy in our great country. And we see the movement of Your wisdom and Your power in the establishment of this country and we pray that we can keep up those morals and those ethics and those standards that You have set for us so that this nation might always be blessed by You. And we pray, Amen!

Friend, New Testament Christianity is not political. The perpetuity of the Lord’s church does not depend on any form of government, or certain people in places of authority in government. History records periods of the greatest growth of church expansion under the most tyrannical forms of government and during the reigns of some of the world’s most abusive and oppressive despots. You can count on it—every church of Christ has within its membership people of all political persuasions, whose love for Christ and one another bridges all the political differences and brings them together in one spiritual body. However, there are some issues on which our form of government seeks the input of all of its citizens—Christians or not. They are moral issues, and the church’s advocacy for Christian morality is not political. It rises above that—to cross party lines. It’s a statement of Christ and His way of life.

But what of the Christian who is a citizen of the U.S? What are his rights and responsibilities and relationships to government? That is what we’re talking about today. Jesus defined those things in the passage we read a moment ago. The Scripture says that the common people heard Jesus gladly (Mark 12 and verse 37), but the leaders saw Him as a threat, so the passage says that the Pharisees (that is the largest religious sect in Judaism) ‘took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk’ or embarrass Him before the common people and thereby destroy His influence. Here's their plan: they sent some of their own along with some Herodians to ask Him what they perceived to be a very difficult question.

The Pharisees believed very strongly that it was oppressive and even sinful to pay taxes to the Roman state under which they were then living. And the Herodians believed just as extremely that it was sinful and wrong not to pay taxes. Well, they went together and they asked Jesus, ‘Is it lawful to give tribute [or to pay taxes] to Caesar or not?’ If He answered ‘Yes,’ he would certainly lose the favor and the following of the great masses of the common people. And if He answered, ‘No,’ then He would incur the wrath of the Herodians—the government—and Rome as well. But, He didn’t answer ‘yes,’ or ‘no.’ He saw through their wicked scheme and He simply asked for a coin with which they paid their taxes. ‘Whose is the image and the superscription on it?’ He asked them. And they said it was ‘Caesar’s.’ Then came the answer that once more sent them on their way, and defined for all generations to follow of the disciples of Jesus Christ, the relationships we are studying today: ‘Render therefore to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’

Notice now what He said: (1) Jesus’ disciples are citizens of two kingdoms while they sojourn here on the earth, God’s kingdom and Caesar’s; and (2) they have responsibilities in both of them. (3) These relationships and responsibilities are not to be confused or even co-mingled. (4) Responsibilities in neither are fulfilled by total compliance to the other. And (5) God is praised only by the faithful discharge of our duties to both God and Caesar.

That seems to be clear enough, doesn’t it? We should never have any problems with that. We simply render to the State what is due the State and to God what’s due Him. But, for some reason, it just doesn’t appear all that simple when it comes to applying it to our lives does it? With some there’s still the idea that total submissiveness to one or the other is the only way we bring glory to God.

Well, the apostle Peter, who knew first-hand what Roman persecution was all about, (oh, yes, he did) well he helps to keep our balance even when there seems to be some conflict between the two of them. He said, (Listen now!) ‘Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men—as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.’ Now that is the reading of 1 Peter chapter 2, verses 13 through 17. So, Peter argues that devotion to God is the true basis for good citizenship; and Christians praise the Lord by fearing God and honoring the king.

So now, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s’ and should there ever be a conflict, Peter and the other apostles make it clear that ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’ (Acts 5: 29) This is the way God is praised in the life of the Christian. You can not honor God simply by being a good citizen, and paying your taxes, obeying all the other laws, voting and all of that, while ignoring your relationship with God. Likewise, you can not be a good citizen simply by being baptized into Christ, becoming a Christian, worshiping regularly, living faithfully to God’s word, giving generously to support missionaries and all of that.

We Christians must decide that individually we are going to make a difference in this world by our lives during our sojourn here. That is why we’re here—to live a life of meaning—a different kind of life than that of the unbeliever, the non-Christian. But the devil doesn’t care if you and I live saintly lives, as long as we aren’t evangelistic about it—I mean as long as we keep quiet and we don’t try to influence other people to do so. Then he screams aloud about it!

Despite the fact that Christians are in better position to make a difference in those things, because they are considered ‘social’ problems, some of us feel no responsibility toward them. And because of our non-involvement in them, these and a lot of other problems have grown to their present magnitude. Some are totally out of control. And, others are becoming so daily.

Election Day, coming up on November 4th is a day of opportunity to serve God and government. Will the real Christian please stand up? That is what’s on the ballot. No, it’s not whether you vote Democrat or Republican or Independent—it isn’t your political party; let me make that absolutely clear. I’m not talking about those things. I’m talking about moral issues. ‘Let your light so shine,’ Christian friend, as Jesus taught in Matthew chapter 5, verse 16.

Look around, friend—consider where the country has gone while some of us supposed-to-be-Christians have held a position of non-involvement in the affairs of state. Most of us would prefer not to think of it, but our nation is on the decline. We are proud to be Americans. We have a rich heritage of noble principles and moral values. Many of us have fought and suffered and some have even died to preserve our American way of life. As one who has lived and traveled extensively abroad, I can speak from first-hand knowledge; America has been the envy of every nation in the world, not only because we are the freest people in the world and the most productive and prosperous, but because of the moral and ethical standards which were the fabric of our society.

But let’s face it: that culture has given way to another, less glorious. The America for and about which we have proudly sung, ‘God bless America, Land that I love, Stand beside her, And guide her, With the Light from above,’ is locked in a life-and-death-struggle with another less honorable way. Less honorable, I say, because it’s perpetrated by a new order, that has rejected the time-honored traditions and institutions and values which were the hallmark of our glory. The current importance being given to prosperity and pleasure has over-shadowed the former values of family, character, loyalty, patriotism and honest labor, creating a general atmosphere of selfishness and greed and dishonesty (I mean lying and stealing and fornication, and homosexuality, and drugs and all that sort of thing), which in turn have festered ugly, well, putrefying sores on our society, namely uncontrollable violence and corruption of public office. Such principles as the sanctity of human life, monogamous marriage, sexual purity, mutual respect for each other, personal integrity and honest labor, all of that have been trodden under foot in the reckless pursuit of unrestrained liberties and pleasures, personal pleasures. We booted God out of the classrooms of our schools and replaced Him with gangs and guns and drugs. We have elected and appointed to places of highest position in the three branches of our government people of the counter-culture so that now our culture has become a subculture. Virtually everything Americans once held as sacred and dear, is now under attack.

More than 50 million little innocent, helpless, babies (I mean human beings) have been legally killed in their own mother’s womb and with her consent, since that day in January 1973—a day that will live in infamy in American history. Is that ‘right’ really guaranteed by the Constitution? If so, where? In what language? The reckless abandon of respect for the sanctity of human life can no longer be tolerated if America is to remain a free and prosperous nation. Roe v. Wade must be reversed—If not by the Supreme Court, then by the national Congress. Will the real Christian please stand up in the privacy of his voting booth for the person most likely to work that through to the end?

The family of God, the family as God maybe I should say, as God ordained it and defined it in Genesis chapter 2, verse 24; one man for one woman for life is currently under attack. Christian, here is your opportunity to stand up and to be counted for righteousness in the privacy of your voting booth. Greed is almost destructive in our society. Will the real Christian stand up for God and country in the privacy of his voting booth on that question on November 4th?

I have one more thought that I feel that I must share with you, but I want it to be on the closing thought of the day, so don’t go away; we’ll have it after the prayer and the hymn. Father, we thank You for the teaching of Your word of our responsibilities and duties as citizens of the country and of fellow citizens in the kingdom of Christ. Bless us now with this understanding that we might be acting as a light on a hill cannot be hid. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

The Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah, is called ‘the weeping prophet of Israel.’ He worked and wept more than forty years preaching a message of doom to his once proud homeland. His ministry was a sort of a last ditch effort we might say toward national repentance. It failed. Judah imploded. I mean it collapsed from within because of its immorality and idolatry. In the 18th chapter of his prophecy Jeremiah wrote these words, ‘The word which came to me, Jeremiah, from the Lord, saying: Arise and go down to the potter's house, and there will I cause you to hear My words. Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying; O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter? says the Lord. Look, as the potter’s clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel! The instant that I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant that I speak concerning a nation, concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it. Now therefore, speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, Thus says the Lord: Behold I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. Return now every one from his evil way, and make your ways good and your doings good.

Well, that’s a good message for those good, honest souls who do nothing and keep saying, ‘Don’t get yourself in a tizzy about all the evil in the nation because everything is going to work out, because God is still in charge of the world.” Well, yes, He is in charge, but a nation of people may provoke the Lord to anger, and He will relent of the good that He has promised to them, and because it no longer hears His voice, He will smite it with disaster. I’m not a prophet; I am not saying that’s our destiny. But it is if we don’t get ourselves turned around.

Well, you have listened through to this time and I’m grateful to you. We plan to be back next week with another Bible message and we hope that you will plan to be with us again. And God bless you until that time because we love you.”

Rule Chicago, rule Illinois, rule the nation.
Ruin Chicago, ruin Illinois, ruin the nation.

ARE people so BLIND that they can NOT or WILL NOT recognize the media created modern day pied piper?

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Remember this: NO public opinion poll has ever voted. An election is not decided UNITL the votes are counted.
The three crucial issues in this election are:

1) to END the MURDER of unborn babies

2) to NOT allow HOMOSEXUAL marriages

3) to APPOINT STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST judges at all levels of the federal court system

Three crucial issues in this election and Barack Hussein Obama is WRONG on ALL three!!!

“Dangerous Radicals of the Religious right!
By Dave MacPherson
[quotes are from Vital Quotations by Emerson West]

01) ROBERT E. LEE: ‘In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.’ (p. 21)

02) DANIEL WEBSTER: ‘If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper.’ (p. 21)

03) JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: ‘I have made it a practice for several years to read the Bible through in the course of every year.’ (p. 22)

04) ABRAHAM LINCOLN: ‘I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Saviour of the world is communicated to us through this book.’ (p. 22)

05) GEORGE WASHINGTON: ‘It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.’ (p. 22)

06) HORACE GREELEY: ‘It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people.’ (p. 23)

07) THOMAS JEFFERSON: ‘I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by himself to be the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to man. I adhere to the principles of the first age; and consider all subsequent innovations as corruptions of this religion, having no foundation in what came from him.’ (p. 45)

08) THOMAS JEFFERSON: ‘Had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would by now have become Christian.’ (p. 47)

09) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: ‘As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, is the best the world ever saw, or is likely to see.’ (p.49)

10) WOODROW WILSON: ‘The sum of the whole matter is this—that our civilization cannot survive materially unless it be redeemed spiritually. It can only be saved by becoming permeated with the spirit of Christ and being made free and happy by practices which spring out of that spirit.’ (p. 143)

11) PATRICK HENRY: ‘There is a just God who presides over the destiny of nations.’ (p. 145)

12) THOMAS JEFFERSON: ‘Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.’ (p. 225)

13) THOMAS JEFFERSON: ‘Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appear to me so pure as that of Jesus.’ (p. 237)

14) GEORGE WASHINGTON: ‘The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low, that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.’ (p. 283) (I wasn’t going to comment on these but I have to for this one. Compare this comment with what is heard every day on TV and in the movies and you have some small idea of how far we have fallen as a nation! How can we expect GOD to continue to bless such a depraved nation! So depraved that we MURDER over 3,000 unborn babies every day of the year! AND SOME DECLARE IT TO BE A “RIGHT”! WAKE-UP AMERICA! WAKE-UP CHRISTIANS!—my addition)

15) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: ‘Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshiped.’ (p. 301)

16) CALVIN COOLIDGE: ‘The strength of a country is the strength of its religious convictions.’ (p. 305)

17) GEORGE WASHINGTON: ‘The perpetuity of this nation depends upon the religious education of the young.’ (p. 306)

Prior to our increasingly ‘Hell-Bound and Happy’ era, America’s greatest leaders were part of the (gulp) Religious Right! Today we have forgotten God’s threat (to abort America) in Psalm 50: 22—‘Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.’”

I’m going to quote a larger section of that Psalm:

“But to the wicked, God says: ‘What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. When you see a thief, you join with him; you throw in your lot with adulterers. You use your mouth for evil and harness your mouth to deceit. (Does that sound like Barack Hussein Obama? I will explain in a latter article why I am now going to use his middle name—my addition.) You speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother’s son. These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face. Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with none to rescue….’” Psalm 50: 16-22 (NIV)

“Thus, in 1789 President Washington issued ‘The First Thanksgiving Proclamation of the United States,’ which he began with these words, ‘Whereas, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits and humbly implore His protection and favor ….’”

“But the forces of unbelief that have moved in to control American life, would remove every influence of God among us. We are reminded of the statement by William Penn that, ‘If we are not governed by God, we will be ruled by tyrants.’”

“Rather He pronounced a blessing on ‘the nation whose God is the Lord.’ (Psalm 33: 12)

“He promised that his eye would be ‘upon those who fear him.’” (Psalm 33: 18)

“He has said, ‘Righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach (or a disgrace) to any people.’” (Proverbs 14: 34)

“‘Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.’”

“Without the influence of Divine Providence, believers will be disenfranchised and America will fall as other great societies in the past have done, from within.”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)


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