Monday, February 15, 2010

Marihuana to be legalized in Illinois?

I didn’t plan to post the following tonight. However, since there is a time element involved, I’m posting now and will then begin another series on video gambling. The Illinois General Assembly is in session once again so it is time for citizens to beware. The spenders are once again in session trying to spend the State into bankruptcy. Given the problems this State has, I wonder why the House is so concerned with this issue.

From (Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems)

“February 3, 2010

Marijuana Action Alert

Call your State Representative to oppose SB 1381

SB 1381 to legalize marijuana as medicine was passed in the Senate last year. The bill was voted out of committee in the House, but not called for a vote. Last week, SB 1381 was placed on the House floor (3rd reading), where it can be called for a vote at any time.

Please read the article Colorado teenagers and marijuana, which was written by a board-certified child/adolescent and addictions psychiatrist who conducts federally funded research on marijuana addiction in teenagers.

For immediate action:

1) Contact your State Representative and ask him/her to Vote NO on SB 1381 to legalize marijuana as medicine.

2) Write a Letter to the Editor

3) Share this alert with you faith community

4) Forward to 10 others”

As you may know, there is a federal law against selling marihuana. However, illegally, the Barack Hussein Obama Administration has decided and declared that the administration will not enforce the federal law in States that have a law allowing medical marihuana.

Before I moved to Illinois, Arizona passed an initiative to allow medical marihuana. The individual (He actually lived in California.) who led and financed the initiative openly admitted that this was the first step in totally legalizing marihuana within Arizona. Recently, I saw a list of those States who have legalized medical marihuana and Arizona was not listed. My guess is that it was repealed by a more recent initiative or referendum.

Make no mistake about it, the aim of allowing medical marihuana is the same everywhere. They intend to totally legalize marihuana in every State of the nation. The goal right now is to get their foot in the door and then to push the door wide open.


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