Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Joe Miller—Conservative Republican candidate for Senator for Alaska

There are primary elections in Washington and Wyoming today. From what I can gather, there are no real contests that I am concerned about at this time. That is not the case for the primaries in Alaska, Arizona, and Florida on August 24th. Today and tomorrow, I plan to profile Joe Miller who is running for the Senate in Alaska. Today, Joe Miller’s position on the MURDER of unborn babies in relation to Lisa Murkowski’s voting record in the U.S. Senate. Lisa Murkowski is the present Republican Senator for Alaska. Note: This post has references to where anyone may go to find out how Lisa Murkowski voted on special issues dealing with the MURDER of unborn babies.

“June 23, 2010

Dear Pro-Life Supporter,

We are eight weeks away from the August 24th Alaska Primary Election. As you may know, Alaska is currently without a Pro-Life voice in the United States Senate. That is one of the reasons, after much deliberation, I have decided to enter the race.

Our current Senator, Lisa Murkowski, has begun a sustained media blitz to convince
Republican primary voters that she is a reliable Conservative voice in Washington. Unfortunately, her record is not consonant with the assertions being promulgated. From her earliest days in the Senate, she has been a willing accomplice of the Pro-Abortion lobby.

One of her first votes on their behalf was a Sense of the Senate Amendment Co-Sponsored by Senators Barbara Boxer and John Kerry. It read as follows:

“It is the sense of the Senate that the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right; and such decision should not be overturned.”

It should be duly noted that the above language was attached to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, ironically one of the votes that Senator Murkowski is pointing to in order to claim solidarity with Pro-Life voters. However, Alaska voters know better. Voting against Partial-Birth Abortion does not make you pro-life. Even some of the most hardened Pro-Abortion advocates in the United States Senate, including Obama Appointee Tom Daschle and current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, recognize the barbarity of partial-birth abortion.

Sadly, Senator Murkowski’s Pro-Abortion record does not end there. In July of 2003, she
voted (Senate Amendment 1141) with Senator Barbara Boxer in a failed attempt to repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy‘, first established by President Ronald Reagan during his first term in office. The Mexico City Policy was aimed at one thing: protecting US Taxpayers from having to be responsible for the funding of unrestricted international abortions. The Policy permitted US taxpayer funding of some abortions and international abortion groups by including exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. However, these exceptions were insufficient for Murkowski. She would not be satisfied until unrestricted US public funding was again going to abortions and abortion groups, as it had been before President Reagan took office.

In April 2005 Sen. Murkowski voted again with Senator Boxer (Senate Amendment 278) to repeal President Reagan’s policy. Senator Boxer’s speech on the floor of the Senate began as follows: ‘Mr. President, today I am offering an amendment to overturn the so-called Mexico City policy which undermines some of our country’s most important values and goals.’ Clearly and consistently Senator Murkowski has demonstrated her agreement with Senator Boxer’s sentiment on the issue of public funding of abortions oversees.

One of Obama’s first actions as President was to repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy.’ That same week, Republicans in the Senate called for a vote, and Senator Murkowski had the distinction of being one of only four Republicans to vote against reinstating the ban on exporting Federal dollars to foreign non-governmental organization that provide/promote unrestricted abortions (Senate Amendment 65). As of today, the limitations on US taxpayer financing of abortions oversees are no longer in force, thanks in part to the tireless efforts of Sen. Murkowski to repeal them.

In July 2006, Senator Murkowski voted in favor of the Stem Cell Research and Enhancement Act of 2005 (HR 810) which attempted to use Federal funds to support the destruction of living human embryos for medical research. In April 2007, she again confirmed her commitment to this act by also voting for passage of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 (S. 5).

Again in September 2007, Senator Murkowski voted (Senate Amendment 2708) to permit contributions to organizations that perform or promote abortion. In October of 2007, she further voted (Amendment 3330) against the prohibition of Federal funds to grantees that perform abortions. Her consistent voting record does earn her distinction. However, it is not the distinction of a conservative Senator.

As you are aware, just last week the Anchorage Daily News reported that the Denali KidCare Program funded 662 abortions last year. Senator Murkowski has been a champion of this program, voting against the majority of her Republican colleagues for CHIPRA (HR 2) in January of 2009.

On both of these occasions Senator Murkowski voted against provisions (Senate Amendment 4233 to SCR 70 and S. Amendment 80 to HR 2) that would have covered unborn children under the Act. Apparently, in her view, it is acceptable to use Federal dollars to terminate nascent human life, but not to save it.

Senator Murkowski is hoping to turn the US Senate Race into a ‘he said—she said’ moment, which she believes she can win with massive amounts of money from outside special interests. I ask you not to just take my word for it. For a listing of specific votes and further information please visit: WWW.JOEMILLER.US. Each vote is referenced by date on the United States Senate Website at (www.senate.gov), or by bill number at THOMAS.GOV (http://www.thomas.loc.gov/).

This is a unique primary election cycle. Americans are now engaged, and across the country long-standing incumbents are falling in primary elections, such as Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Sen. Bob Bennett in Utah. Let’s do our part to bring change to Washington, and ensure that Alaska has a Pro-Life voice in the United States Senate. I cannot do this alone, but together, we can. I need your help!

In the next few days, we will be filing our FEC report for the second quarter of 2010. We’re within striking distance of a powerful incumbent, but we cannot compete without the financial assistance over everyday Alaskan voters. And we need to send a message to those who are still on the sidelines. This is the race to watch! And not just watch—this is the race to join!

Please invest in this campaign. The choice today is between one candidate whose Pro-
Abortion record is without question, and my candidacy as a consistent and outspoken defender of life. With a contribution of $2400, $1000, $500, $100, or $50 you can let your voice be heard. This is your opportunity to speak up for Life.

I pledge to you that if you send me to Washington DC, there will be no greater advocate for Life in the United States Senate. I am committed to advocating for innocent life and vigorously opposing the culture of death.

There is very little time to redeem this unique epoch in our history. Please make this race a priority and make a significant investment in this campaign before the June 30 reporting deadline.

‘Do not be weary in doing well, for in due time we will succeed if we persevere.’ This year could bring about the sea change we’ve been working towards for a generation. Let’s make history together!

Standing up for those unable to stand on their own,

Joe Miller
Candidate, United States Senate
401 E. Northern Lights Blvd.
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
907 929-9563

Twitter: JoeWMiller

P.S.—Please respond today with a generous donation of $2400, $1000, $500, $100, or $50. Your contribution will make a difference in this important race!

‘It is so encouraging to have a solid pro-life candidate running for office. We are
saddened and disappointed with Senator Murkowski’s anti-life voting record. We call
on all pro-life Alaskans to support Joe Miller.’

—Dr. Christie Eberhardt, President of Alaska Right to Life


How many abortions are performed in Alaska each year at Taxpayer Expense?

According to an article published in the Anchorage Daily News last week (June 18th), at least 664 Alaska abortions—costing $384,000—were paid for through Denali KidCare, the State of Alaska Program designed to ensure that Alaska’s children and teens “have the health insurance they need.” In the article, the Alaska Dept. of Health & Human Services confirmed that 664 (a little over 35%) of abortions in Alaska last year were funded through this one government program alone. [Note: This does not include other sources of government funding that result in abortions, such as the $350 million that Planned Parenthood reported receiving from various government sources in their most recent annual report]

How is it that public funds initially set aside to help children, are instead being used to abort them? While it is true that KidCare is only legally required to fund abortions that are ‘medically Necessary‘, a term that has likely been abused to include everything from interference with a woman’s work and school, to an unborn child whose presence is ‘harmful to a woman’s psychological health,’ the responsibility for the public funding of these abortions can be laid at the feet of one Alaska politician. Lisa Murkowski.

Alaska media rarely highlights Senator Murkowski’s Pro-Choice record, and with good reason. In an election year when Sen. Murkowski is attempting to appear conservative, she wants her pro-choice record to disappear. Let us examine that record.

Where does Denali KidCare get its funding? A large part of its funding comes from up to 70% matching federal dollars through the Federal ‘State Children’s Health Insurance Program,’ known as SCHIP. On March 14th 2008, the United States Senate voted on whether unborn children would be eligible for child health assistance under SCHIP. It was a narrow vote. In the end, some Democrat senators, and nearly every Republican senator, including Sen. Ted Stevens, voted that unborn children were entitled to health assistance.

Sen. Murkowski abandoned Sen. Stevens and her Republican colleagues, and voted with
Sen. Obama and three other Republicans (one of whom has since become a Democrat) to deny protection to unborn children, pushing the Democrat vote to 52, against protecting the unborn.

‘It is poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.’
—Mother Teresa

On January 29th, 2009, the matter again came up for a vote in the Senate. Again, Sen. Murkowski abandoned her Republican colleagues and joined Sen. Begich and Sen. Boxer in voting to deny health assistance to unborn children. Yet you won’t hear about such things. After all, this is an election year—and she has decided to be conservative…at least until the election. However, the next six years will reflect the last six. In case after case, on issue after issue, and vote after vote, Murkowski has voted against Alaskan families. It is time the record was set straight!