Wednesday, September 01, 2010

War in Iraq—Who won the war?

This is part of the first sentence of a front page story in the Peoria Journal Star on September 1, 2010, page 1: “Claiming no victory, President Barack Obama formally ended the U.S. combat role in Iraq ….” As usual, the President is wrong. The U.S. won the war.

1) A corrupt regime was overthrown and the head of that corrupt regime was tried in a court of law, found guilty of crimes against the nation, and executed.

2) A democratically elected government is in place within the country.

3) Whether in the country before or infiltrated in after the initial U.S. invasion, al-Qaida’s influence in the country has been rendered less significant than the Mexican mafia’s impact on this nation, at least when George W. Bush left office.

I think, expecting Barack Hussein Obama to disregard the victory and the resoluteness of President George W. Bush in fighting terrorism, I received the following e-mail last week with the linked video. Watch the video—it’s worth it.

“WASHINGTON, DC—House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released a new web video highlighting progress in Iraq, and thanking our men and women in uniform for the courage and sacrifice they’ve shown in helping bring about progress there. The video, entitled ‘Victory is the Only Option,’ underscores the success of the surge strategy that was opposed by then-Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and other Democrats when it was announced by General David Petraeus and President George W. Bush. While the Obama Administration today is seeking to take credit for ‘ending the combat mission’ in Iraq, the video credits our troops and their families, whose hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication have helped transform Iraq from a once volatile threat to a nascent democracy and a key ally of the United States. Following is the video ….”: