Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Fraud in the election process

From: Tea Party Nation

“Fraud a liberal election industry

Posted by Judson Phillips on October 27, 2010 at 6:34am in Discussions

The media continues to report that there will be a conservative tsunami against the liberal Democrats six days from now, in the elections. The estimates for Republican picks range, in the House from 45 to 60+ seats. (If fraud is prevented, it will MORE than 60 seats and perhaps much more!—my addition)

Good news. This is something we should expect after the Tea Party movement erupted eighteen months ago. But as we have been warning on Tea Party Nation, the fight is not over. Liberals are not conceding to the will of the people. They are trying to find new ways to steal the elections. If the GOP net pick up is only 45 seats and the liberal Democrats could somehow steal only 7 of those seats, one of the prongs of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis of fiscal evil will remain in place.

We are already seeing the attempts to steal the election.

In Las Vegas, where Harry Reid is in a desperate attempt to save his political career, voting machines have been rigged to cast a vote for Reid. Voters have gone into the booth only to find their vote has already been cast for Reid. In an interesting twist, it has been revealed that the technicians that service the voting machines are members of the SEIU, which has given millions of dollars to help liberal candidates get elected. Perhaps they are just borrowing an idea from their liberal hero and mass murderer Joseph Stalin, who once said, ‘it isn’t who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes.’

That does not even count Reid’s blatant attempts to buy votes by Unions and other groups that have offered gift cards to voters who will vote for Reid. Sharron Angle’s attorney has said she fears teachers unions are going out to students to try and get them to vote for Reid.

In Chicago, thousands or perhaps as many as hundred of thousands may have their votes discarded. They asked for mail in ballots through the Illinois Democratic Coordinated Campaign. Interestingly enough, these mail in ballots go to the Campaign office, not to the election office. Does anyone fear that the Illinois Democratic Party, a part of the infamous Chicago political machine might not sneak a peek at those ballots first and any votes for a Republican might end up in the trash can?

North Carolina Republicans have received a number of complaints about the exact same thing happening. In North Carolina, voters who pushed the button to vote Republican instead had the voting machine indicate votes for Democrat candidates.

Fraud in this election is not necessarily limited to vote fraud.

At Tea Party Nation, we received an interesting letter. It was unsigned and undated. It was allegedly from King Street Patriots. For those of you not familiar with them, we have mentioned them on TPN before and their great program called ‘True the Vote.’ The letter we received was poorly written, filled with racist remarks and was intended to discredit King Street Patriots. Note to the sender of this letter. When you send a letter and your return address says Houston and your letter is post marked Oakland, well, it is suspicious.

The liberals are in absolute fear this year. They know if the voice of the people is heard, they are going to be run out of power and they cannot let this happen. We must make sure that every conservative vote is counted. This is the first battle in the war to destroy liberalism.

We must ensure we the people win this battle.”

“The GOP has an election fraud hotline. That number is 1 (888) 775-8117.

Fox news has an email address where you can report vote fraud. It is voterfraud@foxnews.com.

Our friends over at World Net Daily have a similar email set up. It is voterfraudhotline@wnd.com.

Of course, we have our hotline here at Tea Party Nation. That is voterfraud@teapartynation.com.

If you see something, use your cellphone camera to video it or photograph it. Do so, if you can without getting arrested or beaten up! Get the word out as quickly as you can. The sooner we get the word out, the sooner we can take action against those who would try to steal the election.

Keep your eyes open tomorrow and tomorrow night; we can celebrate the vanquishing of the liberal majority in congress!”