Thursday, April 28, 2011

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! President Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born citizen!!!

I debated whether or not to post this today. Decided to do so this morning. I’ll return to the federal budget tomorrow.

I was never a “birther!” I would never be a “birther!” I have never before posted about the so-called “birther” issue. And this is the first and only post on the issue that I will do. (I hope!) It should have NEVER been an issue.

As everyone should know by now, the President has produced a copy of his “original” birth certificate. Of course, that copy—nor any other document—will not satisfy some critics. Nothing would!

This whole thing is ridiculous on so many levels. First, the rumor was emphasized during the primary by the Clinton camp to try to derail the President’s primary campaign. If anyone knows anything about our political history, this type of rumor is a long standing practice by some campaigns. Usually, it is born out of desperation and usually it is NOT successful.

Second, I have never heard or read any statement questioning the citizenship of his mother. Court cases have held that a person whose father is a United States citizen is automatically a natural-born citizen regardless of the physical location of the child’s birth. Do you really believe that the Supreme Court today would make a distinction between a father and a mother in granting natural-born citizen status?

Finally, even if by some remote chance he was not a natural-born citizen, what do these critics expect would happen? The election is over. He won the election. Does anyone really want nine, unelected lawyers reversing an election result after the fact and after the “winner” has served in office for over two years? The can of worms that would cause! But even if he were removed, who would be President? Joe Biden! Or, is the Court going to toss out the whole election and do the election over? Would the Court declare John McCain the winner? What a Constitutional mess that would be!!!

I checked the internet this morning for some confirmation. Guess what. According to one site, Congress by law has defined a natural-born citizen. The pertinent section in the alleged case of Barack Hussein Obama is the following:

“The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years….”

So, until or unless someone can demonstrate that Barack Hussein Obama’s mother is not a U.S. citizen and/or she did not live in the U.S. or its territories for the required time, Barack Hussein Obama ALWAYS HAS been a natural-born citizen regardless of whether or not he was born in Kenya or any other nation.

The website and the law quoted on the website:


“The governing law is very simple: It is TITLE 8, CHAPTER 12, SUBCHAPTER III, Part I, § 1401

‘The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property;

(c) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person;

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

(e) a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person;

(f) a person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States;

(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 288 of title 22 by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person

(A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or

(B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 288 of title 22, may be included in order to satisfy the physical-presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24, 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and

(h) a person born before noon (Eastern Standard Time) May 24, 1934, outside the limits and jurisdiction of the United States of an alien father and a mother who is a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, had resided in the United States.”

“IMPORTANT: Natural Born does not mean Native Born.

Natural Born means a citizen at the moment of birth by conditions or parentage and birth, not a persona who was made a citizen by application later, i.e. one who was ‘naturalized’ i.e., made as if Natural”

All you “birthers” out there: Get over it!!! We have much more important things to be concerned about. We need to win the White House in 2012 with a PROVEN conservative! We need to win control of the Senate! We need to increase our control of the House of Representatives! WE have work to do! Don’t get distracted by non-issues!