Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Child Rape, Abortions (AKA MURDERS), Planned Parenthood (AKA MURDERHOOD), and Civil Lawsuits

I posted a questionnaire I sent to the two mayoral candidates for the Village of Morton and the answers given by one of the candidates—Stephen Newhouse. The questions and answers are posted at:

If the other candidate responses I will also post his answers. At the present, he has not.

Watch this video: I just want a job!

Is the way to increase jobs to legalize illegal immigrants? Is it true that there are some jobs that U.S. citizens won’t do? Is it because employers pay below minimum wage and/or below the supply and demand cost of labor in that area if there were no illegal aliens to fill the jobs?

Watch this video and wonder!

Tea Partiers are terrorists—petition says no!

Petition against drone use in the U.S. and more

Support right of conscience:

Petition to cut off funds to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!

A new segment: The fraud of the day. President Obama claims that the federal government can’t afford to cut any spending even though we are borrowing 40% of every dollar spent. And even though fraud is RAMPANT throughout the federal government! When the government is spending trillions of dollars the opportunity for fraud is everywhere! Therefore:

Fraud of the day website:

The fraud article of the day: This article is not from the website. It was in my e-mail material today!

Representative Jan Schakowsky (Democrat from Illinois—my addition) admits that a handgun ban is next

Petition against illegal immigrants’ amnesty!

Board hearing for Abortionist/MURDERER LeRoy Carhart


“Civil suits could take down abortion industry overnight
Posted by Charlie Butts (American Family News) - March 13, 2013

Life Dynamics

[From the website: ‘We’re not here just to put up a good fight. We’re here to win, because winning is how the killing stops (My only disagreement with this statement is the use of the wordkilling!” The correct word is MURDERING because that is exactly what happens ever time an abortion occursa MURDER is committed!—my addition).’

‘This is the mindset that is behind everything that Life Dynamics does. We are fighting to return full legal protection for every unborn child, from the moment of conception. Because of this our motto is, ‘Pro-Life: without compromise, without exception, without apology.’”]

is alerting attorneys that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers might be ripe for civil lawsuits.

Mark Crutcher explains that his group conducted an undercover investigation by phone in 2002, revealing that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation were coaching underage girls on how to obtain abortions and protect the pedophiles who impregnated them from getting arrested. The law requires abortion clinic employees to report suspected child abuse.

‘What we have now done is we have produced a DVD explaining to attorneys what the legal possibilities here are and how many clients there are out there for them to go out and advertise for and pursue civil actions against these abortion providers for protecting these men who rape these children,’ Crutcher details.

Life Dynamics’ research

cites studies that show among girls 15 and younger who become pregnant, between 60 and 80 percent of them are impregnated by adult men. Crutcher writes that it is ‘sickening’ that underage girls, some as young as ten years old, are being sexually exploited by adult men in numbers that are unprecedented in American history.

The DVDs were shipped to 53,000 personal injury attorneys in the country, and the response so far has been phenomenal.

‘If a significant number of the victims of the abortion industry do, in fact, file civil suits based on this issue, it could bankrupt the abortion industry overnight, because the sheer volume of cases is astronomical,’ the pro-lifer tells American Family News.

Studies show that underage girls who become sexually involved with adult men are exposed to a ‘devastating array of physical and emotional injuries,’ setting the girls up to be life-long victims who tend to view their self-worth solely in terms of sex. These girls are more likely to drop out of school, be lured into prostitution, abuse drugs or alcohol, end up on welfare, and be in physically abusive relationships, among other things.

Crutcher says the goal of this DVD is to educate the victims and the attorneys about the resources available to them and let the chips fall where they may for the abortion business.”

My question isWhere are the local law enforcement agencies and why did a private organization have to do the work on this?” Why are local governments NOT protecting our children from these pedophiles? If there is evidence gathered by a private organization surely if the desire was there, professional law enforcement could have done this too? Are Planned MURDERHOOD and other MURDERING organizations being politically protected? If so, then more than Planned MURDERHOOD should be prosecuted. Go after them civilly certainly! However, go after them criminally too because if true, CRIMES have been committed! Crimes against young girls. So if true, the question is: “Just who is waging a war on women and little girls?”