Saturday, January 18, 2014

Republican Congresswomen Speak Out Against Abortion on the House Floor! It Is Past Time to End the MURDER of Innocent Unborn Babies!

The Tea Party Leadership Fund Push to Primary John Boehner. Your signature is needed by January 31, 2014!

Also, January 21, dine at Chick fil A to support Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

March for Life is January 22 in Washington D.C. and other communities throughout the nation!


“Bachmann: 56 Million Babies Aborted Equals Population of Minnesota More Than ‘10 Times Over’
By Barbara Boland
January 17, 2014

(—The number of unborn babies who lost their lives through abortion since the Supreme Court ruling legalized (Illegally and unconstitutionally! No one, no body of people canlegalizethe MURDER of another! Everyone of the Justices who voted to allow the MURDER of our citizens should have been impeached and removed from the bench! This action is a despicable stain upon the body politic of the nation. It must be removed!—my addition) the practice 41 years ago is equal to 10 times the population of Minnesota, Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) said Wednesday in a special order floor speech.

‘We can’t lose 56 million innocent American lives and not be changed. Just to put it in context, 56 million means the entire population of my state of Minnesota over 10 times over. That’s how many … have been lost to the carnage of abortion,’ said Bachmann.

Bachmann was one of four congresswomen who took to the House floor Wednesday to mark the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling. Twenty-two congressmen and women in all gave speeches in support of the pro-life cause.

Since 1973, there have been over 56 million abortions in the U.S. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota had a population of 5.42 million people in 2013.

‘But the other calculus is the loss to 56 million American women, women who have had ongoing, precious, innocent human life literally pulled from their body. ... I weep, and I mourn for women who have been lied to, women are forced into undergoing this very violent procedure that for many people altered their life forever. They can’t deal with the guilt. ... So, 56 million unborn children, 56 million women, also 56 million fathers. 56 million, who their child is the one that was unborn. I think we can do better (I know we can do better! More than that, we MUST do better! We MUST end the wanton MURDER of innocent unborn children! What is wrong with us that we are so callous toward these MURDERS?—my addition),’ Bachmann said.

‘We have followed medical research that indicates infants can feel pain in the womb as early as the 20th week of pregnancy and passed legislation that would eliminate abortion after that time. ... I hope the day will soon come when the Supreme Court sees fit to overturn Roe and allow the people the ability to eliminate the practice of elective abortion entirely (We DO NOT have to wait for the Supreme Court! We the people can do it through Congress!—my addition),’ Representative Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) said.

‘As we fight to increase protection for life under the law, I believe it is equally as important to promote the respect for life emphasizing adoption as a loving alternative to abortion,’ Representative Martha Roby (R-Alabama) said.

Roby praised Agape of Central Alabama, an adoption agency in Alabama which offers crisis pregnancy counseling, adoption, foster care and outreach programs.

‘It’s groups like Agape that help a woman with an unplanned pregnancy know about the loving non-judgmental way adoption works. It’s groups like Agape that give children the hope and opportunity to grow up healthy and happy. It’s groups like Agape that make it possible for families who don’t think they can ever have children to experience the unique blessing of adoption and be made whole. Mr. Speaker, Adoption is humanity’s recognition of the miracle of life,’ said Roby.

They also brought attention to the March for Life, which will occur on the National Mall on Wednesday, January 22.

‘The first time that I marched on the mall in support of the unborn, I was a 28-year-old pregnant mother, pregnant with my second son Steven, and I’ll be honored to march again on the mall in memory this time, sadly, of 56 million abortions that have taken place since that dreadful day 41 years ago,’ said Representative Ann Wagner (R-Missouri).

‘That is roughly 1/5th of the United States population who we will never know. We will never derive the contributions to society that these nameless angels could have brought to the world,’ she said.

‘And even worse, is the emotional and the physical pain that millions of women have endured in the days, months, and years after their abortion. ... I am inspired by the many young people who energize this movement and who will join us next week on the mall,’ Wagner said.”

The video:

Forty-one years of MURDERING our own unborn children is forty-two years too long! It MUST end! Pray and then BOLDLY do! STOP the MURDER!

The March for Life in Washington D.C. is January 22, 2014. Roe v. Wade will be the illegal, unconstitutionallawof the land for 41 years on that date!

We will have been MURDERING unborn babies for 41 years! A total abomination for any nation! A total atrocity for any nation! A total evil for any nation!

No one has the rightto MURDER another person! NO ONE!

Christians were bold in the First Century church! Are Christians as bold today?

Christians were resolute in the First Century church! Are Christians as resolute today?

Christians stood for the truth in the First Century church! Are Christians standing for the truth today?

If not Christians, who? If not now, when?

This is my two part suggestion to Tea Party groups, social conservatives, Constitutionalists, and anyone else who wants to save our Republic from the approaching destruction.

1) Run as many conservative candidates in as many Republican primaries as possible.

2) Then, run as many independent and/or third party candidates as possible in as many races as possible where we did not win the primary.

That is why I am working to get the Constitution Party on the ballot in Texas. If we get on the ballot, we will have two Congressional House candidates running and two State candidates running. Getting on the ballot is the first step. Winning elections is the second. Winning elections will grow the Party. The Constitution Party is much more in line with the Tea Party movement than is the Republican Party. And I have been involved with all three!

The Constitution Party of Texas website:

If elected to Congress, I will not, under any circumstances, vote for present Speaker of the House John Boehner to be Speaker of the House. I call on every Republican primary candidate running in Texas Congressional District 19 to publicly (in writing) make the same pledge. It would not be a bad idea for every Republican candidate running for the House of Representatives to give the same pledge. See my post at on December 16, 2013 entitled “Speaker of the House John Boehner Attacks the Tea Party Again for Being Fiscally Responsible!”

If I am elected to the House, I will use the Constitution, as written, to do everything in my power to stop judicial tyranny! Will the other candidates pledge the same? I know our present Representative has NOT done everything possible to stop judicial tyranny! Why is that?

Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.

The Constitution Party of Texas website:

If you haven’t seen this video by Ray Stevens: “Mr. President, Mr. President”, watch it today