Friday, December 26, 2014

Pro-Life and Pro-Personhood: Are Animals More Human than Unborn Babies? Who Is a Person?

Update from:

“More than half-a-million letters, 525,000 to be specific, already are set to be delivered to the 247 GOP members of the U.S. House when they get back to business, urging them to replace Boehner as speaker.

And the momentum keeps building.

On Twitter, the hashtags #BoehnerMustGo and #DumpBoehner were surging, and other commentators, while not adopting the specific “JOIN THE DON’T BE YELLOW, DUMP BOEHNER NOW CAMPAIGN,” strategy, agree with the goal.”

“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers


New app now available!

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My blog site for the U.S. House of Representatives District 19 for Texas campaign is:



Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

************************************************************************ has the exclusive right to sale my e-books in its Kindle Store.


1) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Workbook for Gunslingers.

2) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Answerbook for Gunslingers.

3) The direct link to the e-book Bible Questionbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]

4) The direct link to the e-book Bible Answerbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers

5) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Questionbook (This is the first book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ) [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]

6) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Answerbook (This is the second book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

7) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Questionbook (This is the third book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ) [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]

8) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Answerbook (This is the forth book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)

9) The direct link to the e-book The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]


“Rand Paul and Cory Gardner’s Problem With Chimps
by Gualberto Garcia Jones (National Policy Director for the Personhood Alliance)
October 10, 2014

As of the writing of this story, if you run a google news search on the word ‘personhood’ two clusters of news appear. The first set of articles relate to Tommy the chimp and the case that is being argued on appeal in the State of New York to establish legal personhood for animals The second cluster is a barrage of ‘news’ articlesmore political porn than newsin which the main stream media is attempting to portray all politicians who support or supported universal human personhood as either Taliban-like religious zealots, or hypocrites running from their past.

[There was an Argentinean decision about rights for an orangutan which made the news a couple of days ago. Not having read the decision, I do not know what was said exactly. Newspaper reports may or may not be accurate. However, there is no question that some are trying to make it happen!]

Let’s start with the story of Tommy the chimp, for it serves as a perfect illustration of the views of those who have abandoned personhood as the foundational source of human rights.

Traditionally, human rights were based on the Christian principle of the Imago Dei, which is the concept that human beings are created in God's image and therefore have inherent value independent of their utility or function (Because we ARE created in GODS image! Those who do not believe want such an idea wiped out of existence just as they want unborn babies wiped out of existence!my addition). This religious principle is what allowed Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas to conceive the idea of international law: a law that would apply beyond the confines of Christendom to include every known and unknown human being. And this religious concept is also what inspired John Locke to formulate the principle of human equality and the consequent requirement for governments to obtain the consent of the governed. It is no stretch to say that the principle of the Imago Dei based in Genesis 1: 26-28 gave Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers of the United States, and every constitutional republic thereafter, the moral and philosophical underpinning for the creation of the modern political world as we know it (Without a doubt. Thomas Jefferson for the Declaration of Independence. He was not part of the group that wrote and signed the Constitution!my addition).

And this is where Tommy the chimp’s status as a person gets interesting. The animal rights activists, represented by attorney Stephen Wise, argue that because chimps ‘posses self-awareness, empathy, elements of culture, complex memory and recognition of death (What utter nonsense! However, it is NOT surprising! The Left loves to redefine words to suit their purpose! To them, words have no more meaning than morality does. They define morality the way they want to and they define words the way they want to. Good example: “Gaywhere they just made up a meaning for it contrary to the history of the word!my addition)’, they should be considered legal persons. If they are persons, the argument goes, then their confinement should give them cause for a writ of habeas corpus (whereby the custodian of a prisoner is made to prove that there is a legal justification for the detainment.)

Applying the same standards that animal rights activists are using to argue for animal personhood, the abortion industry (and its legal and political cabal) argue that at his or her earliest stages, human beings are not possessed of the necessary qualities of persons and therefore their killing (MURDER!my addition) is justified (They lie!my addition).

Under this alternative theory of rights based on ability rather than humanity, Peter Singer (Professor of Bioethics [A misnomer based upon the people who infect the field!my addition] at Princeton University) openly argues that legal abortion should extend after birth into infanticide, and that pigs should have more rights than a newborn. As disgusting as Professor Singer’s views may seem to us, at the very least Mr. Singer applies the non Imago Dei logic correctly:

‘The argument that a fetus is not alive is a resort to a convenient fiction that turns an evidently living being into one that legally is not alive. Instead of accepting such fictions, we should recognise that the fact that a being is human, and alive, does not in itself tell us whether it is wrong to take that being’s life.’

The ‘press’ should make advocates of abortion and animal personhood defend the conclusions of their logic, but of course, they don’t (Of course not! They support abortion/MURDER!my addition). For as Professor Singer sincerely states, some would rather resort to ‘convenient fictions’ to justify their unsavory positions.

And that brings us back to the second cluster of ‘personhood’ in the news, and that is universal human personhood. Convenient fictions aside, science is unequivocal regarding the developmental stages of the human being. Every human being’s life started as a zygote: that single cell that packs the punch of a big bang (Absolutely! And that was true back in 1973! The Left LIED!my addition). The scientific recognition of the start of a human’s life along with the religious commandment to protect all innocent humans is what has led the pro-life movement to declare that the right to life should begin at conception (Of course! Because it does!my addition).

The phrase that life begins at conception has a nice flow to it, and generally, pro-life politicians embrace the sound of it, even if they almost never fully embrace the logical conclusions. For there is nothing like being accused by the media of attempting to outlaw ‘commonly used forms of birth control’ to break up the sweet flowing sound of ‘life begins at conception (Only for the uninformed and the cowardly!my addition).’

If you don’t believe me, ask Colorado Republican Cory Gardner, who after coming under Democrat and mainstream media fire for supporting personhood and the idea that fundamental human rights begin at conception, has suddenly become the most outspoken advocate for ‘affordable, over the counter contraception.’ Of course, by ‘contraception” he means chemicals and devices that may or may not kill a developing human being (By definition, it can not be! “Contrameans against! By definition some action that is prevented AFTER conception can not be a contraception!)my addition), but those are just details, right? Or ask Dr. Rand Paul, now a presumptive presidential candidate, who after being the prime sponsor of a federal personhood bill, blithely stated that of course he supports the abortifacient morning after pill (Then he is NOT pro-life!my addition). Add to that the repudiation of personhood by Republicans Joni Ernst from Iowa and Thom Tillis from North Carolina and you get the drift.

Democrat strategists think they have a silver bullet, or based on the number and repetitive nature of their attacks it is more appropriate to say that they have a couple of silver mines, bullet factories in Washington DC consultant firms, and machine guns in every news room in America (Except they are WRONG!my addition).

Only in a very sick society (SINFUL society!my addition) could we read the media simultaneously lionizing the people who argue that a chimpanzee should be treated as persons while ridiculing and chastising politicians that believe that our legislation should recognized unborn human beings as persons.

So what are we pro-lifers to do? Repudiate our principles in the face of attacks? Treat the American constituent like ‘low information voters’ and try to pitch them the convenient fiction that we ‘support life’ but don’t really care to think through the details? Should we tell and believe these little lies in order to get ‘our people’ into office?

I think that this election cycle will prove that specially on fundamental questions, running away from your principles does not help you. Running scared only puts blood in the water that attracts the sharks to come and bite your limbs off (No! Pro-life without exception! GOD did not put in exceptions when HE gave usThou shalt not murder!”my addition).

Ronald Reagan, who Republicans love to emulate, wrote his pro-life treatise, Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation, while still in his first term. In it, he stated his open support for personhood:

‘The Congress has before it several measures that would enable our people to reaffirm the sanctity of human life, even the smallest and the youngest and the most defenseless. The Human Life Bill expressly recognizes the unborn as human beings and accordingly protects them as persons under our Constitution.’

Has America deteriorated to the point where Republicans have to run away from Ronald Reagan?

In school, running away from a fight makes you a sissy, in modern American politics, well, it still makes you a sissy. Even after all the anti-bullying education out there, everyone knows that the best way to get rid of bullies is to stop being a sissy and confront them (Exactly!my addition).

In the age of the dreaded female votethat mass of proletariat who allegedly want nothing more than to abort (MURDER!my addition) as many children as possible for as low a cost as possible (Do you realize what this says about women if true?my addition)it would be refreshing for a politician to man up. And by that I mean to be an intellectual and political leader (We need many more Senator Ted Cruzs and Mike Lees! There are also some who stand up in the House of Representatives! We need more! If you can not stand up for life what will you stand up for?my addition).

Politicians and other leaders must deal with the fundamental issue of the right to life with logic and faith. Point out that it is abortion advocates who have to answer to young women as to whether the ‘contraception’ that they are pushing down their throats is causing them to kill their unborn children (Any AFTER conception are by definition!my addition). Make abortion advocates tell the American people what logic they would use to guarantee human rights. If it is only ‘possessing self-awareness, empathy, elements of culture, complex memory and recognition of death’ then make them face the fact that by their standards chimps would have rights under our constitution but full term, viable fetuses would not (The supposed definition by the Left is ridiculous and wrong!my addition). Maybe even explain that the very reason that we have animal rights in the first place is that we humans see some reflections of our humanity in certain animals, and that the characteristically human traits such as self-awareness, bonding, memory etc. reinforce the idea that humans have an inherent value independent of anything else.

America is under a siege of ideas, immersed in a philosophical existential battle. The battle is far past political elections and parties. Both animal rights activists and abortion advocates seek to destroy the concept of inherent human rights founded upon the principle of the Imago Dei. To fight this evil empire we don’t need more John Boehners, we need more Ronald Reagans (We need Christians who will stand up and FIGHT for the word of GOD! Still the basis for EVERYTHING!my addition).

There is a reason why freedom has flourished in Judeo Christian nations. As Locke posited, men and women were created free and equal, deriving their value not from a particular nation state but from their essential humanity and from God. That which caused the fall, the temptation to play God, to decide who lives and who dies, is what is destroying Christendom.

Perhaps though, we have reached a new low, for as the battle over personhood illustrates, not only do we want to decide who lives and who dies, but we also wish to be The Creator, making animals in our own image. For how else can granting human rights to chimpanzees be described (As inanely stupid?my addition)?

These may seem like farcical situations but they are symptomatic of a society in dire need of intellectual leadership (And GODLY moral leadership!my addition).

If a politician asks for your vote but doesn’t know where our freedom comes from or is unwilling to stand up, articulate, and defend his ideals consistently, then that politician does not deserve your vote (True! No back benchers!my addition). After all they may end up defending the rights of chimps over those of children (How morally corrupt and bankrupt have we become as a nation and people?my addition).

Universal human personhood must be our litmus test (From conception to natural death of the body!my addition). The future of the world depends on it.

Victory through JESUS the Christ is complete! The question is how many will join the FAMILY of GOD and how many will be lost?

Lets make 2015 a benchmark year in protecting all human life from conception to natural death. It can be done. It will not be done if we do not try, pray, work, and put our faith and trust in GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT and THEIR power!

Planned MURDERHOOD is the most prolific MURDER organization in our nations history! Without question! And the federal government gives it money! And the federal government gives money to worldwide organizations that MURDER unborn babies! Why are we funding MURDER?

2 Corinthians 5: 10 (NIV)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

Romans 8: 28 (NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Sign the new Speaker John Boehner motivated petition to impeach our lawless President:

Government Golf Ball subsidy! Beautiful!

Abraham Lincoln:

President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!

Jonathan Gruber’s controversial comments about Obamacare in a single two minute video:

Jonathan Gruber before Congress he either lied to Congress or he lied to his fellow academics? Which do you think he lied to? I know my answer! So does Chairman Issa!

