Thursday, July 14, 2005

These letters to the editor were written on July 4th. The first one was not published; the second one was although they edited out the last five sentences and did not place a comma where it should have been. Not too bad for a newspaper.

Came home from the corporate worship of God Sunday. Thought I might watch some of the Cardinal game. Turned on the television. Since it was not yet game time, I did some channel surfing. Came across an old "Cosby Show" episode.

Theo accidentally and unknowingly brought home a marijuana cigarette placed in his book by another student. The episode was moral, funny, and didn't use any obscenties.

It didn't once take the Lord's name in vain by using the most misused phrase on television today--"Oh my God." I hear that phrase; I turn off the television. I don't watch much television.

The psychobabblers and humanistic rationalists claim we need more self-esteem. We don't need more self-esteem. We need more God esteem--the love and fear of the Lord!

Naturally, that one did not get published. This one did for the most part.

Eight years of war. Approximately one third of the adult population supported the war. Only one other major nation supported the war effort. The enemy hired fighters from other nations to fight for them.

Starvation, deprivation, desertion, and continual losses in battle. Thousands of lives lost in battle, to starvation, to the elements. Lack of clothing, uniforms, ammunition, transportation, the basic necessities of life. Homes burned, businesses lost, families destroyed. Traitors, spies hung for treason, loss of spirit. Demands that the leaders be replaced. Demands of surrender. Victory!

Thank You Lord that the patriots of the Revolutionary War did not abandon their fight for freedom against impressive odds. Thank You God that there was no public opinion poll to influence the outcome of the war. Thank You Lord that the minority did not buckle under to opposition. Thank You God that there was not a daily body count of the patriots killed and dying during the war. Thank You Lord for the unfailing leadership provided. Thank You God for Your help. Thank You Lord for victory for a new democratic nation.


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