Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I just finished watching "Remember the Titans" on television. It's probably the first movie I have watched from start to end in at least ten years. (Some people say I don't get out much.) For those who aren't familiar with the movie. It's Hollywood's version of the first football season of a newly integrated high school in Virginia. I have said for years that I don't get my history from Hollywood. I don't get my theology from Hollywood. (That's why I never watched Mel Gibson's movie about CHRIST'S crucifixion.)

However, when you think about it; none of us has any choice before birth about our skin color, our size, our natural abilities, our looks, or anything else. Yet, to GOD that is not what is important. The Bible confirms that JESUS the CHRIST died on the cross for each and everyone of us.

I find it amazing that we can reject that love for us. We think that we know better than the CREATOR of the universe. No sane father allows his child to do whatever the child wants. Yet, we think we can sin and ignore GOD'S truth and not suffer the consequences even though the Bible clearly states that some will be condemned because they refuse to repent and turn to GOD in obedience to HIM. How catastrophic!

We don't have any choices before birth, we do afterwards. GOD has given us free will. Ultimately, we can not blame our genetics for what we believe, for our faith (or lack thereof), or how we live our life. We alone are responsible for the choices we make. When we are on our faces before the judgment seat of GOD, do you really think HE will accept any of our excuses for not accepting HIS SON as our LORD and SAVIOR?

"JESUS answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.'" (John 14:6) JESUS says, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" (Matthew 16:26)


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