Friday, September 09, 2005

The quote from Tuesday, "When a strict interpretation of the Constitution, according to the fixed rules which govern the interpretation of laws, is abandoned, and the theoretical opinions of individuals are allowed to control its meaning, we have no longer a Constitution; we are under the government of individual men, who for the time being have power to declare what the Constitution is according to their own views of what it ought to mean." (60 U.S. 621.) Did you guess Roe v. Wade the arrogantly obscene 1973 court decision that allows a mother to murder her own unborn baby? If you did, you are wrong. This quote is from a much earlier court case. It is from the equally infamous Dred Scott v. Standford court case of 1856. The quote was part of the dissenting opinion from Justice Benjamin Curtis who wrote in opposition to the 7-2 majority decision.

The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice Roger Taney. In his opinion the Supreme Court ruled that African Americans were not nor could they be U.S. citizens, that slaves were property, and that the Missouri Compromise that outlawed slavery in the territories was unconstitutional. The Dred Scott Decision was primarily supported by the Democratic Party and was opposed by the newly formed Republican Party.

"Whether it was dicta or not, Taney discussed the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise and the debate over slavery in the territories. His goal was to finally settle the status of slavery in the territories in favor of the South. Ignoring the plain language of the Constitution, Taney argued that Congress did not have the power to pass laws to regulate anything, including slavery, in the territories.

Taney also argued that any law that prohibited a master from taking a slave into the territories violated the Fifth Amendment, which protected the right to private property. Taney wrote that 'the right to property in a slave is distinctly and expressly affirmed in the Constitution.'" (Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2004, Contributed By: Paul Finkelman.) This case is a prime example of Supreme Court Justices placing their own opinions above the clear meaning and intent of the Constitution. The country less than ten years later was involved in a bloody civil war in part because of this decision. Activist Justices ignoring Constitutional principles wrote their own decision based upon their own value judgments!

Almost one hundred twenty years later, activist Justices wrote their own law in relation to the murder of unborn babies. The Dred Scott Case and Roe v. Wade Case allowing the murder of unborn babies are the two most compelling examples of activist Justices doing untold harm to the nation because they have refused to follow the Constitution of the United States in violation of their oath of office.

We must stop the murder of unborn babies and stop activist Justices from controlling the country through their Courtocracy. Wake up America! Wake up Christians! Become actively involved in saving our nation from out of control activist Justices.


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