Saturday, September 17, 2005

There was an article in today's Peoria Journal Star claiming that the Democrats will not attempt to filibuster over Judge Roberts' nomination and that he will be confirmed by the Senate. The only question remaining according to the Associated Press writer was how many no votes he will receive from the Democrats. Here is a quote from the article. "A strong 'no' vote also tells Bush he shouldn't nominate an ideologically rigid conservative as O'Connor's replacement, said Nan Aron of the liberal Alliance for Justice.

'The fact of the matter is that they're casting a vote on the chief justice, the highest judicial post of our country, the public face of the judiciary, and they should feel confident that when they vote 'No,' they are articulating an important statement about their values,' she said" (The "they" she is referring to are Senate Democrats.)

Let's examine this quote. First the Alliance for Justice in my political opinion is not liberal; it is one of many libertine groups that oppose a strict interpretation of the Constitution. They oppose a strict interpretation of the Constitution because they know such an interpretation would prevent the libertine policies that they espouse. They desire to have as much control over the judiciary as they possibly can because they have already lost control of the two elected branches of the federal government that answer directly to the people. They have been using the small, unelected judicial branch of government for years to force their agenda on the American people. It is much easier to convince five unelected Justices to make inappropriate changes than it is to convince elected bodies who have to stand before the people for reelection.

What does she mean when she refers to an "ideologically rigid conservative?" I would interpret that as any judge or individual who believes that the Constitution should be the basis for Constitutional decisions. Again, using the actual wording and precedents of the Constitution will not allow the implementation of their political agenda. Thus, they want only activists to be appointed to the Court. Anyone other than a judicial activist is an "ideologically rigid conservative." Rigid because they will not respond to arguments not based on the Constitution. Conservative because they actually believe that the Constitution is the basis for law in this country and should therefore be used as worded to reach decisions on Constitutional questions. In other words, they don't want anyone who will actually follow the Constitution in reaching Constitutional decisions. How strange!

What are the values that libertine Democrats will be articulating if they vote no against Judge Roberts' nomination? The desire to have activist judges appointed to all court positions. The desire to continue the thirty-two year practice of murdering unborn babies. The desire to recognize homosexuality as a civil right. The desire to remove all references to GOD the CREATOR of the universe in relation to all levels of government and public life. The desire to foster upon us a libertine society.

This quote demonstrates that the battle is far from over. Even if Judge Roberts is confirmed by the Senate as he should be, they are far from giving up their desire to control the country through the judiciary. The next appointment to the Supreme Court will no doubt be another test in relation to the direction this nation takes. We must continue to demand the appointment of and confirmation of Justices and judges who will obey the Constitution and use the Constitution as the basis for reaching Constitutional decisions.

The power is in our hands, let's use it!


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