Saturday, October 29, 2005

I was going through some saved papers the other day when I came across this letter to the editor that was originally published on 5/19/98 and reprinted in my church’s weekly bulletin.  I am reprinting it tonight because I plan on discussing this topic to a greater extent Monday.  

“Until I read an AP article entitled ‘Little-Known Apes Challenge Theories’ (news story, May 11), I did not realize that it had been established than man and all other living species descended from a common ancestor six million years ago.  Indeed, the author stated that without any disclaimer, quotes or references.  I believe this is more than a lapse in good journalistic practice; it represents a shallowness of thinking which we too readily accept nowadays as a ‘good’ education.  I also hold the editors of The Oklahoman to fault for not taking the time to more carefully screen for significant errors in their publication.  (Of course, the Peoria Journal Star also routinely prints as fact the absurd notion that we are descended from a common ancestor—my addition.)  

As noted in Michael Behe’s “Darwin’s Black Box,” evolution as a credible scientific process is microbiologically and biochemically preposterous.  Scott Huse’s “The Collapse of Evolution” exposes its many flaws and weaknesses.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that evolution is nothing more than a religious faith, a faith created by man in order to place himself at the center of the universe and to exclude an inconvenient God.  Just because our self-serving culture chooses to inject a false doctrine as evolution into its educational curriculum, to the exclusion of any mention of a God-inspired design in the world, does not mandate that we forget our common sense and accept it.  Indeed, it takes a great deal more faith and suspension, to believe in evolution than to practice any other religious faith.

This atheist may sputter about ‘a common ancestor,’ but, as John Wayne said, ‘That don’t change the truth none.’  The Oklahoman needs to be a little more careful in representing ‘truth’ to its readers.  (As the editorial writers of the Journal Star have alluded to, they believe in multiple truths anyway; I don’t expect them to see the truth of truth unless God works on their hearts—my addition.)

John R. Young M.D.

I reprinted the above letter to the editor to emphasis the following comments.  Evolution is either true or it is a lie.  The Bible claims that GOD created the universe and all that is within it.  That too is either true or it is a lie.  


Consider this; the Bible also declares that there is a Heaven and a Hell.  That we all have not only a physical body but a soul and a spirit.  We are three in one just as GOD is three in one.  Evolution can not account for either a soul or a spirit nor could such entities realistically evolve.  Consequently, it is realistic to conclude that according to evolution theory neither the soul nor the spirit exists nor could they have ever existed.  After all, what could they have evolved from?  

The Bible also maintains that each of us after our physical death will either spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.  That also is either true or it is a lie.  According to the theory of evolution, there can not be either a Heaven or Hell.  Again, no method of evolving into two such places.  So, what is left?  What is the X of evolution after death?  NOTHING!  We live, we die, we are no more!        


Blogger Lee Keele said...

Hi Gunslinger,

I enjoyed your article on evolution or God, especially since I am in the midst of Lee Strobel's "The Case for a Creator." He states, as do you, that evolution is often merely assumed as being the faith of the scientific and rational. To me, this is as much a reflection of our societies' tendencies to buy into a rationalistic (Lockean or Baconian) philosophy as it a reflection of our cumulative ignorance.

While postmodernism is often touted as an antagonist to knowledge, reason and truth, the fact is that today's culture, evident especially in today's Christian church, is beginning to be more and more comfortable with the unknown, the metaphysical and the "spiritual."

Not to defend evolution, but if modern philosophers are right and all truth and knowledge can come only through our human sensces and from that which has "naturally evolved," then we are left only deny the existence of God which would require us to accept that there is a truth or knowledge that transcends the secular world.

I like your analogy about Heaven and Hell, but find it a bit difficult to swallow logically. I'm a bit slow sometimes, give me a chance to chew on it a while and maybe I'll get there.

3:05 PM  

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