Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Why not sue?

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

Remember a while back when an off-duty Chicago policeman was caught on tape beating up a Chicago bartender. Guess what. According to the news on WGN (a Chicago TV station) Monday night (4/30/07, 9p.m. news) the bartender is suing the off-duty policeman. But wait. That is not all. The bartender is also suing the city of Chicago.

Of course, I have not read the lawsuit so I don’t know the legal theory argued as far as why Chicago is responsible for the actions of an off-duty employee. However, you and I both know the reason why the city of Chicago was named in the suit. Let’s say it all together. One, two, three: MONEY!!! The city of Chicago has much deeper pockets than some poor slob of an ex-policeman who will probably never find decent work in the area again.

Don’t get me wrong. The guy should be held accountable. He had no business beating on anyone and I’m no great fan of the city of Chicago. However, would some one please explain to me how any employer can control the actions of an employee when he is off-duty?

Consider the ramifications. Any teacher who does anything illegal with any student(s) off-duty could cause the school district to be sued because he or she is employed by the school district. Are all employers now responsible for the actions of any and all of their employees at any time simply because they are employed by that enterprise and therefore theoretically are going to have deeper pockets than the employee? Should parents be held accountable for the illegal actions of their adult children?

Again, without reading the actual lawsuit, it seems absolutely ludicrous to hold the city of Chicago responsible for the actions of an off-duty employee. I wonder if Las Vegas will establish odds on the result of this lawsuit. Could the odds be better than 50% that Chicago would lose? What judge in his right mind would allow such an absurd claim? But then, as they say: “Only in America!” No wonder some lawyers have such poor reputations.

If Chicago loses this case, I do believe I am going to sue every member of the Supreme Court for allowing the wanton slaughter of millions of unborn babies. If the city of Chicago can be held accountable for the beating inflicted by an off-duty policeman, then certainly the members of the Supreme Court should be held accountable for allowing the inhumane murder of millions of unborn babies. Of course, in GOD’S final judgment they each will be held accountable as well as everyone who supports such obscene murders. However, it would also be appropriate to hold them accountable here on earth too.

Certainly, the members of the Supreme Court are directly responsible for the murder of millions. If Chicago is responsible for the actions of an employee, how much more responsible are the Court members for millions of ghastly murders! Get the baby murderers off of the Supreme Court!!!

Stop the
Murder of

Stop the
Murder of the


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