Sunday, December 23, 2007

Civic Test questions 41 to 60

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

Because of the length of the test, I am dividing it into 3 segments of 20 questions each. See the December 19, 2007 post for an explanation of the origin of the test. The website for it is Of course, you can take the complete test at that site and they will provide the correct answers.

“Test your knowledge by answering the sixty multiple-choice questions below. You must answer all questions. When you are finished, use the button at the bottom to submit your quiz for scoring. You will be given a score for the number of questions you answered correctly. For those questions you missed, the appropriate answer will be provided. A printable version of the quiz, along with the answers, is available for download for those who register.

41) The major powers at odds with each other in the ‘Cold War’ were the United States and:

 A. Germany.
 B. Iran.
 C. Vietnam.
 D. the Soviet Union.
 E. Poland.

42) How did President Kennedy respond to the Cuban Missile Crisis?

 A. He imposed a naval blockade on Cuba.
 B. He landed Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs.
 C. He sent troops to Cuba to destroy nuclear weapons.
 D. He went to Havana to meet with Fidel Castro.
 E. He ended all diplomatic communications with the Soviet Union.

43) ‘Balance of power’ refers to:

 A. A state that seeks to expand its power generates resistance by other states.
 B. States that are militarily powerful tend to acquire strong allies.
 C. Weaker states tend to ‘join the winner’ in most international conflicts.
 D. Land and sea powers tended to balance one another.
 E. Terrorists conceal their demands and affiliations.

44) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) was significant because it:

 A. ended the war in Korea.
 B. gave President Johnson the authority to expand the scope of the Vietnam Conflict.
 C. was an attempt to take foreign policy away from the President.
 D. allowed China to become a member of the United Nations.
 E. allowed for oil exploration in Southeast Asia.

45) Which wall was President Reagan referring to when he said, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall’?

 A. Kremlin Wall
 B. Wailing Wall
 C. Hadrian’s Wall
 D. Great Wall of China
 E. Berlin Wall

46) Among which of these groups would Saddam Hussein have found his most reliable supporters?

 A. Islamic Brotherhood
 B. Baath Party
 C. Communist Party
 D. Hamas
 E. Israelis

47) The stated United States objective of the 1991 Persian Gulf War was to:

 A. block Soviet expansion in the Middle East.
 B. defend Israel.
 C. overthrow the Iraqi government.
 D. expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
 E. recover control of the Suez Canal.

48) Inflation:

 A. results from an over-abundance of goods and services.
 B. has not been a problem since the Great Depression.
 C. reduces money’s purchasing power even when some prices decrease.
 D. is monitored daily by the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
 E. remains beyond the influence of central banks due to oil price fluctuations.

49) Free enterprise or capitalism exists insofar as:

 A. experts managing the nation’s commerce are appointed by elected officials.
 B. individual citizens create, exchange, and control goods and resources.
 C. charity, philanthropy, and volunteering decrease.
 D. demand and supply are decided through majority vote.
 E. Government implements policies that favor businesses over consumers.

50) Free markets typically secure more economic prosperity than government’s centralized planning because:

 A. the price system utilizes more local knowledge of means and ends.
 B. markets rely upon coercion, whereas government relies upon voluntary compliance with the law.
 C. more tax revenue can be generated from free enterprise.
 D. property rights and contracts are best enforced by the market system.
 E. government planners are too cautious in spending taxpayers’ money.

51) Which of the following is the best measure of production or output of an economy?

 A. Gross Domestic Product
 B. Consumer Price Index
 C. Unemployment Rate
 D. Prime Rate
 E. Exchange Rate

52) Business profit is:

 A. cost minus revenue.
 B. assets minus liabilities.
 C. revenue minus expenses.
 D. selling price of a stock minus its purchase price.
 E. earnings minus assets.

53) National defense is considered a public good because:

 A. a majority of citizens value it.
 B. a resident can benefit from it without directly paying for it.
 C. military contracts increase employment opportunities.
 D. a majority of citizens support the military during war.
 E. airport security personnel are members of the Federal civil service.

54) Keynesian economists conclude that the recession phase of a business cycle:

 A. involves a lower unemployment rate.
 B. occurs when investment spending crowds out consumer spending.
 C. can be eliminated by government taxing more than it spends.
 D. can be reversed by government spending more than it taxes.
 E. can be reversed with higher interest rates.

55) Over the past forty years, real income among American households has:

 A. remained the same when averaged over all households.
 B. involved the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
 C. involved the poor getting richer and the rich getting poorer.
 D. decreased for the middle class and increased for the upper class.
 E. increased for the lower and middle classes and increased most for the upper class.

56) Why are businesses in two different countries most likely to trade with each other?

 A. They know that although one business will be hurt from trading, the other will be better off, and they both hope to be the winner.
 B. Businesses are unable to sell their products in their own countries.
 C. Each business expects to be better off as a result of the trade.
 D. Their respective governments require them to do so.
 E. The natural resources of both countries are similar.

57) The price of movie tickets has increased. According to the law of supply and demand, what is likely to be the result?

 A. Theaters will sell fewer tickets.
 B. Theaters’ revenues will increase.
 C. The quality of movie theaters will improve.
 D. The number of videos rented will decrease.
 E. Popcorn purchases at theaters will increase.

58) What is a major effect of a purchase of bonds by the Federal Reserve?

 A. A reduction in the supply of common stock.
 B. An increase in the volume of commercial bank loans.
 C. A decrease in the supply of money.
 D. An increase in interest rates.
 E. A decrease in investment spending by businesses.

59) A progressive tax:

 A. encourages more investment from those with higher incomes.
 B. is illustrated by a 6% sales tax.
 C. requires those with higher incomes to pay a higher ratio of taxes to income.
 D. requires every income class to pay the same ratio of taxes to income.
 E. earmarks revenues for poverty reduction.

60) The federal government’s largest pay out over the past twenty years has been for:

 A. military.
 B. social security.
 C. interest on the national debt.
 D. education.
 E. foreign aid.

How did you do? Are you ready to run for Congress? I have not yet taken the test at the website but I hope to soon.


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