Thursday, January 10, 2008

Steve Cox Congressional candidate, 15th district—Democrat Party
Fred Thompson for President
Endorsement posted on January 2, 2008

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

In mid-November, I mailed questionnaires to candidates for Congress from Congressional Districts—11, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 19. I also sent the questionnaire to the Senatorial candidates for Illinois. None of the Senatorial candidates responded. None of the Congressional candidates from Congressional District 18, which is my District, responded although Jim McConoughey – R sent campaign literature. Two candidates from other Districts answered the questionnaire. I am posting the original questions and the answer given with any comments provided. Each question asked for a response that strongly agreed, agreed, was undecided, disagreed or strongly disagreed. To save space and time, I am only posting the answer—not all five choices—for each question. I am posting the responses and comments by the candidates without any comment from me. Tonight’s Congressional candidate is Steve Cox Congressional candidate, 15th district—Democrat Party. The incumbent in the 15th district is Republican Timothy V. Johnson.

1) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to overturn the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade that allows abortion.

His answer: Strongly disagree

Comment: Roe vs. Wade is a Supreme Court decision with sufficient standing. The right to challenge always exists.

2) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to pass a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. No other types of marriages or civil unions are acceptable.

His answer: Strongly disagree

Comment: The Constitution should not attempt to sanctify what is primarily a religious institution: marriage. The public stature of marriage should not be limited.

3) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to expand the Constitutional rights of practicing homosexuals since the equal protection clause rightly permits such activity.

His answer: Strongly agree

Comment: These individuals have equal rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness as nature and nature’s God has made it best for them, as good human beings.

4) Congress should provide a “path to citizenship” for people who are in this country illegally.

His Answer: Agree

Comment: If they meet the standards that the Dream Act establishes to be eligible for citizenship.

5) “Strict constructionists” should be appointed to the Unites States Supreme Court and to the other lower federalist courts.

His Answer: Strongly disagree

Comment: As in the past, present and future, judges should always exercise their complete knowledge, skills and abilities to arrive at decisions on the bench.

6) A “windfall profits” tax should be placed upon oil companies that benefit with unexpectantly high profits from the high price of oil.

His Answer: Strongly agree

Comment: No comment was provided.

7) The United States Constitution provides for a “wall of separation between church and State” as defined by the United States Supreme Court.

His Answer: Strongly agree

Comment: No comment was provided.

8) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to end funding for our troops in Iraq and establish a timetable to withdraw United States armed forces.

His Answer: Strongly agree

Comment: No comment was provided.

9) The United States Supreme Court was correct in establishing abortion for women as a Constitutional right.

His Answer: Strongly agree

Comment: See answer to question number one.

10) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to establish term limits for all members of Congress.

His Answer: Undecided

Comment: The real emphasis needs to be placed on the inappropriate and excessive influences of lobbist and PAC’s. The influence of money in political parties and persons must stop.

11) As a Congressman, I will work diligently to pass a Constitutional amendment to redefine citizenship so that babies born in the United States to individuals who are not American citizens do not automatically become a citizen at birth.

His Answer: Strongly disagree

Comment: No comment was provided.

12) The United States government needs to more vigorously enforce the immigrant laws as presently written by Congress.

His Answer: Undecided

Comment: The simple truth is we have failed to provide the appropriate means and/or have not seen the need to adjust our immigration policy. It needs a thorough review.

(To the best of my ability, I posted each answer and the comments exactly as provided. I did no editing—my addition.)


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