Thursday, June 19, 2008

Supreme Court usurps its authority again, part 3

Remember the Vision Forum “Giveaway” See the post of June 14, 2008 for complete details: “Vision Forum ‘Giveaway’”

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I had planned on only one post in relation to the Supreme Court decision and FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS. However, that has changed. In the Peoria Journal Star’s typical practice of providing balanced journalism, the paper printed four articles in relation to the decision. Three of the articles—an editorial by a national journalist, a political “cartoon” editorial, and an editorial by the on staff editorial writers—supported the Supreme Court decision. One editorial was opposed to the decision. However, it doesn’t matter. The paper could publish 100 editorials in favor of the decision and every one of them would be—wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

I’m not yet sure if I’m going to discuss all four editorials although I probably will. Tonight’s post is the editorial that opposed the Supreme Court decision. It was published in the Peoria Journal Star on June 17, 2008 on page A4 and written by Cal Thomas. Although the article discusses more than the Supreme Court decision, I’m quoting the entire writing.

“Judges will have blood on their hands
by Cal Thomas

When the terrorists attack again—as Homeland Security has repeatedly warned us they will—how many survivors will be consoled because the Supreme Court looked out for the ‘rights’ of terrorists before the rights of their dead loved ones?

Will the dead be wrapped in a copy of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling granting foreign detainees, whose mission is to destroy our Constitution, our country and way of life, the right to appeal to U.S. civilian courts to challenge their detention, a right that should be reserved only for American citizens? (Regardless of what the Supreme Court rules, it is a right that is ONLY reserved for American citizens. By definition, the Constitution of the United States applies to AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! To define it any other way is to IGNORE the provisions of the CONSTITUTION—my addition.) Perhaps inside the caskets can go a statement by the State Department refusing to close Islamic schools underwritten by the government of Saudi Arabia, which teach visceral hatred of Jews, Christians and all things Western.

To the second issue first. Despite the recommendation from a federal panel that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandra, Va., be closed for promoting hate, the State Department won’t go along. State (the State Department—my addition) has jurisdiction because as part of the Saudi government, the school is subject to the Foreign Missions Act. A local Democratic politician running for Congress won’t support the closing of the school, either. He is Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly, who has reportedly called critics of the academy ‘bigots.’ Perhaps his position is related to a $2.2 million check he accepted from the Saudi Embassy to extend its lease.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom looked into reports that the school was teaching hate. The school promised to clean up the textbooks. The commission looked again to see if the school had done so and concluded it had not. In addition to vilifying Jews, children are taught it is permissible for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim and those who convert from Islam. (I just thought of this as I was typing the material. Not only does the Bible declare than homosexuality is a sin, so does the Koran. Homosexuals who are rushing to get married in California (and those who have married in Massachusetts) better hope that terrorists don’t gain access of said marriage records. The records would identify what some terrorists might consider ideal targets for retribution. Fortunately for homosexuals, Christians allow GOD to dispense justice and mercy. By definition, TERRORISTS tend not to do so—my addition.) We are allowing a training ground for future terrorists on American soil.

In addition to whatever harm is caused by terrorists who manage to win their freedom, the Supreme Court decision will cause collateral damage. Granting terrorists seized on the battlefield access to civilian courts also sends another message; America is not serious about winning the war. It tells them they can ‘game’ the system, demanding rights and protections unknown in their countries of origin. (I would classify this as an “unintended consequence” but I’m not sure it is unintended. There are way too many who have their heads buried in the sand refusing to recognize that these FOREIGN TERRORISTS intend to KILL us and DESTROY our nation. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. It is FOLLY to help them to do so in any way—my addition.)

According to Justice Antonin Scalia, 30 former detainees have ‘allegedly’ returned to the battlefield to kill American troops and others. On whose hands should be their blood. (Some Supreme Court members have a lot of blood on their hands including the blood of millions of unborn children BUTCHERED because of their obscene rulings!!!—my addition)

Who should be held accountable for the blood of Americans killed by terrorists who have gained their freedom courtesy of a federal judge, a judge who usurped the authority and judgment of the executive branch and the military? This is bound to demoralize our soldiers who will wonder why they should bother to seize terrorists at all if they are just going to be released. They might kill them all in the field, but then they would probably be court-martialed. (Does it make sense to free FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS through civilian courts? NO! It has never been done before in our history. NEVER!!!—my addition)

The U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) says, ‘the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.’ Justice Anthony Kennedy, one of Ronald Reagan’s biggest mistakes (along with former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor—my addition), wrote that the same rights granted to American citizens also cover non-citizens by virtue of their presence on land controlled by the U.S. military, even though that land is Cuba. (As I said in my previous post, during World War II we held German prisoners of war in the United States including in the Morton, Illinois area and NOT ONE of those FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS were given access to civilian courts. NOT ONE!!!—my addition)

Have we not been invaded? Didn’t the 9/11 terrorists ‘invade’ America for the specific purpose of harming us?

The next attack probably won’t come by airplane. It will come in a shopping mall, or a school, or on Wall Street, or possibly all three. Perhaps someone who manages to extricate himself from Guantanamo, thanks to a liberal judge, will lead the attack. (That won’t matter because we don’t hold our judges accountable for unconstitutional decisions. WE SHOULD!!! WE MUST!!!—my addition) What will the Supreme Court and State Department say to cleanse the blood from their hands?” (My guess is they will say, “Oh well. It’s not our fault. We were just interpreting the Constitution. We are not accountable. The writers of the Constitution should have been clearer if FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS were not to be involved in civilian courts. We just try to do our best to do what WE THINK is best for the country”—my addition.)

This ruling is simply an illegal edict by a Supreme Court that enjoys rewriting the Constitution of the United States. THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!!

Article I, Section 8 declares “The Congress shall have Power … To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water….” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” NOT ANY FEDERAL COURT; NOT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”

Historically, when Congress has not made such rules during time of war, who do you think made such rules? The Supreme Court??? NO!!! NEVER!!! It has been the President under his power as commander in chief of the armed forces—Article II, Section 2. Does the Supreme Court have the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water?” NOT ACCORDING TO THE CONSTUTITION OF THE UNITED STATES!!! If that power is so listed, please tell me where it is because I have some knowledge of the Constitution and I have NEVER read it in the CONSTITUTION! NEVER!!! I haven’t read it because it is NOT in the CONSTITUTION!!!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)


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