Tuesday, May 12, 2009

“Hate crimes” and the roll call vote of the House of Representatives, part 7


H R 1913—RECORDED VOTE—29-Apr-2009—4:55 PM

QUESTION: On Passage

BILL TITLE: Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Democrats: Yes—231; No—17; Not voting—8

Republicans: Yes—18; No—158; Not voting—2

Totals: Yes—249; No—175; Not voting—10

Please note: I copied and pasted the names from the roll call site so if any names are misspelled they were misspelled by the individual(s) who posted them originally.

The yes votes listed alphabetically by last name with Party identification—Democrats are listed first and then Republicans:

Abercrombie—D; Ackerman—D; Adler (NJ)—D; Altmire—D; Andrews—D; Arcuri—D; Baca—D; Baird—D; Baldwin—D; Barrow—D; Bean—D; Becerra—D; Berkley—D; Berman—D; Bishop (GA)—D; Bishop (NY)—D; Blumenauer—D; Boccieri—D;
Boswell—D; Boucher—D; Boyd—D; Brady (PA)—D; Braley (IA)—D; Brown, Corrine—D; Capps—D; Capuano—D; Cardoza—D; Carnahan—D; Carson (IN)—D; Castor (FL)—D; Chandler—D; Clarke—D; Clay—D; Cleaver—D; Clyburn—D; Cohen—D; Connolly (VA)—D; Conyers—D; Cooper—D; Costa—D; Costello—D; Courtney—D; Crowley—D; Cuellar—D; Cummings—D; Dahlkemper—D; Davis (CA)—D; Davis (IL)—D; DeFazio—D; DeGette—D; Delahunt—D; DeLauro—D; Dicks—D; Dingell—D; Doggett—D; Doyle—D; Driehaus—D; Edwards (MD)—D; Edwards (TX)—D; Ellison—D; Engel—D; Eshoo—D; Etheridge—D; Farr—D; Fattah—D; Filner—D; Foster—D; Frank (MA)—D; Fudge—D; Giffords—D; Gonzalez—D; Grayson—D; Green, Al—D; Green, Gene—D; Grijalva—D; Gutierrez—D; Hall (NY)—D; Halvorson—D; Hare—D; Harman—D; Hastings (FL)—D; Heinrich—D; Herseth Sandlin—D; Higgins—D; Hill—D; Himes—D; Hinchey—D; Hinojosa—D; Hirono—D; Hodes—D; Holden—D; Holt—D; Honda—D; Hoyer—D; Inslee—D; Israel—D; Jackson (IL)—D; Jackson-Lee (TX)—D; Johnson (GA)—D; Johnson, E. B.—D; Kagen—D; Kanjorski—D; Kaptur—D; Kennedy—D; Kildee—D; Kilpatrick (MI)—D; Kilroy—D; Kind—D; Kirkpatrick (AZ)—D; Kissell—D; Klein (FL)—D; Kosmas—D; Kratovil—D; Kucinich—D; Langevin—D; Larsen (WA)—D; Larson (CT)—D; Lee (CA)—D; Levin—D; Lewis (GA)—D; Lipinski—D; Loebsack—D; Lofgren, Zoe—D; Lowey—D; Luján—D; Lynch—D; Maffei—D; Maloney—D; Markey (CO)—D; Markey (MA)—D; Marshall—D; Massa—D; Matheson—D; Matsui—D; McCarthy (NY)—D; McCollum—D; McDermott—D; McGovern—D; McMahon—D; McNerney—D; Meek (FL)—D; Meeks (NY)—D; Michaud—D; Miller (NC)—D; Minnick—D; Mitchell—D; Mollohan—D; Moore (KS)—D; Moore (WI)—D; Moran (VA)—D; Murphy (CT)—D; Murphy (NY)—D; Murphy, Patrick—D; Nadler (NY)—D; Napolitano—D; Neal (MA)—D; Nye—D; Oberstar—D; Obey—D; Olver—D; Ortiz—D; Pallone—D; Pascrell—D; Pastor (AZ)—D; Payne—D; Pelosi—D; Perlmutter—D; Peters—D; Pingree (ME)—D; Polis (CO)—D; Pomeroy—D; Price (NC)—D; Quigley—D; Rahall—D; Rangel—D; Reyes—D; Richardson—D; Rodriguez—D; Rothman (NJ)—D; Roybal-Allard—D; Rush—D; Ryan (OH)—D; Salazar—D; Sánchez, Linda T.—D; Sanchez, Loretta—D; Sarbanes—D; Schakowsky—D; Schauer—D; Schiff—D; Schrader—D; Schwartz—D; Scott (GA)—D; Scott (VA)—D; Serrano—D; Sestak—D; Shea-Porter—D; Sherman—D; Sires—D; Skelton—D; Slaughter—D; Smith (WA)—D; Snyder—D; Space—D; Speier—D; Spratt—D; Stupak—D; Sutton—D; Tauscher—D; Thompson (CA)—D; Thompson (MS)—D; Tierney—D; Titus—D; Tonko—D; Towns—D; Tsongas—D; Van Hollen—D; Velázquez—D; Visclosky—D; Walz—D; Wasserman Schultz—D; Waters—D; Watson—D; Watt—D; Waxman—D; Weiner—D; Welch—D; Wexler—D; Wilson (OH)—D; Woolsey—D; Wu—D; Yarmuth—D

01) Biggert—R
02) Bono Mack—R
03) Cao—R
04) Cassidy—R
05) Castle—R
06) Coffman (CO)—R
07) Dent—R
08) Diaz-Balart, L.—R
09) Diaz-Balart, M.—R
10) Frelinghuysen—R
11) Gerlach—R
12) Kirk—R
13) Lance—R
14) LoBiondo—R
15) Platts—R
16) Reichert—R
17) Ros-Lehtinen—R
18) Walden—R

The no votes listed alphabetically by last name with Party identification— Republicans are listed first and then Democrats:

Aderholt—R; Akin—R; Alexander—R; Austria—R; Bachmann—R; Bachus—R; Barrett (SC)—R; Bartlett—R; Barton (TX)—R; Bilbray—R; Bilirakis—R; Bishop (UT)—R; Blackburn—R; Blunt—R; Boehner—R; Bonner—R; Boozman—R; Boustany—R; Brady (TX)—R; Broun (GA)—R; Brown (SC)—R; Brown-Waite, Ginny—R; Buchanan—R; Burton (IN)—R; Buyer—R; Calvert—R; Camp—R; Campbell—R; Cantor—R; Capito—R; Carter—R; Chaffetz—R; Coble—R; Cole—R; Conaway—R; Crenshaw—R; Culberson—R; Davis (KY)—R; Deal (GA)—R; Dreier—R; Duncan—R; Ehlers—R; Emerson—R; Fallin—R; Flake—R; Fleming—R; Forbes—R; Fortenberry—R; Foxx—R; Franks (AZ)—R; Gallegly—R; Garrett (NJ)—R; Gingrey (GA)—R; Gohmert—R; Goodlatte—R; Graves—R; Guthrie—R; Hall (TX)—R; Harper—R; Hastings (WA)—R; Heller—R; Hensarling—R; Herger—R; Hoekstra—R; Hunter—R; Inglis—R; Issa—R; Jenkins—R; Johnson (IL)—R; Johnson, Sam—R; Jones—R; Jordan (OH)—R; King (IA)—R; King (NY)—R; Kingston—R; Kline (MN)—R; Lamborn—R; Latham—R; LaTourette—R; Latta—R; Lee (NY)—R; Lewis (CA)—R; Linder—R; Lucas—R; Luetkemeyer—R; Lummis—R; Lungren, Daniel E.—R; Mack—R; Manzullo—R; Marchant—R; McCarthy (CA)—R; McCaul—R; McClintock—R; McCotter—R; McHenry—R; McHugh—R; McKeon—R; McMorris Rodgers—R; Mica—R; Miller (FL)—R; Miller (MI)—R; Miller, Gary—R; Moran (KS)—R; Murphy, Tim—R; Myrick—R; Neugebauer—R; Nunes—R; Olson—R; Paul—R; Paulsen—R; Pence—R; Petri—R; Pitts—R; Poe (TX)—R; Posey—R; Price (GA)—R; Putnam—R; Radanovich—R; Rehberg—R; Roe (TN)—R; Rogers (AL)—R; Rogers (KY)—R; Rogers (MI)—R; Rohrabacher—R; Rooney—R; Roskam—R; Royce—R; Ryan (WI)—R; Scalise—R; Schmidt—R; Schock—R; Sensenbrenner—R; Sessions—R; Shadegg—R; Shimkus—R; Shuster—R; Simpson—R; Smith (NE)—R; Smith (NJ)—R; Smith (TX)—R; Souder—R; Stearns—R; Sullivan—R; Terry—R; Thompson (PA)—R; Thornberry—R; Tiahrt—R; Tiberi—R; Turner—R; Upton—R; Wamp—R; Westmoreland—R; Whitfield—R; Wilson (SC)—R; Wittman—R; Wolf—R; Young (AK)—R; Young (FL)—R

01) Boren—D
02) Bright—D
03) Carney—D
04) Childers—D
05) Davis (AL)—D
06) Davis (TN)—D
07) Donnelly (IN)—D
08) Ellsworth—D
09) Gordon (TN)—D
10) Griffith—D
11) McIntyre—D
12) Melancon—D
13) Peterson—D
14) Ross—D
15) Shuler—D
16) Tanner—D
17) Taylor—D

Not Voting: (listed alphabetically by last name with Party identification—Democrats are listed first and then Republicans)

Berry—D; Butterfield—D; Miller, George—D; Murtha—D; Perriello—D; Ruppersberger—D; Stark—D; Teague—D

01) Burgess—R
02) Granger—R

We need to stop this nation’s immoral decay and decadence! And we need to do it now before GOD decides we, as a nation, are NOT going to repent.


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