Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Healthcare Nationalization = 32 new agencies

After attending a meeting Monday evening, I turned on C-SPAN after returning home. It was between 8:30 PM and 9:00 PM (I believe). I would recommend watching C-SPAN every weekday night until the House goes into its August recess which is scheduled to start on August 3rd. At the present time, the Republican Representatives have been discussing some of the aspects of the Nationalized Healthcare proposal of Barack Hussein Obama. (Last night they dealt with “Cap and Trade.” I’m not sure why—perhaps to stop its passage in the Senate.)

There is little question that the Obama Nationalized Healthcare plan will increase employment—at least for the federal government. According to the Republicans, the plan includes 32 NEW federal agencies to REGULATE and CONTROL healthcare in this country. 32 must be a favor number of Barack Hussein Obama. We already have 32 new “Czars” since Obama began his Presidency in January of this year. And now we may have the privilege of having 32 NEW federal bureaus to REGULATE and CONTROL healthcare in this country. Isn’t it marvelous?

32 NEW federal agencies will certainly require thousands and thousands of new employees. And of course, millions to billions of dollars will be necessary to pay for this NEW REGULATE and CONTROL. And yet, this money will NOT provide a WHIT of actual healthcare! And the costs have just begun! Don’t you just love it!

A Peoria Journal Star article printed on January 19, 2007 (Note: This is almost exactly 2 and ½ years ago), page A8 had this headline: “Retiring baby boomers could weaken economy.” The sub-headline read: “Bernanke urges Congress to tackle shortcomings in Social Security, Medicare.” A key paragraph declared ‘Thus a vicious cycle may develop in which large deficits lead to rapid growth in debt and interest payments, which in turn adds to subsequent deficits,’ he said. Ultimately, a big expansion of the nation’s debt ‘would spark a fiscal crisis, which could be addressed only by very sharp spending cuts or tax increases or both,’ Bernanke warned.” (One would almost think he was speaking of the present Illinois State budget—Barack Hussein Obama [Or California State budget—Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman].)

In 2007, did Congress do anything about this possibility? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! In 2008, did Congress do anything about this possibility? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! In 2009, has Congress done anything about this possibility? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Instead, Congress has been spending billions of dollars MORE in:

1) “stimulus” money,

2) to gain control of/nationalize private business, and

3) increasing the 2009 general budget.

The result: a deficit for the 2009 budget year that ends in September (I believe) that is ALREADY ONE TRILLION dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) over the revenues received. Already, the interest payment on our national debt is approaching 50% of the budget. And yet, Congress wants to spend EVEN MORE money to NATIONALIZE HEALTHCARE! Have they LOST their collective minds? Is this the way they handle their own household budget? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!!!


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