Friday, July 24, 2009

MURDER is healthcare? WHAT!—updated

On Saturday, July 18, 2009, I posted comments entitled: “MURDER is healthcare? WHAT!” Tonight, an update on that post:

Our local newspaper finally published a story about the probability of the MURDER of unborn babies being included in the “Nationalized Healthcare” bill. The article was published in the Peoria Journal Star on July 22, 2009, page A3. (I discussed this issue four days before the Star did!)

Some pertinent paragraphs from the story include the following:

“Washington, D.C. (AP)—Democratic lawmakers opposed to federal funding for abortions said Tuesday the House leadership’s health care bill contains a ‘hidden mandate’ that would allow taxpayer dollars to be used to end pregnancies.” (Or to state it plainly: FORCE taxpayers, who oppose the MURDER of unborn babies, to help support those MURDERS financially!—my addition)

“But abortion opponents say the bill’s silence is precisely the problem.

Without an explicit prohibition on federal funding for abortion, it could be included in taxpayer-subsidized coverage offered through, the health overhaul plan, abortion opponents say.

‘We cannot support any health care reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan,’ a group of 20 Democratic representatives said in a June 25 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.”

[Nancy Pelosi [D] (California—8th District) [Speaker of the House]
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)—my addition]

“Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who helped draft the letter to Pelosi, plans to join lawmakers of both parties Wednesday at a news conference to criticize the legislation.”

[Bart Stupak [D] (Michigan—1st District) (Website)—my addition]

“House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., is trying to find a compromise. Not only do abortion opponents want to block funding, they also want to make sure that the procedure (the MURDER of an unborn baby! MURDER is now a procedure?—my addition) is not included in the benefits package.”

[Henry Waxman [D] (California—30th District)
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)]

At the end of my original post on July 18th, I wrote: “I do NOT advocate revolution. However, I personally will NOT participate in a “healthcare system” that MURDERS unborn children in violation of my religious and moral beliefs and I WILL NOT pay a fine for NOT participating in said immoral system. Be prepared to send people with moral convictions to jail! Ah, but we will lose our right to vote!

Terrorists don’t have to attack us to destroy us as a nation. It seems that libertine Democrats are determined to destroy us from within as they plunge us deeper and deeper into the abyss of moral depravity.”

Naturally, some groups who are opposed to the MURDER of unborn babies are going to react to this possibility of being FORCED to participate and support a healthcare program that MURDERS unborn babies.

I received the following and downloaded more from the American Center for Law and Justice. Included in this material is a link to their website and a petition in opposition to any possibility of allowing the MURDER of unborn babies in any healthcare bill. I have already “signed” the petition.

WARNING: With the notification thanking me for signing the petition (an e-mail to me) was a solicitation to contribute. If you contribute, you will be deluged with more and more requests. I’m speaking from personal experience here.

“ACLJ Calls on Congress to Remove Abortion Services From National Health Care Legislation

July 20, 2009

(Washington, DC)—The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), focusing on constitutional law, today called on Congress and announced a national petition campaign to convince lawmakers to remove abortion as a mandatory health benefit provided in government and private insurance plans as Congress works on national health care legislation.

‘Abortion must never become a mandated ‘health benefit’ in our country,’ said Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ. ‘The President Obama-backed health care package is certain to result in a disturbing change that will make abortion part of the mandatory health care services to be covered by both government and private insurance plans. That’s why it’s so important for Congress to take the action required to keep abortion out of the category of mandated health benefits. Congress must act to explicitly exclude abortion from any government mandated coverage or taxpayer funded health plan. This open door must be closed. We’re confident the American people will understand the grave dangers of this legislation and demand that Congress exclude abortion from any mandated health coverage.’

The ACLJ has provided an analysis of the issue and you can read the memo here.

At the same time, the ACLJ is launching a national petition campaign urging Congress to approve an exclusion to prevent abortion services from becoming part of the mandated benefits provided under health care legislation. That petition is posted here.

Led by Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, the American Center for Law and Justice focuses on constitutional law and is based in Washington, D.C.”

“Add your name to the group of 40,631 people who have already signed using the net!”

“Congress: Remove abortion services from mandatory coverage!

There’s a new and very troubling legislative development underway on Capitol Hill. Congress is pushing for national healthcare coverage—including mandatory coverage for abortions. Abortion would be considered a ‘health benefit’ in both government and private insurance plans. This is outrageous! The American Center for Law and Justice is mobilizing and demanding that Congress insert a critical exemption—REMOVE abortion services from mandatory coverage. Stand with the ACLJ to keep abortion services out of national healthcare legislation. Please read the form below carefully and declare your membership with the ACLJ by adding your name to our Petition to Stop an Abortion Mandate.”

The Petition:

“Petition to stop an abortion mandate

To All Members of the United States SenateTo All Members of the United States House of Representatives

As a firm supporter of protecting life, I am deeply concerned by proposed healthcare reform legislation that poses serious risk to the unborn citizens of our nation.

Without abortion explicitly excluded from any government-mandated or government-funded benefits package, abortion will be included. I cannot, and will not, support abortion as a so-called ‘health benefit.’ Furthermore, in legislation as important and future-shaping as healthcare reform, safeguards must be enacted to ensure, beyond any doubt, that abortion is not mandated or subsidized.

As my elected official, I urge you to use the full influence of your office to uphold the sanctity of life and protect the unborn by including language that will explicitly exempt abortion services from mandatory coverage. Keep abortion services out of national healthcare legislation.”


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