Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Take back the Republican Party

Tonight, a somewhat different post. For most of my life, I was a Democrat—both by registration and in my voting. I ran for political office as a Democrat. In my opinion, the Democratic Party has been taken over by statists—people who want to change this nation from the conservative, freedom centered, free enterprise, GOD believing republic that it has been to a nation controlled by governments particularly the federal government.

I now am a registered Republican although there are way too many Republicans who sound and act like want-to-be Democrats. One important way to change the wrong direction of this nation is to start getting involved in politics at the grassroots level. At this point, I believe that the direction of the nation can still be turned back.

We are a two party nation—like it or not. Consequently, tonight I’m posting an article from a conservative Republican group that advocates getting involved at the grassroots. The most grassroots position is that of precinct committeeman. The article from http://www.championnews.net/:

“80 Days left for candidates to get petitions for 2010 races
Posted: August 14, 2009
By Doug Ibendahl

The period for circulating petitions for the 2010 Primary Election started on August 4th. There are 80 days left to circulate.

Completed petitions can’t be filed with the state or county before Monday, October 26th. The last day to file is a week later, Monday, November 2nd. That’s also the last day to circulate petitions.

Check out the Republican Renaissance Project for more details, including dates and forms of petition.

There is a particular need for Republican Precinct Committeemen around the state (in all counties except Cook, which has a different structure). Literally thousands of these Republican Precinct Committeeman slots are vacant around the state. Vacancy rates approaching 50% aren’t uncommon in some counties. That’s unacceptable.

Only 10 valid petition signatures are needed to get on the February 2, 2010, Primary Election ballot as a candidate for Republican Precinct Committeeman. Other than being a dedicated Republican, there is no prior political experience needed for this volunteer position. In fact it’s the perfect place to start your activism.

To be safe you probably want to gather 2 or 3 times the minimum number of 10 signatures. But even 30 signatures could probably be gathered in one morning or afternoon.

So there is still a fair amount of time—but you don’t want to wait too long.

In Cook County, Republicans will elect a Republican Township Committeeman in each of the 30 suburban townships on February 2nd. While this volunteer position is similar to that of a Precinct Committeeman—the area covered is much larger. A township could have scores of precincts. By law, Precinct Committeemen are not elected in Cook County—however a Township Committeeman can appoint them.

Every State Representative office is also up for election in 2010, as all are 2-year terms. Some State Senator spots are also up for election, as these alternate between 2 and 4 year terms.

And of course all 6 of the statewide constitutional offices are up next year. I’m not sure if there are any winning candidates on the field for any of these offices yet on the Republican side. We’ll see.

But we do know that no Republican candidates have even announced yet for the offices of Attorney General and Secretary of State. No one even seems to be exploring the idea.

It’s pretty clear that the Republican bench is very weak in Illinois. We’re working to change that through the Republican Renaissance Project.

This is the year for good Republicans to stand-up. Any Republican can look around and see the job isn’t getting done in our state or in our party. It’s going to take new blood and new leadership.

It’s going to take YOU getting involved and on the field.

And please help us spread the word by passing this information along to other good potential candidates you know.

If you have any questions after reviewing the website and materials linked above, feel free to contact me at dibendahl@ilryp.org.

Doug Ibendahl is a Chicago Attorney and a former General Counsel of the Illinois Republican Party. He is Co-Founder of Republican Young Professionals (RYP).”

Remember: The filing deadline is November 2nd! Conservatives can take back the Republican Party by getting involved and active. Somebody has to do it. It won’t happen if we don’t get involved!


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