Friday, January 22, 2010

Illinois Lieutenant Governor candidates

Update: Today is the anniversary of the most obscene, immoral, constitutionally illegal decision of the United States Supreme Court—the decision to permit the MURDER of innocent pre-born babies. An annual march in Washington D.C. is scheduled.

I just heard of this on the radio Thursday. There is a website that allows you to participate in the march virtually. Okay. I have no idea what that entails exactly but I plan to check it out this morning. The website is

Normally, I would also have a post today on this issue. Not this year. I’m continuing on with political material since I believe this primary is critical. If you don’t think so, remember Scott Brown’s landmark upset in Massachusetts this past Tuesday. It is time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!

Update 1: For those who read the answers to the questionnaire given by John Arrington on the day I posted it, I received an e-mail from him. He stated that he had incorrectly answered question 12 dealing with enforcing the current immigration laws. He answered strongly disagree and had meant to answer strongly agree. I have changed the answer on the original post.

Recently, I was asked by two 9/12ers who I was supporting for Illinois Lieutenant Governor. I said I had not done any research on it but was planning to do so in the near future. I told them I would e-mail my results to them. After all that research, I though I would post the same information tonight.

Republican Lieutenant Governor candidates:

Since I am voting in the Republican primary, the Republicans are the only ones I checked out.

The candidates are:

1) Brad Cole

2) Jason Plummer

3) Don Tracy

4) Randy White

5) Matt Murphy

6) Dennis Cook

All six have websites. Actually I did not check out Matt Murphy to see if he did because I had already eliminated him but I’m sure that he does. He claims to be the front runner. You can google them by typing in their name plus Illinois Lieutenant Governor. I am a values voter based upon Christian values as I understand them (obviously, not everyone who claims to be Christian [Barack Hussein Obama] define Christian values the same). I work through a process of elimination and vote for the last man (woman) standing.

I first checked Illinois Family Institute 2010 Voter Guide. I am on its e-mail list and sometimes use the information provided on my blog. All six Republican candidates answered the questions the same. Consequently no separation was possible. (Based upon the Democrats answers to the questionnaire or their votes since several are legislators, I wouldn’t support any of them.)

The conclusions, therefore, are basically based upon the information on their own websites and newspaper articles. I have not met or heard any of them speak.

1) Matt Murphy

I eliminated him first and rather easily. Although he voted against video gambling, he is supported by the House and Senate minority leaders who both voted for video gambling. He is also “running” a joint campaign with gubernatorial candidate Andy McKenna who was the head of the Illinois Republican Party until he resigned to run for governor and McKenna is “the buck stops here” person responsible for the present weakness of the Republican Party in Illinois. Murphy is also an elected State Senator whose term does not expire this year. Therefore, if he loses, he is still a member of the General Assembly. I personally don’t like the concept of running for a higher office while being able to remain in your old office if you lose. In Arizona, if you are not finishing up your last year of office, you must first resign to run for another office. I think that’s the way it should be.

2) Jason Plummer

I also eliminated him although it seems that Champion News which is another of my regular e-mail sources may be supporting him although I haven’t seen anything specific. It provides numerous links and I only check out the ones I’m most interested in. On his website under “issues” the only listing was “Creating new and meaningful jobs and revitalizing the economy.” To me, that is NOT the purpose and function of government. However, it will occur if government does its primary purpose and function and does not interfere in free enterprise except for its valid purpose of protecting the public from illegal and unethical business practices—this obviously includes video gambling. The more government controls; the less likely jobs are created and the economy revitalized. A quote from his website: “Unfortunately, it appears that many in the Democratic Leadership in Springfield have lost sight of the fact that creating new jobs is the answer.” I am very concerned that value issues are NOT discussed in his “issues” section. In my opinion, until we return to Christian values, all the rest will make no difference. Also, he is only 27. Should he become governor will he be able to govern? Running the government is not the same as running a business and he does not have that much experience running a business.

3) Dennis Cook

Eliminated. His age is a factor at 31 but he is a member of a school board so that gives him some experience although a school board member is more a legislative person than an executive. The day-to-day executive power is really with the school superintendent and the ultimate with the school board as a whole. A major concern is that he has no “issues” page on his website. I am an issues oriented voter and I want to know his specific stand on specific issues. His website is filled with platitudes that are basically meaningless as far as I am concerned—give me specifics. Also according to his website, he was “campaign manager for Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno’s bid for State Treasurer (2006).” And yet, Radogno (another instance of a State Senator running for higher office when her term was not ending) has endorsed Matt Murphy. This may be petty but it bothers me. He has a campaign picture of his family—himself, his wife, his child, and two dogs. When I ran for the Arizona House of Representatives, I attended a party campaign training camp. We were shown a picture of the Arizona U.S. Senate candidate jogging with a dog running by his side. It was not his dog. In fact, he did not have a dog. Why was a dog in the picture? The voting public likes dogs. Therefore, you wanted the candidate associated with a dog to get more votes. Oh, the “tricks of the trade” that are taught to get votes! Every time I see a dog pictured with a candidate I wonder: Is that his dog or is it a vote dog?

4) Brad Cole

He has executive experience as mayor of Carbondale. Carbondale has banned video gambling and was one of the first to do so. That’s a positive. I didn’t find a real “issues” page. He did have 2 PDFs that had copies of campaign literature he is handing out. The campaign literature was the general type put out by candidates—light on specifics and heavy on platitudes and previous successes. There was NO mention of value issues that I observed on the website or contained within the campaign literature. I don’t ever vote early. I vote on election day. There have been instances when damaging, true information has been made public just days before the election which made a difference on how I voted. (An example might be if John Edward’s affair had been made public before the primaries instead of after. Of course, I did not vote in the Democratic Primary that year.) Today, I would not vote for him. He still remains a possibility on election day if something breaks. I would need more specifics on my issues than I’ve seen or heard.

5) Randy White

His “issues” page consists of links to each issue. His issues were education, juvenile sex offenders, property taxes, healthcare in Illinois, and God centered candidate. He probably is the only statewide candidate who has juvenile sex offenders as an issue and I didn’t check it out. I did check out education, healthcare in Illinois, and God centered candidate. The God centered candidate was a letter to the editor written by him that seemed to have been written before he declared for the office but I didn’t check for a date. I didn’t think much of his education position paper—filled with generalities that offered little relief. His healthcare position isn’t much better. It basically says that there is too much paperwork (duh) and malpractice insurance and similar costs are too great (duh). Of course, he is the one to fix the problems. I was extremely disappointed that he did not have value issues listed although they are mentioned briefly elsewhere. He is a pastor and listed where he was educated. I checked it out and the institution seems to be conservative and “affiliated” with the Christian church. From the little he provides, he seems to be aligned to my view on values but I would have preferred more specifics and more emphasis on those specifics. I’m not sure that he is opposed to granting citizenship to illegal immigrants. All his experiences seem to center after graduating from school in 1994. However, he is fifty-two, according to a newspaper article, and his Associate of Arts degree was 15 years ago (1994) at the age of about 37. Counting two years for that degree, what did he do until he went to school at age 35? He tries to draw a distinction between a democracy and a republic. I didn’t read it but I’ve heard the argument before and they are wrong. A republic is a form of democracy but it is a democracy. Of major, major concern is that he claims he was called by GOD to be involved in politics. Now, if he believes that, that’s up to him. However, here are my problems with such a claim. If we do not vote for him, does that mean we are voting against GOD? If he does not win, does that mean he was not called by GOD to run for Lieutenant Governor and he is a “false prophet?” Right now he is probably my second choice because of the values positions.

6) Don Tracy

He has a long history as a business owner owning a family business, it seems with other family members—brothers and sisters—and started by his parents. His three major issues seem to be: 1) revitalizing “the business climate by reforming tort laws and reducing worker’s compensation abuse to create a more job-friendly environment.” 2) reforming “state government by improving political contribution disclosure.” and 3) building “respect for traditional values by protecting innocent life, defending the family, and protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights.” (Randy White also spoke of protecting 2nd Amendment rights. I believe he is the only other candidate who specifically did but I don’t guarantee that statement.) Again, I would have preferred more details and specifics. He said that he was a Democrat at one time (so was I) and switched parties because the Republican Party better represented his views and values (so did I although there are some Republicans, such as Mark Kirk, that I will not vote for). I am concerned that he is “on the Board of Directors of the Springfield YMCA.” According to information I have received, at least some YMCA’s allow Planned MURDERHOOD to be involved with the organization. I do not know if that is true for the Springfield YMCA. Also, he is a lawyer. Now, I know that there are some very good, conservative lawyers. However, in general, I believe that there are far too many lawyers in government and far too many lawyers who believe that the Constitution can be bent and twisted, rewritten, and reinterpreted to achieve their goals and desires regardless of the clear wording of the Constitution. I do believe that he would better handle the duties of governor, if it became necessary, than would Randy White from the information I have read. Therefore, at this point in time if the election were held today, he would probably receive my vote for Lieutenant Governor.


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