Monday, January 18, 2010

Nationalized Healthcare—causing panic among Democrats?

I heard on the radio Friday afternoon that Democrat House member Vic Snyder was losing in a public opinion poll to the probable Republican candidate for the 2nd District in Arkansas by 17 percent points. Interested, I googled the story to find out more. I did find out more. Vic Snyder is retiring from the House of Representatives when his term is completed at the end of 2010. Did you read this in you local paper? I didn’t!

According to the Wall Street Journal ( on 1/15/10, “Snyder’s Little Rock-area district was already rated a competitive ‘toss-up’ race by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. Without an incumbent to defend the seat, the GOP prospects for a pick up are brighter. John McCain won the district 54%-44% against Barack Obama in 2008. The Arkansas Democrat is the 11th member of his party to announce he will not seek re-election this November.”

I did some checking on Vic Snyder, the retiring Democratic member of the House of Representatives. He is in his seventh term and won his reelection in 2008 with 77% of the vote. And he is now losing by 17% (56%-39%) in a current public opinion poll. Even more interesting, before being elected to the House, he was a physician! Could it be that the voters in Arkansas hearing all that is going on with the nationalization of healthcare and realizing the impossibility of this monstrosity actually doing good is willing to vote out of office a physician for not standing up to his fellow Democrats and demanding real change in healthcare—rather than nationalization?

Last week I posted two appeals for money for the special Senate election in Massachusetts on Tuesday the 19th. One was from Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois pleading for money for the Democratic candidate and one was from the conservative Minnesota Majority ( Below are two more e-mails received among several that stresses the possibility of a Republican, Scott Brown, being able to win in Massachusetts even though just a couple of weeks ago such a possibility seemed impossible.

“Friday, January 15, 2010

A Message from Scott WheelerExecutive Director

An urgent appeal from the GOP Trust—

The Massachusetts Senate Special Election is just four days away (Tomorrow by the time I get this posted—my addition)

Watch our TV ad … it’s working!

Republican candidate Scott Brown can win!

Brown’s win best chance to drown Democrats’ health care bill!

We need your help!

Dear Fellow Conservative:

The National Republican Trust is the nation’s third largest PAC dedicated to recruiting and electing conservative candidates. We are going all out to win the critical special election in Massachusetts. It is only four short days away.

A Republican victory to fill ‘Ted Kennedy’s Seat’ would end Obama’s filibuster proof senate. Republican Scott Brown has vowed to be the crucial 41st vote to kill the Health Care Bill and other reckless policies on Obama’s anti-American agenda.

The National Republican Trust launched a TV ad campaign entitled ‘The Real Change’ to help elect Scott Brown. Great news—it is working! Latest polling shows this high-stakes race is neck and neck and Brown has the momentum. I’ve been at this long enough to know that Republicans must win by a Theft-Proof Margin. (The Minnesota Senate election was probably stolen in 2008—my addition.) This ad campaign can get us closer to this monumental victory.

Our ad reminds voters that on Tuesday they can send Washington the message that it’s time to end the madness. Scott Brown, can end the bailouts, broken promises and all the back room, closed-door deals.


The National Republican Trust is actively buying as much airtime as possible. We are fully committed to continuing this fight until Election Day. Please help us keep this ad running as often as possible.


GOP Trust—lightning conservative response!

We recognize the dire precipice the Democrat’s reckless agenda has put us on. We are on the front lines fighting to save our country, and you, our valued supporters, enable us to fight the fights that matter! We proudly combat the corrupt tactics of the left. We hit them where it hurts.

When other Republicans were too timid to attack Obama’s radical associates, we led the charge with our ‘Shock and Awe’ campaign that went after the venom spewing, anti-American minister, Jeremiah Wright.

Your donation means our nationwide and strategically targeted local ad campaigns deliver for conservatives, helping effect real change. We are the Republicans you can trust with the conservative cause.


The momentum is on our side! Join the surge!

As you read this, Republican Candidate Scott Brown is locked in a close battle against Martha Coakley and the Massachusetts Democrat Machine. Brown was down 30 points in the polls a few months ago. Last week he moved to within nine points. Earlier this week he pulled ahead by one point. This race remains too close to call. The momentum is on our side and there are just four days to go! Our ad campaign can keep this momentum going through Election Day.

They aren’t dismissing us anymore!

Democrats brag that Massachusetts is a One-Party State—their voters have not sent a Republican to the Senate in 37 years. Democrats dismissed the prospect of Brown winning as ‘wishful thinking whipped up by conservative commentators outside Massachusetts.’ Yet Scott Brown has all the momentum. And he can win.


Vicious, dirty fight—corrupt tactics must fail!

In the last days of this race, Democrats can now visualize their worst nightmare, the loss of ‘Ted Kennedy’s’ Senate seat, and they’re in a panic because their disastrous health care bill is slipping through their fingers.

The SEIU (I don’t recognize the initials but it might be a union—my addition) has just committed an additional $700,000 to defeat Scott Brown.

George Soros’ ultra-leftwing has recognized Brown’s surge, calling his potential win ‘catastrophic’ to the chances of passing health care legislation.

The Democrats will stop at nothing to foist this bill on America. Since the beginning of their ‘legislative process’ they have used every dirty trick in the book—a litany of ruthless and despicable tactics: attacking citizen opponents in town hall meetings, payoffs, and sweetheart deals.

The Boston Herald reports ‘It looks like the fix is in on national health care reform,’ referring to Senator Paul Kirk (the interim Senate seat holder chosen by the Clinton crony Governor Patrick) who has vowed to vote for the bill even if Scott Brown wins on January 19.

And unbelievably, the Democrats have publicly stated that even if Scott Brown wins, they will not seat him until after the final Senate Health Care Bill vote. If they try this, we will make them pay dearly for their rotten schemes in the Fall elections. The National Republican Trust will force the Democrats’ liberty-crushing tactics into the light of day!


Further outrage! Dirty tricks!

Their dirty tricks keep coming. The Massachusetts Legislature allowed Governor Patrick to change state law and appoint Kirk based on a promise that he would stay neutral in the Special Senate election. Of course he lied—he has endorsed Coakley. (By law, the vacancy was to be filled by a special election. The appointment was made to insure the 60th vote to break a filibuster. It’s nothing new. The Illinois General Assembly moved our primary back to the first Tuesday in February to help Barack Hussein Obama win the Presidential nomination in 2008. We are now in the middle of our first non-presidential primary with a February 2nd vote because of the change. To hold a primary in Illinois in early February is asinine!—my addition)

Massachusetts was one of the cradles of American independence. It is a sad irony that it is in danger of entering the history books as the state that, through corruption and dirty tricks, threatened our nation with Socialism.

Please help us keep this ad running as often as possible.


Thank you for your tremendous support for the National Republican Trust.

Yours for America,

Scott WheelerExecutive Director

Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

The National Republican Trust PAC
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340
Washington, DC 20037-1233”

The second e-mail:

“Scott Brown pulls ahead to a 4% lead in Massachusetts special election for U.S. Senate!

It is with great excitement that we are passing on to you this breaking news development from Massachusetts where a brand new poll has Republican Scott Brown surging to a 4% lead in the polls for the Special Election for U.S. Senate.

Scott Brown now leads liberal Democrat Martha Coakley by a 50%-46% margin. This is the first time Brown has hit the magical threshold of 50% in a poll, suggesting he has the momentum to win this race in this heavily Democratic state!

The Democrats are in a state of panic and have just dumped even more money into this race. (Note: All the national attention this is receiving from the mass media and the urgent, late appeals from Democrats like Dick Durbin for more money as well as Barack Hussein Obama campaigning in Massachusetts to “save the day!”!—my addition) We here at the Tea Party Express are countering with our own TV ad campaign for Scott Brown that is running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars—thanks to your support.

Tomorrow we are expanding our ad buy even more—and we need your support. The final deadlines for us to purchase advertising are the end of the day Friday, and then one last time for the end of the day Monday. This is it, there are no more tomorrow’s—we must make our final push now!

You can make a contribution to our campaign effort for Scott Brown - HERE.

We must take action, for if we can pull out a victory, we stop the Democrats dead in their tracks in their effort to secretly ram through their socialistic healthcare plan.

That’s because Scott Brown wholeheartedly opposes the Democrat’s government-run healthcare plan and has made his opposition to it a central part of his campaign.

If Brown wins then he will be the deciding vote to kill the socialistic healthcare monstrosity in the Senate!

You can contribute any amount you can afford, from as little as $5 to the maximum allowed $5,000 -- CLICK HERE to CONTRIBUTE –

If you prefer you may also mail in a contribution to our finance headquarters:

Tea Party Express
ATTN: Scott Brown for Senate
770 L Street #1020
Sacramento, CA 95814”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No government has the right to force me to buy a product I don’t want to buy. No government has the right to tax me for not buying a product I don’t want to buy. If it tries, I will NOT pay. If necessary I will go to prison.

No government has the right to force me to help pay for the MURDERING of preborn children. No government has the right to allow the MURDER of preborn children. No person, male or female, has the right to MURDER preborn children. If the federal government tries to force its citizens to fund the MURDER of preborn children through nationalized healthcare or any other method, I WILL STOP PAYING TAXES!!! If necessary I will go to prison.

And these are just two of many reasons why this nationalized healthcare bill is a monstrosity. Fortunately, it seems the American public understands this bill is a disaster. Will the President eventually get the message? Will the Democratic Party eventually get the message? Or do we have to vote the rascals out of office? Kick them out before they ruin this nation!


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