Tuesday, March 02, 2010

January and February temperature and rainfall

This January (2010) is similar to, but not as cold as, the January temperature in 2009. According to the Peoria Journal Star February 1, 2010, page B6, the average temperature departure for the month of January was -2.8°. Cold, but not as cold as the January 2009 average temperature departure of -4.0°.

I wrote the following on my March 3, 2009 post:

“As is often the case, February 2009 reversed the trend of January 2009. According to the Peoria Journal Star on March 1, 2009 page B6, February was warmer than normal. In fact, February was 3.1° warmer than normal. The rainfall was higher than normal too—2.02” instead of the normal 1.67” for February. Even so, the temperature for the first two months is still below normal at -0.7° and the rainfall is also still below normal at 2.74” instead of the normal 3.17”—.43” below normal. However, both the temperatures and the rainfall are moving closer to the normal amounts.”

After a cold January of -2.8° below normal, did February reverse the cold spell as occurred in 2009? NO!!! February was even COLDER than January. According to the Peoria Journal Star on March 1, 2010, page B6, February’s average departure for the month was a frigid -4.0°—even colder than January. The average departure for the year increased to -3.4°.

Meteorologists speak of meteorological winter which is from December 1 through February 28. Using the meteorological winter, December was +0.1° above normal, January was -2.8° below average, and February was -4.0 below average. Averaging the three months, meteorological winter was -2.23° below average.

I found this interesting. The following is from my September 2, 2009 post:

“Someone should tell the weather in Peoria to cut it out. It’s not behaving like an “Al Gore type of Global Warming.” How is that possible? But wait, the National Weather Service is predicting a warmer than normal winter. But wait, according to the Peoria Journal Star, September 1, 2009, page B5, the Farmers’ Almanac is predicting that the winter in most of the United States will feature numbing cold including the Peoria area. Personally, I hope the National Weather Service is correct—not the Almanac.”

So, the National Weather Service predicted a warmer than normal winter in our section of the nation. The Farmers’ Almanac predicted a harsh winter. The meteorological winter was -2.23° below average. Which prediction do you think was most accurate? All the more reason to believe in “Al Gore’s Global Warming?”

In contrast to 2009, the month to date rainfall for January in Peoria was once again above average at 1.88” while the normal average rainfall is 1.5” for the month of January. Consequently, after one month the average rainfall is .38” above normal. Last year for January the average rainfall was actually below average at .72”. Of course, by the end of 2009, the average rainfall was significantly above average.

The February average rainfall was once again slightly above normal at 1.86” while the normal average rainfall is 1.67” for the month of February. Thus, in February the average rainfall is .19” above normal. The January through February rainfall is 3.74” compared to a normal average rainfall of 3.17”. For the two months, rainfall is .57” above normal. By the way, I read an article that predicts that the rainfall for the year will once again be above average—for the third straight year.

This is what the Bible says about our climate: “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’” Genesis 8: 20-22 (NIV)

As I’ve said before, no human can accurately predict what the weather is going to be like 50 years from today. We have difficulty predicting with 100% accuracy what the weather is going to be like seven days from now. This I do know. If GOD wants global warming as predicted by the “Al Gore gang” to occur, there is NOTHING man can do to stop it. If GOD doesn’t want global warming to occur, it won’t, no matter what man does. Of course, God could always let man proceed as they choose without HIS hand in it either way. I don’t know what will occur 50 years from now and NEITHER DOES any other human on this planet!

This I also know. If I were living a life of SIN, I’d be more concerned about what GOD will do today and tomorrow or what will happen to me after my death (none of us has a guarantee that we will live another fifty years) than what is going to occur in another 50 years!!!


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