Thursday, April 08, 2010

Barbara Boxer needs to be repealed

Between now and the election, I plan on featuring conservatives who may deserve your support during the 2010 election. I do not endorse candidates but I do try to give you an opportunity to know of conservatives who may make a difference. Tonight, Chuck DeVore who is seeking to defeat Barbara Boxer for the Senate in California is being featured.

Senator Barbara Boxer [D] California—3rd term
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-3553
FAX: (202) 224-0454
District Office: San Francisco (415) 403-0100
Journalist—Listed as Jewish
Up for election 2010—58%


“Dear Friend:

If we’re going to repeal President Obama’s health care takeover, we need to start by repealing the politicians who voted for it.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) voted for ObamaCare in December, ignoring her constituents and her oath to support and defend the Constitution. Fortunately, her conservative challenger has signed a pledge vowing to repeal it.

Please visit today and join me in helping Chuck DeVore—an Army reservist and conservative assemblyman—defeat Senator Boxer in California.

Chuck DeVore is a proven, conservative leader who will fight for the principles of freedom.

Recent polls show that Senator Boxer is in trouble. In fact, President Obama has planned an emergency trip to California in mid-April to raise money for Boxer.

Chuck DeVore can win this race, but he can’t do it without our help.

The saying goes that ‘many hands make light work.’ This is especially true in politics. If we each make a small contribution to Chuck DeVore’s campaign, we can raise the money he needs to defeat Senator Boxer.

Please visit and make a contribution to Chuck DeVore’s Senate campaign.

Senator Boxer is not just a vote for ObamaCare, she’s also a vote for every big-government power grab proposed in Washington.

Senator Boxer voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill that has cost our nation millions of jobs and piled a mountain of debt on our children and grandchildren.

Senator Boxer voted for the trillion-dollar Wall Street bailout, which has rewarded corporate failure and punished entrepreneurial success.

Senator Boxer is leading the effort to pass cap-and-trade, which will impose a massive new energy tax on American families, drive up utility prices, and destroy millions of jobs.

On each of these issues, Senator Boxer is wrong for California and wrong for America. But she can be defeated if we work together and give her conservative challenger the resources he needs.

Please visit and make a contribution to help us reach our goal by midnight on Wednesday, March 31.

Unlike Senator Boxer, Chuck DeVore has consistently stood up against the health care takeover, the stimulus bill, the Wall Street bailout, and the cap-and-trade scheme.
Chuck DeVore is a powerful voice for freedom and has a record of standing up to his own party when it abandons its principles. And that’s exactly what we need in Washington.

Imagine what will happen if we replace one of the most liberal Senators from one of the bluest states in the country with a true conservative who will do whatever it takes to repeal ObamaCare and take our country back.

It will set off a California-sized political earthquake that will shake the very foundation of the Washington establishment. It will begin a fundamental realignment in American politics back to the limited form of government prescribed by our Constitution.

We can make it happen.

Thank you for your dedication and support. I know how much you love this country and want to save it. Working together, I’m confident we can make 2010 the year of the conservative comeback.

Jim DeMintUnited States SenatorChairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

P.S. Please visit and make a contribution to help Chuck DeVore repeal Barbara Boxer.”


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