Friday, May 07, 2010

Homosexual parades and school children

“Question for Illinois Republican leaders: Should children attend lewd ‘gay pride’ parades?
Posted June 25, 2009
By John Biver

We’re waiting to hear outrage from our Illinois Republican leadership on this question. We’re not expecting IL GOP Party Chairman Andy ‘No Litmus Test’ McKenna to say anything, since his pro-homosexual state party staffers will advise him to avoid the issue.

But we’ve got a batch of men running for governor. I had the opportunity to hear five of them speak at lunch just today. It would be nice if they’d weigh in on this issue. It’s not complicated.

Here’s the summation by the Illinois Family Institute’s Laurie Higgins:

‘Nettelhorst Elementary School, a public school located in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago, has the dubious honor of being the first Chicago public school to march in Chicago’s ‘gay pride’ parade on Sunday.’ Yes, you read that right.

The reaction of any right minded Republican candidate for governor should be a version of what Laurie Higgins began her column with:

‘I am so angry I could scream—but instead I’ll write.’

Our Republican politicians need to go to school quickly on this issue—let me recommend some reading—see this page for a few suggestions. This isn’t about ‘tolerance.’ You can learn about what the word tolerance means here.

It is about depravity. Laurie Higgins writes:

‘We have become so desensitized that we no longer view homosexuality as the perversion it is. And those who have retained a modicum of moral discernment have become so cowardly they are no longer willing to call perversion by its rightful name. We care more about our comfort than we do about children. We care more about our comfort than we do about how our money is exploited for someone else’s political agenda. We care more about how the world views us than how God views us. We are apathetic, self-centered, acquiescent cowards who allow paid public servants—activist ideologues—to exploit public education in the service of their pernicious, subversive, dystopian vision for America.

Volitional homosexual acts are depraved. How dare public educators suggest that children in publicly funded schools march in a parade that celebrates and affirms depravity. No public school educator in their professional capacity has any right to espouse, affirm, endorse, promote, or support either explicitly or implicitly any position on the nature and morality of homosexuality. To espouse, affirm, endorse, promote, or support any position on the nature and morality of homosexuality stands way outside the purview of their jobs and way outside their professional expertise.’

If you want the ugly details about what goes on during this Democratic Mayor Richard Daley sponsored event, Americans for Truth’s Peter LaBarbera gives a few examples:

In 2004, a disgusting gay (censored—by me) sex act that was allowed to go on in the middle of the street (children were seen nearby)—right in front of a row of Chicago cops—involving two guys who were trying to get under the skin of a group of Christian protesters whom the cops were protecting; see link here;

Lewd acts (e.g., simulated sodomy) and gyrating sexual dances on floats—including one by an apparent lesbian cop who appeared to be drunk or high, riding atop a Chicago PD (Police Department—my addition) float;

A contingent of sadomasochists marching in the parades as they do every year; blatant anti-religious and anti-conservative bigotry on display—usually equating Christianity or the Catholic Church with ‘hate’;

A homosexual bathhouse called ‘Steamworks,’ which fields a float every year at the parade. Steamworks is a 24/7 sex club on Halsted Street in Boystown where men go for anonymous sexual liaisons with other men;

Pete writes:

‘You get the picture. How does a parent answer the question: ‘Daddy, what’s Steamworks?’ or, regarding gender-bending ‘transgenders’: ‘Mommy, is that a man or a woman?’ Or how about: ‘Why does that man have hardly any clothes on?’ Do you think this is an appropriate, nurturing environment for young children?’ Click here to read Pete’s entire article.

IFI’s Laurie Higgins closed her article with this:

‘Conservatives must wake up. To use a cliché, we must see the forest for the trees. Cultural change rarely occurs through dramatic single events, but rather through the slow accretion of little events that we dismiss or ignore.’ Click here to read Laurie’s entire article.

Readers of Champion News already know what we’ve been recommending. Conservatives need to take over the Republican Party. This means actual grassroots GOP participation. I know, I know, you probably hate politics. Well, you’re just the kind of person needed in politics.

By the way, we can win the so-called moderates when they see our solutions—because there are no ‘moderate’ solutions to any serious public policy problem.

Lastly, to the men stepping up to run in the Republican primary for governor—either you or your staff needs to put together a public statement expressing outrage about this disgusting development. Do it now.

John Biver is the Editor of Champion News.”


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