Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Joe Miller—conservative Republican, supported by Tea Party Express


“During this year the Tea Party Express has helped boost a lot of conservative constitutionalists in key races across the country.

Thanks to your support that looks to be happening once again. One month ago polls showed Liberal RINO, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, with a lead of 32-points over her conservative challenger, tea party hero Joe Miller.

This past weekend we learned of a new poll of 1,223 Alaska voters that showed Joe Miller has now jumped 23-points, and now trails Sen. Murkowski by only 9%.

The election is just 15-days away (August 24th) and we have a chance to win this race and replace a Liberal U.S. Senator (Murkowski) with a conservative patriot (Joe Miller).
We need your help now more than ever as we’re going to give it everything we’ve got.

We’re going to launch a massive radio and TV advertising campaign but we’ve got to raise $150,000 more in the next 4 days to pay for it.

I know we can reach this goal with your support.

You can help us by making a contribution.

Some of you can afford a more generous contribution of $100, $500, $1,000 or even $5,000. And boy do we need your help to level the playing field and make sure that the conservative candidate—Joe Miller wins.

You can make a donation to our campaign for Joe Miller—HERE.

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations. How about we get 1,000 conservatives to give $100 or more in the next 24 hours to defeat RINO Lisa Murkowski.”

You can contribute to the Joe Miller campaign, if you so desire, at or