Wednesday, August 04, 2010

JUDICIAL TYRANNY—the latest example

I just heard on the radio this afternoon that the inferior federal judicial court in California just did the expected—contrary to the voting will of the California electorate—one appointed person ruled that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional because it violates the due process and equal protection provision of the United States Constitution as interpreted by this one judge. How long is the American people going to tolerate this JUDICIAL TYRANNY!

Why do State legislatures and people in States through referendums and initiatives bother to even vote on bills. In far too many cases, one appointed federal inferior court judge rules the vote of the people—either directly or indirectly—is invalid. What arrogant! What tyranny! What nonsense! And the people continue to allow it!

For our entire history, until recently, the due process and equal protection provision NEVER was interpreted to allow sinful behavior—homosexual behavior—to even exist—let along to allow those involved in such behavior to get married. IT IS OBSCENE!!! We must remove these TYRANTS from our system to have any hope of returning to a representative democracy.

As I pointed out in the Arizona illegal immigration case, inferior federal courts do NOT have jurisdiction in federal cases where a State is a party. And yet, these same court members believe they have the power to reject the will of the people and inject their own will in its place. And, it is an injection of their own will! NOTHING within the United States Constitution allows marriage between homosexuals! NOTHING! This is nothing more than the rejection of the rule of law and the injection of the rule of unelected judicial tyrants. These judicial tyrants MUST BE impeached and convicted. When this happens, this tyranny WILL END!!!

Do we even have a United States Constitution any more? Or, has it been interpreted out of existence? Do we even have a federal system any more? Or, has it been interpreted out of existence? Do we even have State authority any more? Or, has it been interpreted out of existence?

This TYRANNY will only end when the TYRANTS are removed from office. That can be accomplished by impeachment and convict. And shockingly, that process is, at least for the moment, Constitutional!!!