Thursday, September 02, 2010

Christine O’Donnell compared to Mike Castle

As I’m writing this, Sean Hannity is speaking about this very campaign. He is presently stating that Mike Castle supports cap and tax and he has refused to say that he would vote to repeal Obama’s Nationalized Healthcare. I was on Mike Castle’s website earlier today and he does not address the three most important issues in this election cycle—the MURDER of unborn babies, stopping the homosexual agenda including protecting marriage, and the appoint of strict constructionists members to the federal court system.

For a Republican NOT to address these fundamental issues tells me that he is another RINO—Republican In Name Only. And yet, the Republican establishment is supporting him just as they did Mark Kirk in Illinois, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, and John McCain in Arizona. Unfortunately, many in the Republican establishment still don’t get it—Republicans who are NOT conservative are not what is needed.


“Side By Side Comparison of Christine O’Donnell & Mike Castle:

01) Jobs

Mike Castle: Voted for Nancy Pelosi’s cap and tax energy scheme which would kill 6,117 Delaware jobs and also voted for the job-killing minimum wage hike.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes jobs are created when businesses are freed from endless taxes and bureaucratic red tape.

02) Security

Mike Castle: Voted with liberals in Congress to handicap our intelligence and military agencies.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes terrorism is an act of war requiring the full force of our intelligence and military resources rather than granting terrorists precious Constitutional rights and outsourcing our foreign policy to the U.N.

03) Debt

Mike Castle: Voted to increase the national debt & consistently supports Washington’s reckless spending.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes heaping trillions in debt on the backs of our grandchildren is immoral and that Congress is elected to make the hard choices to preserve our nation’s future prosperity.

04) Taxes

Mike Castle: Voted to keep the death tax, to increase taxes by $3,100 on every American family, and to remove the protection of the middle class from dramatic tax increases originally intended to hit <200 of the richest Americans.

Christine O’Donnell: Will fight to remove the crushing tax burden faced by American families and businesses and dramatically simplify the tax code.

05) Life

Mike Castle: Voted to subject children to out-of-state abortions without consent of parents, voted to use U.S. funds to support Planned Parenthood at home and abroad, supports human cloning, and sponsored the bill to destroy, exploit and experiment on unborn children as scientific lab-rats.

Christine O’Donnell: Strongly believes in protecting the sanctity of life at ALL stages.

06) Energy

Mike Castle: Voted to ban exploration for American energy, keeping gas prices high, to prohibit drilling in America’s land and waters, and to ban building new oil refineries.

Christine O’Donnell: Supports a market-based approach to energy solutions that will keep competition high and energy prices low.

07) Values

Mike Castle: Voted to allow liberal activist judges to strip ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance, against the Constitutional protection of marriage, and against educational choice for parents with children in failing schools.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes our country was founded on core values of faith, family and freedom and will fight to defend those values. Will always fight for maximum choice for parents about where to educate their kids, including private, parochial and charter schools or in the home.

08) Spending

Mike Castle: Voted to spend billions on failed stimulus packages & bailouts.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes unrestrained government spending is eroding our freedom, destroying our economy and ceding our sovereignty to foreign debt-holders like China.

09) Accountability

Mike Castle: Voted to protect 103 outrageous pork projects that would lead to corruption and waste.

Christine O’Donnell: Renounces corrupt pork-barrel politics, including earmarks, and will fight for increased transparency and performance information for every Federal program.

10) Healthcare

Mike Castle: Remained undecided about Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare until 4 days before vote.

Christine O’Donnell: Believes that the solution to the healthcare crisis is less government meddling in the doctor/patient relationship, more competition in the insurance market and more choice for families about their health plan.

11) Gun Control

Mike Castle: Received an ‘F’ rating from the NRA, indicating a strong anti-2nd Amendment position.

Christine O’Donnell: Christine’s strong support of 2nd Amendment rights has earned her an ‘A’ rating from the NRA.

Mailing Address
Friends of Christine O’Donnell
P.O. Box 3987
Wilmington, DE 19807”

To donate to her campaign, go to her website or to which is the donation website for the Tea Party Express

We need as many conservative Republican candidates as possible winning Senate seats to stop President Barack Hussein Obama’s attempt to transform this nation.