Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election to be stolen?

From Tea Party Nation

“This election can still be stolen!

Posted by Judson Phillips on October 20, 2010 at 6:58am in Discussions

This election can still be stolen!

We are now twelve days out from the election. Politico is now reporting that 99 Democratic seats in the House of Representatives are in play. Some believe the conservative groundswell is so large that it could take back the Senate too.

While we conservatives breathlessly await the results, we seem to be forgetting that voter fraud is a staple of liberal politics. Liberals will never voluntarily surrender power. Do not underestimate their willingness to steal an election!

In Cincinnati, something happened last week to underscore the willingness of the Democrats to get every vote they can.

Three vanloads of students from Hughes high school (presumably 18 year olds) were taken, during school hours, to vote. They were given sample ballots with only Democrat names on it, and then taken out for ice cream afterwards.

According to a lawsuit filed after this happened, the students were not only supervised by school employees, but also were accompanied by campaign workers for Congressman Steve Driehaus, a Democrat.

Driehaus is your typical liberal Democrat. He only scores 12 on the ACU ratings. Recently, he threatened Marjorie Dannenfesler of the Susan B. Anthony list for daring to tell Ohio voters about Driehaus’ voting record. Dannenfesler tried to rent several billboards to put her message out. Driehaus responded with a complaint to the Ohio Elections Commission. In his complaint, about a citizen exercising her first amendment rights, Driehaus cited a CRIMINAL statute. He tried to send a message. Continue to talk about me and I will try to send you to jail.

The polling in Driehaus’ district has him trailing. He, like a lot of other Democrats, is desperate. In Nevada, a desperate Harry Reid is now trailing Sharon Angle. The problem for conservatives is that Angle is not outside the margin of fraud. Twelve days from now, if the vote is close, you can count on ballots mysteriously appearing from polling districts that are pro-Reid. This pattern will be repeated in any other district or state where the balloting is close.

I will run the risk of being repetitive in reminding everyone of this fact—the left will not surrender voluntarily. They will try every thing they can think of, fair or foul, to keep power.

And while we are anticipating a great victory this fall, let’s not count on our victory until the votes are counted.”