Friday, September 21, 2012

Forty Days for Life—Prayer Virgil and more

WATCH THIS VIDEO and sign the petition!!


A PRO-LIFE organization that I strongly support is LIFE DECISIONS INTERNATIONAL!

Its website is at: deals with the immoral, sinful agenda of homosexual activists. deals with the MURDER of the unborn. will continue with political discussions based upon Christian values.

Support for the Constitution:


Watch this video!

Democrats at National Convention are pro-choice except for

1) people’s consumption of food and drink

2) energy use—light bulbs

3) union membership

4) schools to attend

“But I certainly support choice” when it comes to MURDERING your own unborn child!

Watch this video too!

Yet another video!

Still another video!

One last video! Did these people EVER have an economics class!!!


“The Fed said it will spend $40 billion a month to buy mortgage bonds for as long as it deems necessary to make home buying more affordable. It plans to keep short-term interest rates at record lows through mid-2015—six months longer than previously planned. And it’s ready to take other unconventional steps if job growth doesn’t pick up.”

In other words, the Fed plans to continue to steal from savers. A question. We are over $16 trillion in debt. Just where is the Fed getting this money to buy mortgage bonds?


“White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Thursday that the Obama administration also condemns the violence in several Islamic countries the film has reportedly triggered. He says the attacks on U.S. facilities in Egypt, Libya and Yemen are totally unjustified and should be squelched by local governments.”

The film DID NOT trigger anything! These were planned and they were planned around the 9/11 anniversary! The film is an excuse NOT a trigger!

“Attorney General Eric Holder said Justice Department officials had opened a criminal investigation into the diplomats’ deaths.”

Just who are the Justice Department investigating? U.S. citizens in the United States? For what?

Join Team Life 2012 and vote for LIFE!

From: Forty Days for Life—Peoria, Illinois Chapter

Does your heart ache with sorrow over lives lost to abortion?

40 Days for Life

Do you know that when abortion providers wake up to the Truth they turn to prayer?

40 Days for Life

Do you hear the ground crying out over the blood of children?

40 Days for Life

Do you seek an end to abortion and a respect for life?

40 Days for Life

Yes, abortion truly is the greatest tragedy of our time, causing sorrow and grief where laughter and joy should resound. 40 Days for Life is a nationwide prayer effort to end this wonton destruction of innocent human life through peaceful prayer and the conversion of hearts, and we need your help. Every year the Peoria area joins hundreds of other faithful in cities across the world in a profound prayer vigil. For forty days and forty nights Christians gather outside of the abortion clinic to beg God’s mercy and intervention to end this plague that gives Satan a foothold.

Since the mark of Christ proves itself in its fruit, the 40 Days for Life definitely honors Christ and brings the wounded to the Lord for forgiveness and healing. Since Shawn Carney, founder of the 40 Days for Life, abandoned his heart’s desire to become a lawyer, he has achieved the justice of God by leading countless cities in prayer and hurting men and women to know mercy, love, and salvation.

God will turn the tide on abortion. The question is whether or not you will participate in this work. Read on to learn how you can.

With great hope,

Servants working for the Lord”

“Beginning in 2004, students from Texas A&M felt the call of Christ to pray for the abortion industry in an organized manner. The result is the 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life unleashes the power of God by bringing the faithful together to pray for a conversion of hearts to Christ. Abortion exists only because we fail to trust God and fall into despair by believing the Big Lie.

40 Days for Life professes the Truth. God loves us and that love sets us free! He seeks not condemnation. Rather, God sent His one and only Son to overcome evil with good. The 40 Days for Life recognizes the sovereignty of God and the gift of life which He bestows on man. It also recognizes the deep and profound suffering of women and men who feel trapped into believing abortion solves their earthly problems.

40 Days for Life is prayer and fasting. Christ asks us to pray and fast for one another. Through the prayers and fasting of the faithful, the lost come to know Christ. Life will become respected once again, and the suffering generated by the destruction of innocent lives will stop.

40 Days for Life is peaceful. All participants must sign a Statement of Peace.

40 Days for Life is visible. When God’s people stand in the face of evil, a light shines in the darkness. Just as God asked Joshua to lead the men of Israel in a march around the city of Jericho, so God is asking you to stand on the sidewalk in prayer. Imagine the joyful shouts at the gates of Heaven!

40 Days for Life is hopeful. Life is a gift of God, and through it He gives us the hope of eternity!”

A day of prayer and fasting by the church:

Select a day for your church to pray.

40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful—and proven effective—pro-life campaign that has already been embraced by more than half a million people worldwide, saved 5,928 lives from abortion, led to the conversion of 69 abortion workers and seen 23 abortion facilities close.

40 Days for Life features three components:

1. PRAYER AND FASTING: Join together with other believers for 40 days of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.

2. PEACEFUL VIGIL: Stand for life during a 40-day peaceful public witness in the public right-of-way outside the local abortion facility, National Health Care-7405 N. University St., Peoria IL

3. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Bring a positive pro-life message to every corner of our city through media efforts, advocacy and public visibility”

40 Days for Life begins September 26, 2012 and ends November 4, 2012.

Praying for and working for the end of the MURDER of unborn babies will continue until the holocaust is stopped both within the United States and throughout the world!
