Monday, November 26, 2012

A Yawning Baby in the Womb!

A PRO-LIFE organization that I strongly support is LIFE DECISIONS INTERNATIONAL!

Its website is at: is 100% PRO-LIFE. political discussions based upon Christian values. deals with the immoral, sinful agenda of homosexual activists.


“Amazing 4-D Ultrasound Captures Baby Yawning in the Womb

by Steven Ertelt
London, England
11/22/12 12:27 PM

A British doctor has capture an amazing 4-D ultrasound photo of a baby yawning in the womb. Fetal development pictures like this help people understand exactly what is taking place in an abortion—the destruction of human life.

These kinds of photos help people realize that the unborn baby before birth is a human being, whose features, personality and actions are rapidly developing.

In past studies, scientists couldn’t tell if unborn babies were merely opening their mouth or yawning. But, as an NPR report indicates, ‘Nadja Reissland, a researcher at the University of Durham in the United Kingdom, used a more detailed ultrasound technique to get images of fetal faces that could distinguish a true yawn from just an open mouth.’

‘They seem to open their mouths widely much less often than they yawn,’ Reissland says.

From the report:

What’s more, she found that yawning was common at 24 weeks but then dropped to zero at 36 weeks, according to a report by Reissland and her colleagues in the journal PLOS ONE.

Reissland believes that fetal yawning may somehow help trigger brain maturation, by acting as a kind of self-stimulation for the developing fetus.

‘It could be that yawning is something which you need in order to have a functioning brain, which is a hypothesis,’ she says, adding that she would like to compare yawning in healthy fetuses, like the ones she studied, with yawning in fetuses that have medical conditions.”

Watch this video of the yawning baby!

GOD’S creation!!!