Monday, November 19, 2012

Disobey the Federal Government or Disobey GOD?

Please Note: The library is closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. The Morton girls’ basketball team has a tournament going on Friday and Saturday. Therefore, I have decided not to blog on Saturday. I plan to return the following Monday. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!

A PRO-LIFE organization that I strongly support is LIFE DECISIONS INTERNATIONAL!

Its website is at: is 100% PRO-LIFE. political discussions based upon Christian values. deals with the immoral, sinful agenda of homosexual activists.

From: a friend who can be “nasty” at times

“Unconfirmed rumor:

Bill Clinton has asked Paula Broadwell to write his biography.”


“Disobey the Mandate
By Kevin McCullough

If someone had told me in 2009 that President Obama would get close to ten million fewer votes in 2012, I’d have both laughed out loud and simultaneously thought to myself, ‘we’ll take that.’

Of course now, I can’t explain why I would’ve been so happy.

Nonetheless the President’s underwhelming yet historic win, by a quite slim margin of victory, has caused the word ‘mandate’ to cross the lips of left-leaning opinion makers once again showing the true delusion of those who back team Obama.

One of the specific areas that such a ‘mandate’ is demanding adherence to across the nation is found in the discussion of an actual legal mandate listed in the Obama-care legislation.

The requirement of the Health & Human Services mandate to force employers to provide insurance coverage for birth control and abortions—without question—violates the conscience and deeply held beliefs of committed Christians and pro-life voters. The administration, assuming they have a ‘mandate,’ believe now is the time to enforce THE mandate.

Never mind that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops felt so assaulted by the requirement that they hauled the Obama administration into court. Never mind that dozens of additional faith-based institutions have joined the cause. Never mind that President Obama’s most loyal base—African American church goers—violently disagree with the plank, the administration presses ahead.

There is little violence that compares to the violence of forcing an individual to take actions against his own soul.

Yet the reality of this violence, this torture, this pain—is something that the administration seems immune to understanding.

To be clear, forcing a person who has honest pro-life convictions to supply the means, money, or mechanism to have a child aborted is the equivalent of forcing a Jewish prisoner of war in World War II to place the bodies of fellow Jews into the incinerators at Auschwitz.

There is no difference.

This striking, hardened, indifference by the President and his staff tells us a great deal about the character, temperament, and values of our newly re-elected first-servant (He does not have any moral values. He is evil. But we knew that since he is the most openly PRO-MURDER President in our history! He has also said he will shut down the federal government before he would approve the ending of the funding of Planned MURDERHOOD! Will the House have the guts to stand by their alleged pro-life convictions and end the funding of Planned MURDERHOOD?—my addition).

Since the courts will now not overturn the Obama-care legislation, since the elected class sneers at the idea of doing away with the mandate, and since there are no other paths to legal change for this matter it becomes clear the only path left is defiance.

The government has no more right to force a person of deep religious conviction to provide the means of death to innocent children, than do they to come into one’s bedroom and rape one’s wife. The difference being that rape is a lesser crime than extermination.

In the principled argument of obeying the human law of established government, God is clear that we should obey the human government. The exception to this biblical principle stems from a conflict between the law of man and the law of God.

For those that believe their relationship with God is of moral priority, to violate His law, is to commit multiple transgressions against the author of their soul. It is to commit blasphemy and rebellion against the one they are pledged to obey.

Thusly, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer defied the tyranny of the National Socialists of his time, it is time for people of genuine faith to run the risk of consequence in order to demonstrate faithfulness (AMEN! Also historically, when the church is persecuted; the church grows!!!—my addition).

Demonstrate such faithfulness to God and his principles ...

Demonstrate such faithfulness on behalf of the innocent victims who would be exterminated otherwise ...

The consequence of such defiance is not yet understood. If successful it might create such a constitutional crisis that the court might be forced to reexamine what it has done to force violence upon the human soul. At worst those who do defy might begin to be jailed, as they are in Canada, and other nations in which the governments have limited religious freedoms and are seeking to choke people of faith with a society of pagan secularism which is in itself a propagated religious belief system.

There is a time of great purity that awaits people of faith in the days, weeks, and next four years to come.

An Eric Holder led justice department—actively seeking to subvert justice, implement a political agenda, and give almost no thought to accountability for its own actions (They certainly DO NOT FEAR GOD which in itself is the height of ignorance! Even demons believe in GOD and tremble! [James 2: 19]—my addition)—may be quite eager to engage, pursue, and prosecute those who they deem political opponents. A Janet Napolitano led Department of Homeland Security may work hand in hand with Holder to track those she has already labeled as dangerous—all the while ignoring genuine national security threats. And a Barack Obama appointed and remade Supreme Court may throw out the actual rule of actual law and for the foreseeable future checks and balances may be lifted all together.

Bonhoeffer can almost be heard warning us from the grave.

Yet by his example, we must be faithful, regardless of the consequence that awaits.

So ... Disobey the mandate, and defy this law.

For when it becomes necessary to follow one’s conscience—especially to save the lives of those who are most vulnerable—citizens and institutions have a requirement to violate that law.

And when any law violates human dignity, and by extension God’s greater moral code—‘We The People’ have the responsibility and moral authority to disobey it.”

I’ve already have said that I have stopped filing my tax return since the 2009 tax year. There are other things that may be done. If you don’t carry insurance and choose not to, don’t. Then, when you file your tax return don’t pay the penalty. From what I understand, the law allows the IRS to take any refund if the penalty is not paid. Therefore, adjust your withholding schedule so that at the end of the tax year, you owe taxes rather than receive a refund. The IRS can not take that which is not refundable. Civil disobedience over unjust, illegal, and immoral laws are in obedience to GOD!

Acts 4: 19-20 (NIV)

“But Peter and John replied, ‘Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”