The United Nations, Planned Parenthood (AKA MURDERHOOD), and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
I posted a questionnaire I sent to the two mayoral candidates for the Village of Morton and the answers given by one of the candidates—Stephen Newhouse. The questions and answers are posted at:
If the other candidate responses I will also post his answers. At the present, he has not.
Watch this video: I just want a job!
Is the way to increase jobs to legalize illegal immigrants? Is it true that there are some jobs that U.S. citizens won’t do? Is it because employers pay below minimum wage and/or below the supply and demand cost of labor in that area if there were no illegal aliens to fill the jobs?
Watch this video and wonder!
Tea Partiers are terrorists—petition says no!
Petition against drone use in the U.S. and more
Support right of conscience:
Petition to cut off funds to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!
A new segment: The fraud of the day. President Obama claims that the federal government can’t afford to cut any spending even though we are borrowing 40% of every dollar spent. And even though fraud is RAMPANT throughout the federal government! When the government is spending trillions of dollars the opportunity for fraud is everywhere! Therefore:
Fraud of the day website:
The fraud article of the day:
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Democrat from Illinois—my addition) admits that a handgun ban is next
Petition against illegal immigrants’ amnesty!
Board hearing for Abortionist/MURDERER LeRoy Carhart
“MD to UN: Shame on You
By Ashley Herzog
On Tuesday, Dr. Miriam Grossman had a message for the United Nations: Shame on you.
Grossman is the author of the acclaimed 2007 book Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student. As I wrote in my very first column for Townhall,
when I was a junior at Ohio University: ‘Grossman says her profession has been ‘hijacked’ by radical politics. Unprotected reveals how campus health professionals often risk students’ well-being in order to promote feminism, androgyny, and ‘anything goes’ liberalism.’
Her follow-up book, You’re Teaching my Child What? showed that radical sexual dogma isn’t only a problem on campus—it has infected elementary schools (Note this: This nonsense is in our elementary schools. An elementary student can’t use his finger as a toy gun but he should know everything there is to “know” in the realm of sex! And this is logical and educational intelligent?—my addition), too. (Full disclosure: I was Dr. Grossman’s researcher for her second book.)
Grossman’s new target is the UN.
‘When I graduated from med school, I took an oath,’ Grossman said on Tuesday. ‘I swore to prevent disease whenever I could. At the time, I believed the battles that lay ahead would be against cancer and heart disease. But after three decades, and thousands of hours with young patients in distress, I’ve discovered my most challenging fight is not against dangerous diseases, but against dangerous ideas (Ideas and lies but the lies always follow the ideas!—my addition).’
Grossman encouraged delegates to reject so-called ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ programs developed and funded by the UN and UNESCO, and not only because they don’t fit into the moral fabric of most societies. No, Grossman urged them to reject it because ‘what it teaches young people is not scientifically accurate. It’s not true (Like I said, the lies follow the ideas!—my addition)!’
Take, for example, the pamphlet ‘Healthy, Happy, and Hot: A Young Person’s Guide to their Rights, Sexuality, and Living With HIV.’ The pamphlet is distributed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (Note the distributor: Planned MURDERHOOD! Where does its money come from? MURDER! And since it is unborn babies that are MURDERED, the babies first must be conceived. They can’t MURDER those who are not first conceived!—my addition), one of the groups that influences programs developed and funded by UN agencies.
You’d never know from reading ‘Healthy, Happy and Hot’ that being HIV-positive is a serious medical condition. And you’d definitely never know that HIV-positive people have not just rights, but obligations (Two things Planned MURDERHOOD does not believe in are obligations and responsibilities!—my addition), especially to their sexual partners. The pamphlet says that having multiple partners is okay, and you don’t even have to tell them you’re infected. It condones sex while high on drugs or alcohol: ‘This is your choice.’
How about sex without ‘protection’?
‘You’d expect the line to be drawn here, but it’s not,’ Grossman says. Instead, the pamphlet tells young people with HIV that ‘sometimes people choose not to have safer sex. If this is something you and your partner agree to, then it is your choice (And just why would someone who is not infected agree to such activity?—my addition).’
Groups IPPF and SIECUS (the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) go through the UN to promote what Grossman calls a ‘cradle to grave’ sexual free-for-all.
‘They endorse adolescent sexual activity, multiple partners, and sexual experimentation,’ she says, even though ‘when sexual license is the priority, sexual health suffers.’
That’s evidenced by the fact that 1 in 4 adolescent girls in the US has an STI—including infections that can’t be prevented with latex ‘protection,’ such as herpes. Chlamydia scarring of the fallopian tubes is a leading cause of infertility, even in women who caught and treated their infections early.
Still, groups like IPPF and SIECUS cling to their dogma: that sexuality extends from cradle to grave, that young people have sexual rights (but not so many responsibilities), that adults should just stand to the side and allow them to make their own choices, that morality walls people in, and that taboos must be relaxed (Which, in reality, includes homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, polygamy, and anything and everything else! No morals = more unborn babies to MURDER! And it is about the money and about control! Follow the money! Follow the supporters of immorality!—my addition).
‘These are the roots of today’s sex education (Including in elementary school! Chicago schools starting in kindergarten! Always, for the “good” of the child! NOT!—my addition), the roots of the programs that some UN agencies hope to bring to your nations,’ Dr. Grossman told the delegates. ‘These beliefs sexualize children, and they lead to disease and heartbreak (and MURDER!—my addition).’
Of course, Grossman has been working with young people long enough to be a realist.
‘Is every young person going to postpone sex? Of course not!’ she says (Just as laws against murder don’t stop all murders. No law stops all activities that are prohibited!—my addition). ‘But we are still obligated to inform them of the risks they face, to teach them biological truths about their physical and emotional vulnerabilities, and to warn them in a no-nonsense manner about avoiding high risk behaviors, and to encourage the highest standards. That is what we do in every other area of healthcare.’
After all, nobody teaches kids to practice ‘safer smoking,’ or that drug use is a ‘personal choice’ to experiment with. We tell them these behaviors are hazardous to their health. So why are groups like IPPF using the UN to tell youth all over the world that it’s okay to have multiple sex partners, or unprotected sex with an HIV-positive person, or sex while drunk or high?
‘These groups claim to be advocates for reproductive health,’ Grossman says. ‘But the rights-based advice they give will make people sick.’
No kidding.
For more information, contact Dr. Grossman at”
Get the U.N. out of the United States and the United States out of the U.N. It has been corrupted beyond repair. Then, prosecute Planned MURDERHOOD and similar groups for violating State and federal laws! They are corrupt and they are supported and protected by the corrupt!
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