Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Pro-Live Activism Is What “Caused” the Unsanitary, MURDEROUS Conditions at the Gosnell Abortion Clinic

Photo: If Michael Vick had any sense he would be totally outraged right about now...


“Harry Reid: Butcher’ Gosnell is Why We Need More Abortion Access

by Steven Ertelt
Washington, DC

The top Democrat in the Senate is now coming under fire for comments about the Kermit Gosnell murder trial and the verdict finding him guilty on three counts of killing babies sin gruesome abortion-infanticides.

Reid called Gosnell a butcher, according to a Weekly Standard report, but the Senate Democratic leader then went on to blame pro-lifers and said more access to abortion is needed. The top Democrat apparently thinks the Gosnell trial was merely about dirty and unsanitary abortion clinics rather than him taking the lives of women in botched abortions and killing (MURDERING—my addition) babies by birthing them and snipping their necks.

As the Weekly Standard reports:

At a Tuesday afternoon press conference, Senate majority leader Harry Reid blamed laws restricting abortion and pro-lifers who picket abortion clinics for pushing women to the clinic of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted Monday for murdering three infants (Was his clinic never picketed? Does he realize that the clinic was located in a Black neighborhood and was used by Black women living in that area? Did the pro-life people demand that he keep his clinic unsanitary? He reportedly made a million plus dollars a year. He couldnt afford the upkeep on the clinic? He was doing this MURDEROUS work for 30 years and the pro-life movement is responsible? Really? What is Senator Reid smoking?—my addition).

‘What led to these convictions of murder for this man is the fact that people have been pushed back into these holes to do something that’s legal (What he was convicted of is not legal! Thats why he was convicted! Has Harry Reid been screaming his lies so long that he now actually believes them? Constitutionally, the MURDER of unborn babies has NEVER been legal nationally! NEVER! And constitutionally, it is not today! I thought Harry Reid is a lawyer? Of course, being a lawyer does not mean one knows the Constitution. As President Obama has demonstrating, teaching a constitutional law class does not mean one knows the Constitution!—my addition),’ Reid said before mentioning the picketing of clinics and ‘all these restrictive laws.’

According to the Senate’s top Democrat, the case highlighted the need for ‘clean and sterile’ late-term abortion clinics.

‘I think to keep pushing these clinics back into the situations where they wind up like this is wrong (I think Harry Reid is going to have a lot to answer to GOD for if he does not repent!—my addition),’ Reid said. ‘I think no matter how you stand on the issue of abortion, people who make that decision should do it and not have to be worried about infections and some butcher like this doing the bad things they do (And this was caused by pro-life people? Does Gosnell have no responsibility in this? Does the State of Pennsylvania have no responsibility in inspecting MURDER clinics? This is a clinic that, according to reports, had not been inspected for 17 years!—my addition). They should be in a place that’s clean and sterile and have people that know what they’re doing and care about what they do (And, if that is not happening, it is the fault of the pro-lifescumbags?”—my addition).’”

The video:

From the video from Harry Reid: “The law of the land is now what the Supreme Court has said.” What! Where is that in the Constitution? Where in the Constitution is the Supreme Court given the power and authority to make law?!!!

This is from the most powerful Senator in the U.S Senate! And next in line is Illinois’ own Dick Durbin. Doesn’t it make you wonder how the Democrats were ever given control of the Senate! It is time to take back the Senate in 2014! Elect social/fiscal conservatives to the United States Senate in 2014!!!

Petition to Defund Planned MURDERHOOD