Friday, April 03, 2015

Pro-Life and Pro-Family Politics Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage? You Can’t Have One Without the Other?


Blaze interview with an owner of a pizza business being attacked by the Left:

Go to for the article about this particular fund raising effort


Petition opposing nomination of Loretta Lynch for Attorney General. Sign NOW!


“We’ll Be Watching You” from Empower Texans

The lyrics thanks to Empower Texans

“Every hand you shake,
Every cent you take,
Every vow you break,
Every vote you make,
We’ll be watching you!

Every single day,
Every word you say,
Every game you play,
Every time you stray,
We’ll be watching you!

Oh, can’t you see,
You represent me?
How my wallet aches,
With every vote you make!

Every hand you shake,
Every cent you take,
Every vow you break,
Every vote you make,
We’ll be watching you!

I recall what you said during the race,
The policies you promised to embrace,
Now, it seems like you’re all over the place!
Did your values disappear without a trace?
We keep waiting, watching, hoping, please!”


“God created human government. It is, therefore, inconceivable that God would create government and then tell His people to stay out of it.” ~ Pastor Adrian Rogers


New app now available!

Juggle Bug ~ Mobile Phone Game ~ Its FREE! ~ TRY IT!


My blog site for the U.S. House of Representatives District 19 for Texas campaign is:




Please continue to pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.



“Gay activists pressure GOP to drop pro-marriage plank from platform
Dustin Siggins
April 2, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 2, 2015 ( decades, a growing portion of the Republican Party has urged the GOP to eliminate its formal opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’ in the party platform (Which is absolutely the wrong direction for the Party!my addition). With the next presidential election less than 20 months away, several groups with deep-pocketed backers are again making the push, arguing that the party must adapt to win (Adapt a losing strategy? Adapt a position already owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Democrat Party in order to win? Are they serious?my addition).

However, one pro-marriage critic told LifeSiteNews that it would be ‘idiotic’ for the party to drop its support for marriage (It would! They lost the last presidential election because Mitt Romney was pro-homosexual on some issues and refused to defend Chick-fil-A when its CEO stood up for marriage!my addition).

According to National Journal, prominent among the socially liberal groups is Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry, which is pushing activists and leaders in early primary states to back the change (Absolutely the wrong approach!my addition). These groups say that same-sex ‘marriage’ could give the Democratic Party a win in the 2016 election if the GOP does not change on marriage (Change and the Republican Party will lose once again! Why would voters vote Democrat-lite when they can vote Democrat?my addition).

It’s a tough issue for the GOP (No it is not!my addition), which faces a rise in public support for marriage redefinition (Prove there is a rising tide! Over 30 States including blue California when President Obama carried it by double digits have voted for marriage! How many States have voted for faux homosexual marriage?my addition)somewhere between the mid-fifties to nearly 60 percent, according to a number of polls (When did a poll ever vote? Tell me one instance! Voting disproves the polls!my addition). On the other side of the equation are the social conservatives that make up an enormous part of the party’s base (Cant win without us! If they abandon marriage, they will abandon life when it is convenient! Some want to now! Others, like Mark Kirk, have already abandoned both!my addition), as well as voter focus on issues like the economy.

Additionally, over two-thirds of Republicans oppose changing the definition of marriage.

Frank Schubert, political director for the National Organization for Marriage, told LifeSiteNews that the idea that getting rid of marriage from the party platform will help the GOP ‘is idiotic (And suicidal! my addition).’

‘Marriage outperformed Romney by 6.6 percent in four states where marriage was on the ballot,’ said Schubert. ‘Those pushing this change need to ask themselves, ‘What is the point of being a Republican?’ if you are going to abandon issues that have gotten people to join the party, go to the polls, etcwhy should people continue being Republicans (Why would people vote for Democrat lite?my addition)?’

‘Rich donors don’t walk door-to-door or go to the precincts. It would be a terrible decision if the GOP were to abandon marriage (As I said, suicidal!my addition).’

Longtime political commentator and author Kavon Nikrad, who holds a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs from the Humphrey School and founded the Republican campaigns and elections website, told LifeSiteNews he believes ‘it would hurt the Republican Party more than it would help to change its stance on marriage, at this point in time (At ANY point in time!my addition).’

Nikrad said it is ‘probably inevitable’ that the GOP will eventually join the Democrats in backing same-sex ‘marriage (Wrong! We will not surrender to sin just as we did not over the MURDER of unborn babies! People who think that homosexual acceptance is inevitable are WRONG! my addition),’ but at this point it would be too politically damaging.

‘With the Republican Party being the party of social conservatives, and being the party that stands against gay marriage at this time, it would probably do more damage with their base that they need to win elections, than it would gain them voters (It will not gain them voters!my addition),’ he said.

Sean Trende, senior elections analyst for Real Clear Politics, likewise said that ‘as always, these things involve tradeoffs.’

‘Taking the marriage plank out of the GOP platform might hurt the GOP among older, more socially conservative voters, but might help (Might help? Why would they change to Republican just because of accepting the sin of homosexual behavior?my addition) with Millenials,’ he told LifeSiteNews. ‘The dilemma for the GOP is, as always, that a substantial share of its vote comes from voters who might be Democrats, but for social issues. Of course, there are many Democrats who might be Republicans but for those issues, so it is difficult to sort out.’

It is the latter bloc that Tyler Deaton told National Journal is of concern to him. Deaton, a senior adviser for the pro-gay ‘marriage’ group American Unity Fund, said that ‘there will be Republican voters who trust the party on economics, who trust the party on national defense, but they might have a gay brother or a lesbian daughter, and even though they agree with the Republican Party on other issues, that is a deal-breaker (If they had a brother who was a murderer would they then support murderers?my addition).’

Deaton’s group is backed by Republican donor and billionaire Paul Singer, who is one of the party’s biggest donors (This man is dangerous! He thinks he can buy respectability for his homosexually involved son! He can not!my addition)and one of its biggest proponents of changing positions on marriage (How many votes does he have?my addition). A former Republican National Committee chairman who later came out as gay is pushing for change, as well, and it is rumored that behind the scenes many of the GOP’s leaders do not wish to continue fighting for actual marriage (Including Governor Mike Pence of Indiana! This is one reason among many that we need Texas Senator Ted Cruz as President!my addition).

Click like if you want to defend true marriage.

Nikrad says this mentality is taking place because of media control by the left that has convinced ‘low-information voters’ of the validity of same-sex ‘marriage.’ Asked by LifeSiteNews why the GOP’s position is often considered regressive, compared to the Democratic Party’s platform of abortion-on-demand that is further outside of the mainstream that seems to be holding strong, Nikrad said it was about media control and messaging.

Same-sex ‘marriage’ advocates, he said, ‘have been able, through popular media and social media to paint’ their opponents ‘as being regressivesimilar to those that would have been against interracial marriage back in the 1960s (In other words, they LIE! Homosexual behavior is not a civil right! However, strangely, there is no mention of the intimidation and bullying that homosexual radicals use and have used for years! Why is that? We have seen another example of it this week as they attacked a small pizza business in a small Indiana town when an owner answered a hypothetical question about catering a faux homosexual marriagewith pizza!my addition).’

‘They’ve painted it as a civil rights issue (They LIE! Just as the baby MURDERERS saying that MURDERING your own baby is a right! The problem on the side of right is that we let them get away with the lies!my addition),’ said Nikrad, pointing to online outlets like Upworthy and Buzzfeed, as well as ‘The Daily Show,’ that he says highlight gay ‘marriage’ but do not make strong cases for the pro-life position.

Recent history, however, shows that breaking with socially conservative voters may not benefit the GOP. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, who changed his opinion on marriage after his son came out as gay (As if that made the change valid! It did not!my addition), has lost the support of a number of socially conservative donors. He also lost the support of nearly two dozen state politicians and party leaders in his re-election campaign (Run a social conservative against him in the primary!my addition).

The Republican National Committee did not respond to multiple requests for comment about changing the party’s platform on marriage.

However, Chairman Reince Priebus has previously stated that the GOP is ‘a party that believes marriage ought to be between one man and one woman. That’s our party platform, and it’s a position I’ve never backed away from (Nor should he! This should be pushed to the fore along with stopping the MURDER of unborn babies!my addition).’

And earlier this year, Priebus told LifeSiteNews, ‘As far as our party is concerned, we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I think all of our [2016 presidential] candidates will, too.’”

Why did I include this on my pro-life blog? Because we have to realize that they go together. A politician who turns against the family because his son is involved in the sin of homosexual behavior is just as likely to change his pro-life position if his daughter has an abortion/MURDER! These are situation ethics candidates that have no real commitment to the pro-life cause! We need to make sure that those we support are strong and remain strong on both!

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ….” ~ Amendment V to the United States Constitution

Petition opposing nomination of Loretta Lynch for Attorney General. Sign NOW!


Planned MURDERHOOD is the undisputed leader in MURDERING boys and girls in the United Statesthe American holocaust!

Every abortion is MURDER! Everyone!

The abortion/MURDER method used after 13 weeks to MURDER a baby in the womb:



Dilation and Extraction (D and E): Used after 13 weeks - The cervix is dialated and the unborn child is dismembered with plier-like forceps. Force is needed to pull the baby apart. The instrument is used to seize a leg or other part of the body and then, with a twisting motion, tear it from the babys body. The babys spine is snapped and the skull crushed. After the baby parts are removed, they are reassembled outside the womb to be sure all are removed. Frequently baby parts are left inside the mother’s womb. This can cause serious complications and sometimes death.”

After 13 weeks: The babys limbs are pulled from his/her body! His/her spine is snapped! His/her skull is crushed! And the Left complained about waterboarding prisoners of war? Are you serious!


Abortion is government sanctioned torture and MURDER!

Life begins at Conception!

Personhood begins with Life!

Having an abortion MURDERS a person!


Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

Victory through JESUS the Christ is complete! The question is how many will join the FAMILY of GOD and how many will be lost?

Lets make 2015 a benchmark year in protecting all human life from conception to natural death. It can be done. It will not be done if we do not try, pray, work, and put our faith and trust in GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT and THEIR power!

Planned MURDERHOOD is the most prolific MURDER organization in our nations history! Without question! And the federal government gives it money! And the federal government gives money to worldwide organizations that MURDER unborn babies! Why are we funding MURDER?

2 Corinthians 5: 10 (NIV)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

Romans 8: 28 (NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s Liberty University announcement


SLED: Defend the Unborn with Scott Klusendorf


President Barack Hussein Obama: I can not bypass Congress and change the laws on my own!



Blaze interview with an owner of a pizza business being attacked by the Left:

Go to for the article about this particular fund raising effort
