Monday, July 18, 2005

In respond to a letter to the editor claiming that homosexuality was natural, a woman wrote a letter saying homosexuality was sinful. At least three letters attacking her position were published in the paper. So, I wrote a letter in her defense. It was not published. It read:

(The name of the woman--I don't think it's necessary to give her name here) identifies homosexuality as a sin in a letter to the editor and the humanistic rationalists jump to attack her and her position. Nothing new. Jesus states clearly that Satan was a liar from the beginning. At least two apologists emphasized love which is certainly a Christian concept since God is love.

The question is: what is love in this context? If homosexuality is a sin, is it love to encourage people to live that life of sin or is it love to warn people that they are living in sin? Would a loving parent forbid his child from racing into a burning building to retrieve a beloved pet or would he encourage that child to risk his life in the chance that he might successfully avoid being killed in the flames?

God gave His Son to die to redeem us from our sins. One of our responsibilities in response to that love is to repent from our sins including homosexual acts.

We each have a choice. Repentance or spiritual death. We can't have both sin and life. Choose spiritual life and live eternally with God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that sweet, you came to the defense of a helpless women.

5:56 AM  

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