Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I wrote the following letter to the editor in 2004 in response to a letter printed in the paper. Basically, the writer stated that Christians should not bring their values into play in politics because of the separation of church and state. A view that has been expressed by others both before and after this letter. I also bring up homosexuality which is another area of law where the courts including the Supreme Court have rewritten the Constitution to suit their values rather than following the provisions of the Constitution. The letter was not published. Here is that letter.

What rubbish! The U.S. Constitution does not guarantee the separation of church and state! It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." Letter writer .... ...... would have you believe that a person can not use religious values to reach political decisions. Not even the ACLU has claimed such nonsense! There are only religious and nonreligious values. If one can only use nonreligious values to reach political decisions then a large portion of the electorate would be disenfranchised. If one can not use religious values to reach political decisions, then murder and stealing should not be against the law since both are condemned in the Ten Commandments. How ridiculous!

In the history of the United States, marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue! It is a moral issue. Homosexuality historically has been viewed as immoral behavior and still is by most of the people in this country. Originally, the cry was "government stay out of our bedroom." Then, the message was government pay for our bedroom through group health insurance benefits. Now, it is "government sanctify our bedroom." This is a complete reversal in government involvement in homosexuality.

"Do not be deceived: GOD cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the SPIRIT, from the SPIRIT will reap eternal life." (Galatians 6:7-8) If the same is true for nations (and it is), we dare not sow immorality in the name of civil rights. As citizens of this country we have as much right to support our views as homosexuals have to push their agenda. That is democracy!


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