Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I moved from Tucson, Arizona to Illinois less than two years ago.  Arizona allows citizens to participate directly in the government process through the initiative, referendum, and recall.  Each election year, groups of people attempt to get placed on the ballot issues and/or solutions they support.  Most fail to receive the required petition signatures.  Those that are successful usually hire professional signature gatherers to achieve the required number.  

The Protect Marriage Illinois petition has just been submitted to the State Board of Elections.  It was done the hard way.  Volunteers were the primary source for collecting the required signatures.  And unlike Arizona, the referendum is not binding.  It is only advisory.  Normally, that alone would be sufficient to discourage both the gatherers and the signers of the petition.  

The Family Taxpayers Network website declares “No matter what the media says tomorrow (Tuesday the 9th of May—my addition), today belongs to the people who got the job done.  They did it with pages that would contain a maximum of only seven signatures.  And they did what hasn’t been done in Illinois in 28 years.”

Quoting further from the website:

“Here are the final petition numbers:

Minimum signatures required: 283,111

Signatures collected: 421,801

Signatures filed: 345,199

Some additional statistics help illustrate the level of energy generated across the state for the cause of defending traditional marriage.

11,581 volunteers circulated the Protect Marriage Illinois petitions.  

2,635 church congregations circulated petitions.

329,890 outreach calls were made to registered voters.

164 regional volunteer coordinators were put into place across the state.

Residents of all 102 Illinois counties signed the petition.

More than 1/3 of the petition signers represent minority communities.”

[To read the entire article, go to]

Congratulations and thank you to all Illinois citizens who participated in this democratic process to preserve the GOD directed and mandated institution of marriage.  Prayerfully, the process has just begun.


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