Thursday, June 14, 2007

Planned Murderhood being sued

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

The following is a news article from the Cincinnati Enquirer taken off of the newspaper’s web-site. The original publish date was May 9, 2007. This newspaper article was referenced in the World magazine article posted two posts ago. Please remember this: at this point, Planned Murderhood is only alleged to have violated the law. Even an organization that murders thousands of unborn babies yearly is innocent until proven guilty. It is significant though that these accusations are not receiving the same sort of negative publicity by the libertine mass media that were front page headlines when abuse within the Roman Catholic Church was being investigated. Why is that the case?

“Abused girl sues abortion provider

LEBANON – Cincinnati’s Planned Parenthood, which is still waging a court battle over withholding minors’ abortion records in Hamilton County, now faces a lawsuit alleging the agency failed to report the sexual abuse of a Warren County teen whose father impregnated her and forced her to get an abortion.

In a civil suit filed today in Warren County Common Pleas Court, the teen, formerly of Mason, says she disclosed the sexual abuse to a Planned Parenthood employee when she and her father went to the agency’s Mount Auburn clinic to abort her pregnancy in November 2004.

But no police report was filed – and as a result, the abuse continued for another year and a half, the suit says.

Becki Brenner, Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region’s president and chief executive officer, said she had not seen the lawsuit yet. But in response to a description of the allegations, Brenner said she disputes the primary allegations.

Brenner says that, if such abuse were disclosed, ‘We would call and report as we are required to do by law.’ (How does she know that each individual employee does this? Is she present with all employees at all times? If Roman Catholic officials had declared that “if we knew a priest was molesting a child, we certainly would report it” would the libertine mass media take that statement at face value without questioning it?—my addition)

Ohio law makes doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals ‘mandated reporters’ who must report even suspicions of child abuse to authorities. (Note that according to this, even suspecting child abuse requires reporting to the authorities. Now here is the question, since having intercourse while underage is by definition statutory rape, isn’t every situation where an underage, unmarried female wants to murder her unborn child an instance of suspected child abuse under the law??? That needs to be repeated. By definition, isn’t any instance where an underage, unmarried female wants to murder her unborn child an instance of suspected child abuse under the law??? So, where is the out cry over the alleged actions of this national organization? Where are the national news stories? According to the World magazine article posted two posts ago, only the Cincinnati Enquirer published this story. The rest of the libertine mass media did not. Why? Also, did law enforcement officials investigate this alleged violation of the law? The news story does not say. If they did not, why not???—my addition)

Brenner said she doesn’t usually comment on individual patients’ experiences with the clinic. But Brenner said she is aware of facts in this case and, “I am going to be very, very pleased when the facts of this case do come out in a court of law.” (Is she calling the teenager who is claiming that Planned Murderhood did not report her plea for help a liar?—my addition)

The Mason teen’s situation came to light about a year ago, when the teen confided in her future college sports coach that her father coerced her to have sex. The coach reported the abuse to authorities, leading to an investigation and criminal charges against the teen’s father, John Blanks Jr.

Blanks, who has lived in Mason and Lincoln Heights, is serving a five-year prison term. Now age 45, Blanks was convicted last year of repeatedly sexually abusing his daughter in both Warren and Hamilton counties from the time she was 13 until she was 18. (If the teenager “lied” about her experience at the Planned Murderhood clinic, does that mean that she “lied” about the abuse at the hands of her father? Is Planned Murderhood withholding information that would be beneficial to the case of the father? What supposed information does Becki Brenner claim to know that will exonerate the clinic and still not bring into question the truthfulness of the teen in relation to the entire situation? Curious?!?—my addition)

Blanks forced the girl to share his bed nightly, almost as though she were his “wife,” prosecutors have said. She didn’t even have her own bedroom.

According to the teen’s lawsuit, Planned Parenthood employees did not tell police that the Mason girl alleged her pregnancy resulted from rape, because of a “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy relating to sex abuse. (If they don’t have such a policy, why didn’t they report that an underage female was pregnant? Did they not realize she was underage? Do they ask for proof of age? Do they care what the age of the female is?—my addition)

But no such policy exists at Planned Parenthood, Brenner contends. (Of course she does. An organization that exists to murder unborn babies is not going to admit that they have an unofficial policy to violate the law. It should take more than her word to establish the facts in this case.—my addition)

‘We do not have a do-not-ask, do-not-tell policy,’ she declared. ‘If a woman comes in, our goal is to keep women safe and deliver a quality service.’ (Notice that she did not state that the goal also was to follow the laws. What, by the way, is that “quality service”? Why, to murder an unborn baby. What an obscene way to describe murder!!!—my addition)

As for a hand-scrawled Planned Parenthood document that mentions the phrase, ‘don’t ask/don’t tell’ and is purported to serve as evidence of the policy, Brenner said, ‘I have no idea who wrote it, it’s not part of the training procedure and it’s not part of our protocols.’ (She says. Would she say any thing different even if it was? Of course not!!!—my addition)

The teen’s Cincinnati lawyer, Brian Hurley, said the note, which is attached to the Warren County lawsuit, was included among training materials that the agency’s trainer, Julia Piercey, provided.

‘So, to me, their position is laughable,’ he said. ‘It came from their own files, from their own trainer.’

In a sworn statement, Piercey said that was the origin of the document (This seems somewhat unclear to me. I take it to read that the “don’t ask/don’t tell” note was indeed in the file that was provided to the lawyer.—my addition), which Hurley obtained in the course of another suit he filed against Planned Parenthood.

In that Hamilton County case, Hurley represents the family of a 14-year-old girl who obtained an abortion without parental consent. The girl went with her abuser, a 21-year-old soccer coach, to the clinic. (Did Planned Murderhood disclose this instance of suspected child abuse? [“Ohio law makes doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals ‘mandated reporters’ who must report even suspicions of child abuse to authorities.”] Just asking, the news article does not say.—my addition)

Last year, Hurley persuaded a judge to order Planned Parenthood to disclose all records of abortion patients who were under age 18.

Hurley says the records are needed to determine whether Planned Parenthood habitually failed to secure parental consent for minors’ abortions, or whether the 14-year-old’s case was an anomaly.

Hurley hasn’t seen those records yet.

Courts have allowed the records to remain undisclosed while an appeal from Planned Parenthood is pending.

A hearing on that matter is set for Tuesday in the Ohio 1st District Court of Appeals, Cincinnati.
No dates have been set for the Warren County case.”

From this article, I see two major questions. If Planned Murderhood is violating the law in relation to reporting child abuse, why are not local authorities investigating these alleged violations? This story is about a civil law suit not about an investigation into criminal wrong doing. Are the authorities investigating? Secondly, if Planned Murderhood is violating the law in relation to reporting child abuse, why isn’t the libertine mass media covering these allegations against a major national organization? Is it because of the power that Planned Murderhood has within the murder of the unborn movement? Is it because the libertine mass media supports the murder of the unborn?


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