Thursday, May 29, 2008

SIN, responsibility, and our culture

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I’m changing direction somewhat on this post. While still dealing with SIN, I’m not directly dealing with the SIN of HOMOSEXUALITY but rather SEXUAL IMMORALITY in general and the results of such SIN. Prayerfully, I will then continue my present series with the next post.

In a sense, this also corresponds to the present sale that is going on at Vision Forum. The sale began last week (I had my posts completed and didn’t include information on it.) and ends at Midnight, May 30, 2008 (CST). “Vision Forum’s new ‘Reclaiming the Culture DVD Collection’: This engaging seven-part video series—which features messages by Ray Comfort, Doug Phillips, Dr. Paul Jehle, and Geoffrey, Anna Sofia, and Elizabeth Botkin—is designed to dispel worldly myths that undermine biblical womanhood, honor, evangelism, and America’s providential history and to recapture these priorities in a way that reflects God’s Word and gives hope to our children.”

The seven titles in the series include:

1) “Training Dominion-Oriented Daughters”
2) “What Is Biblical Femininity?”
3) “We Cannot But Speak—How to Gain a Passion for Evangelism”
4) “Guerilla Apologetics for the Glory of God”
5) “Seven Foundational Elements of a Godly Estate”
6) “The Promise: The Beauty and Power of the Fifth Commandment”
7) “The Providential Nexus of Plymouth & Jamestown”

I have not seen any of the DVDs so I can not comment on the content. I am mentioning the sale to make you aware of the opportunity.

Tonight’s post is in relation to an article published in the Peoria Journal Star on May 26, 2008 on page B3. The title of the article is “Pregnant girlfriend allegedly assaulted.” The sub-headline is “Police worried about rash of recent cases of extreme violence in Washington.” (Washington, Illinois is a city about ten miles from Morton—my addition.)
I am quoting only sections of the article.

“>>>>>>> >. >>>>>> (I am not printing the individual’s name because he has not yet been convicted—my addition.), 27, is charged with aggravated battery to an unborn child, aggravated battery to a pregnant woman and aggravated domestic battery.”

“>>>>>> lives with the victim, >>>>>>>> >. >’>>>>>, 22, at (an address is given—again for privacy sake I am not giving the name of the alleged victim or their address—my addition).”

“This is the third incident of extreme domestic violence in Washington in three months, a fact that has Kuchenbecker (Washington Police Chief Jim Kuchenbecker—my addition) perplexed.

>>>>>>> >. >>>>>>>, (an address is given), has begun a 13-year prison sentence for a March 3 rampage that involved throwing his infant child, hitting his pregnant girlfriend and spitting on a Washington police officer.

>>>>>>> >. >>>>>>>>, (an address is given), is accused of kicking his girlfriend’s 3-year-old son … and slapping him …. He is being held in Tazewell County Jail on $100,000 bond.”

‘There’s no rhyme or reason why we’re seeing so many heinous cases of domestic violence in our city.’” (said Police Chief Kuchenbecker—my addition)

Oh, but yes there is! There is a one word reason—SIN. We are being taught by our culture that the murder of unborn babies is a right and its practice is demanded. We are being taught by our culture that the most important ingredient for an individual is self-esteem. We are being taught by our culture that there is no such thing as SIN. We are being taught by our culture that we must do that which is best for ourselves. We are being taught by our culture that pleasure and self-actualization should be our primary goals in life. We are being taught by our culture that we are not responsible for our actions. We are being taught by our culture that two consenting adults can do anything they want to sexually. We are being taught by our culture that rules and regulations are for others. We are being taught by our culture that there are no consequences to SINS since there are no SINS. We are being taught by our culture that we are nothing more than evolved slim of the earth.

We are reaping the consequences of these lies!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)


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