Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare—A Republican’s comments

I heard on the radio Wednesday afternoon—July 29th—that President Barack Hussein Obama stated correctly that the present, proposed bill on “Nationalized Healthcare” would not allow insurance companies to use preconditions to deny health insurance coverage—all preconditions would be covered. What he didn’t say was that the practice of not insuring a precondition is because of cost. Statistically, insurance companies realize that covering preconditions will result in higher costs for the insurance company. Higher costs for the insurance companies tend to lead to higher prices for the consumer. Therefore, according to supply and demand principles to require covering preconditions is to require higher costs. He ignores that one will lead to the other. To him, supply and demand principles don’t exist. If he wants something to happen, it shouldn’t be prevented from happening and it will have no negative consequences. At least in WORDS; NOT in fact.

On yesterday’s post I included a link which was suppose to lead to “more information:” When I checked the link myself, it did not work—perhaps it is not yet up and running. However, I tried and did find some information. I’m posting two of the articles tonight. There are also links, at the website, to three additional articles.

1) “Boehner: Taxpayers Should Not Fund Planned Parenthood

Washington, July 24—House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement after House Democrats rejected a common sense amendment offered by House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) to block abortion provider Planned Parenthood, which is under investigation for fraud, from receiving taxpayers dollars:

[John Boehner [R] (Ohio—8th District) [Minority Leader]
1011 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

Mike Pence [R] (Indiana—6th District) [Republican Conference Chair]
1431 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)]

‘Taxpayer dollars should not be used to aid the destruction of innocent human life. It’s a principle that has bipartisan backing in Congress and strong support across the nation. In 2007, Planned Parenthood performed more than 300,000 abortions, and approximately one of every five abortions in the United States occurs at a Planned Parenthood center. At the same time, Planned Parenthood is one of the largest recipients of taxpayer dollars under Title X of the Public Health Services Act, even though it is currently under investigation in multiple states for allegations of fraudulently using these funds.

Mr. Pence’s amendment was straightforward: taxpayers should not be asked to fund Planned Parenthood’s work in advancing the abortion industry. Congress should not reward organizations accused of committing fraud with taxpayer dollars, nor should it pave the way for the taxpayer-subsidized destruction of innocent life.’”

2) “Boehner Blasts Censorship of Chart Detailing Democrats’ Government-Run Health Care Labyrinth

The American People Deserve the Truth About Democrats’ Trillion-Dollar Health Care Takeover, GOP Leader Says

Washington, July 28—In a speech on the House floor this morning, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) blasted Democratic leaders’ efforts to censor a chart that illustrates the bureaucratic labyrinth that would result for American health care with enactment of Washington Democrats’ proposed trillion-dollar government takeover of health care. Democratic leaders have attempted to block Members of Congress from using the chart, produced by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and the Republican professional staff of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), in official communications with their constituents.” “… Transcript of Boehner’s remarks follow:

[Kevin Brady [R] (Texas—8th District)
329 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website) (E-mail)]

‘Mr. Speaker, Democrats in Congress don’t want the American people to see this chart. This is the chart that outlines the Democrat proposal moving through the House of Representatives that contains as many as 53 new Federal programs, Agencies and Commissions. That’s right; they’re trying to restrict Members of Congress from showing this to their constituents. They say it’s misleading. Well, there’s nothing misleading about it. They just don’t want anyone to see it.

Well, here it is. I’m using it. Are they going to turn out the lights, are they going to turn out the cameras? Why don’t they want the American people to see this?

Well, I think the American people deserve the truth about the Democrats’ $1.6 trillion takeover of our health care system. More bureaucracy, more taxes, more mandates—and more government involvement in your life.

And guess what? It also means less jobs for Americans. According to a model developed by the President’s own Council of Economic Advisors Chairperson, this proposal will cost Americans some 5.5 million jobs over the next 10 years; the National Federation of Independent Business says that at least a million small business jobs will be lost; and, even the Congressional Budget Office over the weekend made it clear that this will cost low-wage workers an opportunity to get a job.

(This, of course, is based upon supply and demand principles. If the government increases the cost of business by requiring businesses to provide healthcare insurance for all employees, that requirement automatically increases the businesses’ cost of production. Only three things and a combination of those three things can happen. Cut costs which is usually easier to do by cutting labor costs, increase prices, or absorb the costs by decreasing profit. But as I have repeatedly said, businesses can not continue to exist if they can not make a profit. Again, the Barack Hussein Obama administration seems to think that supply and demand principles either do not exist or can be controlled by government. They are WRONG!—my addition)

Listen, after the ‘stimulus’ didn’t work, most of my constituents are continuing to ask the question, ‘where are the jobs?’

We have a ‘stimulus’ that’s not working, we have a national energy tax bill that came through here this month that will cost millions of Americans their jobs, and while this will ruin the health care system that we enjoy in America, let’s not forget, it will cost us millions of American jobs when most Americans continue to want to know, ‘where are the jobs?’”


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