Saturday, August 22, 2009

“Healthcare Nationalized” and the MURDER vote revisited

On SRN (radio) News this morning—Saturday, August 22, 2009—it was stated that President Barack Hussein Obama declared that the MURDER of unborn babies is NOT MANDATED by the “Healthcare Reform” bills before Congress. This, of course, is true—it is not mandated. I’ve not seen anything written by anyone that says it is mandated. However, it doesn’t have to be mandated to occur and President Barack Hussein Obama conveniently does NOT mention that undeniable FACT!!!

On my post of August 17, 2009 entitled “Healthcare and MURDER—the Waxman revote on the Pitts Amendment,” I posted the proposed amendment to specifically PREVENT the MURDER of unborn babies that was defeated by a 29-30 vote in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. I noted that the amendment originally passed and then had a revote where all 30 of the no votes were from Democrats. At the conclusion of the post, I wrote the following:

“The argument will be heard that nothing in the bill specifically allows the MURDER of unborn babies. This is true. It is also TRUE that, if it is not intended to occur, then there is no reason to VOTE AGAINST the Pitts Amendment. The vote against the Pitts Amendment is an admission that the Democrats fully expect the MURDER of unborn babies to be allowed after the passage of the bill. After all, major supporters and campaign workers for Democrats ARE people and organizations that promote, benefit from, and profit from the MURDER of unborn babies. Rest assured, if the Pitts Amendment or something similar is not added to the bill, the MURDER of unborn babies WILL be ALLOWED! It is pay back to their MURDERING supporters!

Barack Hussein Obama supports the MURDER of unborn babies. The Democratic Party, in general, supports the MURDER of unborn babies. And an out-of-control Supreme Court has immorally “legalized” the MURDER of unborn babies. If the bill is passed, MURDER WILL happen if NOT SPECIFICALLY PREVENTED!!!”

I also received a comment about that post concerning one of the Republican Congressmen who voted to prevent the MURDER of unborn babies. I am posting that comment with my brief reply.

The Comment:

MickeyWhite said...

Marsha Blackburn Loves the United Nations, and the U.N. Hates Guns! Marsha Blackburn is my Congressman. She is no conservative. See her unconstitutional votes at:


Supplemental Appropriations:

The Fiscal 2009 Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 2346) would provide an additional $96.7 billion in ‘emergency’ funding for the current fiscal year over and above the regular appropriations. Included in the funds for H.R. 2346 is $84.5 billion for the ongoing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, $10 billion for foreign aid programs, and $2 billion for flu pandemic preparation. The House passed H.R. 2346 on May 14, 2009, by a vote of 368-60 (Roll Call 265).

The spending is over and above what the federal government had already budgeted, the United States never declared war against Iraq and Afghanistan, and some of the spending (e.g., foreign aid) is unconstitutional. Marsha Black voted FOR this bill. (Source: The New American—July 20, 2009)

4:02 PM”

My response:

Marsha Blackburn [R] (Tennessee—4th District)
217 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

I posted her name as a Republican who voted for the amendment to prevent the MURDER of unborn babies. I don’t know her positions on major issues other than this particular vote.

If she is indeed a RINO—Republican in name only—the place to defeat her is in the primary by running a good, conservative candidate and then WORKING throughout the district to get that candidate elected. In this process it is important to know her votes on the important issues in committee, on amendments on the floor, and the final floor vote both originally and any needed vote on a bill that has been rewritten because of differences between the original House and Senate bills. That takes work and persistence.

There are more conservatives in this country than there are liberals. Most of the Democratic members of Congress are more liberal than their constituency. One of the problems is that we are being outworked by a small groups of libertines—homosexuals and baby MURDERERS among them—who are passionate and persistent about their policy positions. Far too many voters, although they oppose the policies, are NOT willing to work for their beliefs and are NOT nearly as passionate for them.

To take back the nation, we must do the same—passionately working hard for our positions—and NOT give up when the going gets tough which it will. We, as a nation, also need to return to the concept of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY instead of the current craze for entitlement and the concept that “I’m not responsible; I’m not to blame.” We need to return to Biblical morality and values. If we don’t, it doesn’t matter what we do to stop such things as nationalized healthcare and cap and trade. These are symptoms of our sickness—NOT the sick. It can be done but we need to get to work now because at some point it WILL be too late.

That was my sermon for the day. Tonight’s post:

Tonight, I am posting a short article about that revote. I am doing so, in part, because a link is provided about the Democratic amendment that, the claim was, was the Democratic proposal to prevent the MURDER of unborn babies. The article as put into my format is from The article:

“Washington, DC (—The House committee that is considering the main House health care restructuring plan defeated a pro-life amendment Thursday night that would stop any mandate for abortion coverage. The vote saw Tennessee Rep. Bart Gordon change his vote, allowing for its defeat.

The panel’s vote and re-vote came along with a vote for a phony measure that abortion advocates said would stop abortion funding in the health care bill, but would actually do otherwise.

Reps. Joe Pitts, a Pennsylvania republican, and Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, combined for a bipartisan amendment to prevent mandated abortion coverage in the essential benefits package.

The amendment said abortions could not be a required basic benefit of any government or private plan.

The House Energy and Commerce committee initially approved the amendment on a 31-27 vote.

However, Rep. Henry Waxman, a California Democrat who is the committee chairman, switched his vote from nay to yea at the last minute, so he could call for a re-vote later in the night.

A few hours later, when Waxman brought up the amendment for reconsideration, it failed by a vote of 30-29 with Waxman switching sides along with Gordon, who has a pro-abortion voting record on other issues. Also, a Democrat who hadn’t voted the first time, Rep. Zack Space of Ohio, voted against the amendment under reconsideration.

Rep. Joe Barton, a pro-life Texas Republican who is a member of the committee, talked about the vote switch and the defeat of the pro-life Pitts-Stupak amendment.

‘The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s majority Democrats managed to have it all ways on the abortion issue Thursday night, at first opting to make abortions available under the government’s ‘public-option’ health plan, then deciding to disallow them as a basic benefit, and finally reversing that decision just before midnight,’ he said.

Barton said the Pitts-Stupak amendment was ‘designed to prohibit the kinds of abortion services that traditionally have been excluded from government sponsorship.’

The congressman also commented on the Capps amendment, that pro-life groups are condemning.

[Lois Capps [D] (California—23rd District)
1110 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)—my addition]

He said her proposal ‘created a murky accounting mechanism that effectively permitted the government’s ‘public option’ insurance plan to contain coverage for elective abortions.’

‘Capps argued that it continued traditional bans on federal funding of abortion services, but [Stupak] refuted that stand, saying the proposal abrogated long-standing ban,’ he said.

Making abortion services not only available, but ‘cheaper and more affordable? That’s not a principle I can endorse,’ Stupak said of the Capps amendment.”

The FACT is that the MURDER of unborn babies does NOT have to be mandated to have it occur. To prevent the MURDER of unborn babies, a provision of the bill MUST specifically MANDATE that the MURDER of unborn babies WILL NOT OCCUR!!!


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