Friday, October 30, 2009

$250 BRIBE

I wasn’t going to write about this tonight but just have to after reading an article in the Peoria Journal Star on 10/15/09, page A2. The article is titled “Seniors could get $250 payments.” Quoting some of the contents of the article:

“President Barack Obama called on Congress Wednesday to approve $250 payments to more than 50 million seniors to make up for no increase in Social Security next year.”

Translation: Congress established a “Cost of Living Adjustment” (COLA) to provide money to retired citizens when inflation increases the cost of living. Since no inflation existed in the last year, no cost of living is due. Yet, the President wants to BRIBE retirees with a flat $250 payment.

Do you think this $250 payment will convince retirees to support his much larger and much more expensive healthcare nationalization plot? After all, if they worked all their adult life, they have been regularly paying for Medicare benefits. One of the methods being proposed to pay for healthcare for everyone is to make massive cuts to Medicare.

So, here is the deal. The government will give you a one time payment of $250. Then, the government will cut Medicare coverage by millions of dollars a year and, in the end, the government will ration healthcare for retirees. In return, you get the privilege of changing your position (Change you can believe in?) and supporting a massive government takeover of healthcare for all. Sounds equitable; doesn’t it? How ignorant does the Obama Administration think we are? Instant gratification in return for long term misery!

“‘Even as we seek to bring about recovery, we must act (Why MUST we?—my addition) on behalf of those hardest hit by this recession,’ Obama said in a statement. ‘This additional assistance ($250?—my addition) will be especially important in the coming months, as countless seniors and others have seen their retirement accounts and home values decline as a result of this economic crisis.’”

Notice: We are in another crisis—all we seem to hear about and have is one crisis upon another. Problem is, he continually ignores the one real crisis—our moral crisis—which may well doom our nation. And Barack Hussein Obama is helping to increase our moral crisis at every turn—the MURDER of unborn babies, homosexual gratification instead of GOD’S moral law, instant gratification instead of working and saving and willingly helping others. No! Government BRIBES do NOT count as helping others!!!

A few other points of interest: According to some economists, although it is too early to know for sure, we are already out of the recession. If true, why this proposal to spend even more of our money? Barack Hussein Obama, it is our money; NOT your money!!!

Retirees are the hardest hit group in our society? We have no inflation; that’s why there is no cost of living adjustment! Most retirees have NOT lost a job and by definition are NOT part of the almost 10% unemployed. Why are they the hardest hit in the recession? Many retirees do not invest in the stock market and the stock market has already come back by a couple thousand points to over 10,000 as of the 14th of October. The lower value of a home is economically meaningless unless one is trying to get a loan using the home as collateral and/or trying to sell the home. It doesn’t apply for most retirees! In fact, there is a benefit to a loss of value if the resultant property tax tied to home ownership is lowered! There is one area that does have an impact on many retirees. The miserably low interest rates paid on savings. However, the low interest rate is the result of federal monetary policy—almost free money (as low as ¼% interest) to financial institutions. Financial institutions aren’t going to pay high rates to ordinary savers when money is sooo cheap.

“The $250 payments would also go to those receiving veterans benefits, disability benefits, railroad retirees and retired public employees who don’t receive Social Security.”

Why to Retired public employees? Oh, that’s right. They tend to support Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party. Can anyone say pay back! So, all the rest of the poor slobs who are still actually working or those unemployed, who receive unemployment benefits since they pay taxes on those benefits, will foot the bill! I heard the other day on a radio program (No it wasn’t a “right-wing” program, I don’t listen to them.) that 43% of adult American citizens don’t pay income tax and the percentage is increasing. I don’t know if the percent is correct but my guess is that it is close if not accurate. Barack Hussein Obama had better hope that the fewer and fewer people who are paying more and more taxes don’t get tired of it and decide to join the ranks of the recipients of increasing government largess!

“The White House put the cost at $13 billion ($13,000,000,000—my addition). Obama said he would not allow the payments to come out of Social Security trust funds, further eroding the finances of the retirement program.”

$13 billion dollars! Why that’s peanuts compared to the $1.4 trillion deficit of 2009!

$1,400,000,000,000. See, peanuts! Less than 1% (.9+%) of the total deficit last year. We certainly can afford another $13 billion on top of a whooping 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, can’t we? $13,000,000,000 is NOTHING to Barack Hussein Obama!!!

My question: Since the amount is so small compared to our national deficit last year, why only $250 per recipient? Why not $500? Wouldn’t that provide twice the help? Why not $1000? And provide 4 times the original help. It’s only money!

And, it’s a good thing that it won’t come out of the Social Security trust fund because, according to the same article, “Social Security already is projected to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in each of the next two years.”

YIKES! NO MONEY ANY WAY!!! No problem! The government will just borrow MORE!!!

“However, Obama did not offer any alternatives to finance the payments. A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Obama was open to borrowing the money, increasing the federal budget deficit.

Barack Hussein Obama, the great problem solver—JUST BORROW the MONEY!!! NO ONE ever has to pay back BORROWED money!!!

I heard a math teacher say the other day that people today don’t understand math. GOOD THING!!! Then, they won’t realize just how much a billion dollars is or a trillion dollars. A trillion here a trillion there and pretty soon you get into REAL MONEY!!!

Barack Hussein Obama is a VERY BAD JOKE!!! AND THE JOKE’S ON US—U.S.!!!


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