Wednesday, October 14, 2009

“Hate Crimes” bill about to sneak into law!

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Background information to understand tonight’s post: I originally wrote about the “Hate Crimes” bill that was in the House of Representatives with posts from May 5th through May 15th, May 19th, May 21st through the 22nd, and then June 6th and June 9th. That bill—H. R. 1913—passed the House and was co-sponsored by Illinois House of Representatives member Mark Kirk who is now trying to win the Republican nomination for the Senate. In the meantime, the Senate was not able to pass such a bill directly. The Senate, therefore, attached the “hate crimes” bill as an amendment to a defense spending bill. That defense spending bill was passed in the House of Representatives last week with the “Hate Crimes” bill attached. According to my information, the Senate may vote for that same bill with the “Hate Crimes” bill attached as early as today—Wednesday, October the 14th.


“‘Thought Crimes’—Another reason to vote AGAINST Mark Kirk for U.S. Senate

Posted: October 8, 2009
By John Biver

The U.S. House voted today to ‘Extend Hate Crime Law to Cover Gays’ in the words of a headline. The measure now moves to the U.S. Senate. ‘Hate Crimes,’ however, is a misnomer.

The press release below from the American Family Association two days ago explains why. The Illinois Family Institute policy brief we previously posted (which follows) expands upon the same concerns. Both are worth reading and understanding—especially for would-be political leaders.

October 7, 2009

AFA warns of dangerous ‘thought crimes’ bill

The American Family Association (AFA) is calling for the defeat of a so-called ‘hate crimes’ bill, which House Democrats in Congress have put on the fast track by attaching it to a defense appropriations bill. The measure may come up for a vote as early as tomorrow.

‘This is really a ‘thought crimes’ bill, since it punishes people not for what they did but for what they were thinking (were allegedly thinking since it is doubtful anyone actually knows what they were thinking at the time of the crime—my addition),’ said Tim Wildmon, president of the AFA. ‘If this law passes, we believe ‘politically incorrect’ thoughts about homosexual behavior will come under enormous pressure.’

Wildmon said that everywhere that similar laws have gone into effect they have been used to intimidate, silence and punish people who have sincerely held religious beliefs that homosexual behavior is fundamentally immoral.

‘The bill creates a totally unacceptable threat to freedom of religion and speech in America,’ Wildmon said. ‘Pastors can be jailed under this law for preaching against homosexuality if their teaching can be linked in any way to an act of violence against a homosexual. This will not just have a chilling effect on free speech, it will freeze it out altogether.’

Bryan Fischer, AFA’s director of issues analysis, added, ‘This law will create a caste system by creating two tiers of victims, some of whom will get more legal protection than others. This is a gross violation of the fundamental American principle of justice that we are all equal under the law.’

Wildmon pointed out that if the amendment continues to be attached to the Defense Appropriations bill, the bill must be voted down. ‘We all support adequate funding for the military, but this attachment is a poison pill,’ he said. ‘The American people deserve a straight up-or-down vote on military funding, not a bill that’s compromised by out-of-control political correctness.’

The AFA sent out an Action Alert to its 2.6 million member network today, urging them to contact Congress and urge a ‘No’ vote on the Defense Appropriations bill if the ‘hate crimes’ language is not removed.

American Family Association is a pro-family advocacy organization with over 2.5 million online supports.

Click here for more information on this issue from AFA.

IFI: Mark Kirk’s sponsorship of the anti-family, anti-faith Federal ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill

Editor’s note: Champion News was recently reminded that in addition to our list of issues chronicled here, north shore Republican Congressman and possible U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk has sponsored the dangerous ‘hate crimes’ bill. Here is the Illinois Family Institute’s issue brief on the subject.

The dangerous, anti-family, anti-faith Federal ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill

H.R. 1913 would allow the federal government to prosecute any crime ‘motivated by prejudice’ against protected characteristics, including ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ (homosexuality, cross-dressing and sex changes). Amendments to include protection for pregnant women, unborn babies, the elderly and the military were all defeated. If passed, the law will punish two identical crimes differently because of what is perceived to be in the perpetrator’s mind.

The bill is not about stopping crime, but about giving sexual preference the same legal status as race. This legislation is just a stepping stone to regulate the speech of people who support family values, as in the case of the Philadelphia 11, a group of people holding signs about freedom from homosexuality at a ‘gay pride’ event in Philadelphia who were arrested and charged with hate crimes, even though no crime was committed.

Other Christians and pastors in Sweden, England, and Canada have already been prosecuted under similar laws for expressing disapproval of homosexual behavior. In some jurisdictions ‘hate crimes’ have been defined as hate speech, intimidation, and even verbal assault.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, could have been charged with a ‘hate crime’ for her views on same-sex marriage if H.R. 1913 was already law. What could constitute a ‘hate crime’ under this bill is a homosexual man or woman claiming they were discriminated against and hurt by what was said.

According to the latest FBI statistics, in 2007 there were about 1.4 million violent crimes committed in the U.S. Of those, only 1,512 were reported as ‘hate crimes’ motivated by ‘sexual orientation’ bias. Over two thirds of those were allegations of ‘hateful’ words, touching, intimidation, pushing or shoving. There were a mere 247 cases of aggravated assault (including five deaths) allegedly motivated by ‘sexual orientation’ bias nationwide. In each case, where appropriate, offenders were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and victims were afforded the exact same justice guaranteed every other American.

H.R. 1913

Infringes on freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Violates the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause by protecting some victims more than others.

Punishes thoughts (alleged thoughts—my addition), not actions.

Shows contempt for the moral and religious views of millions of Americans. (Shows contempt for GOD’S laws and WILL!—my addition)

All criminal acts should be vigorously prosecuted

All victims should be treated equally. (Isn’t it strange that the same people who allegedly preach equality are now making a sinful behavior and the people who participate in these sinful behaviors more equal than other behaviors and other people who do not participate in these sinful behaviors?—my addition)

Tell Congressman Kirk to drop his support for H.R. 1913. Tell him that criminal actions must be punished, not thoughts and beliefs.

Kirk’s District office:
707 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 350
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: 847-940-0202

Mark Kirk [R] (Illinois—10th District)
1030 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

Illinois Family Institute:
6732 W. 173rd Street Suite 7 Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 781-9328

This issue brief appears on the IFI website here.

John Biver is the Editor of Champion News.”


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