Thursday, October 08, 2009

ACORN—an Illinois connection?

I received the following yesterday, the 7th of October. I’m posting it tonight because it contains a petition that is relevant to Illinois. I have not checked out the links or the petition. I will after I post it.

The following e-mail is from

“Dear Friend,

Despite what the left-wing media has claimed, the state of Illinois does have official relationships with scandal-plagued ACORN. A 2008 report from the Illinois Housing Development Authority showed that ACORN’s housing subsidiary received a $100,000 grant from the agency to build its Predatory Lending Database Program. (Seems likely!—my addition) Somehow, this grant just happens to not appear in the Illinois Comptroller’s database. (What’s new?—my addition) Illinois has an ACORN problem and it’s time to call for a real investigation, immediately. (Seems reasonable to me! Given all the money Illinois spends, does it seem likely that ACORN would NOT receive any of it? ACORN is prominent in the Chicago area and Barack Hussein Obama was, from all reports, involved with them. Do you really believe they received NO State money over the years?—my addition)

The housing grant could be just the tip of a huge iceberg. Right now, there’s just no way to know because our leaders in Illinois like Governor Pat Quinn have strong ties to ACORN. You can urge Governor Quinn to cut ties and put an end to ACORN right now.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has called for an investigation into the organization’s activities. In Georgia, Governor Sonny Perdue told the state government to cut contracts to ACORN. Similar efforts are ongoing in Louisiana, Minnesota, New York, and Florida. Tell Governor Quinn that it’s time Illinois gets serious about stopping corruption.

Through its numerous shell groups and affiliates such as SEIU (I don’t recognize the organization. Sorry!—my addition) Local 880, ACORN has been mixed up in corruption in Illinois politics for decades. Illinois State Board of Elections records shows since it began tracking contributions, SEIU has given over $12 million to Illinois political campaigns, both Republicans and Democrats. This includes $538,963 to disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich, and $30,750 to current Governor Patrick Quinn. Tell Governor Quinn that this corruption has to stop.

Recently, Congress has voted to defund ACORN but despite these necessary efforts in Washington, our Senators Durbin and Burris as well as Representatives Davis, Jackson, Rush, and Schakowsky voted for ACORN to keeps its federal funding, which suggests there may be more to the story here in Illinois.

Richard J. Durbin (Majority Whip)
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(up for election 2014)

Roland Burris (NOT running for election)
523 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(up for election 2010)

Danny Davis [D] (Illinois—7th District)
2159 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

Jesse Jackson, Jr. [D] (Illinois—2nd District)
2419 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)
Community Activist (I normally don’t include what the previous occupation was. I thought this one was interesting. Do you think that, if he had listed his previous occupation as “community organizer,” he would now be President instead of Barack Hussein Obama?)

Bobby Rush [D] (Illinois—1st District)
2416 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

Janice Schakowsky [D] (Illinois—9th District)
2367 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

This should not be a partisan issue. It is a basic responsibility of government to investigate and prevent taxpayer dollars from going to corrupt and unethical organizations. Join us and Say NO to ACORN.

Sign the petition and tell Governor Quinn that you want a real investigation to end corruption for good.


Joe Calomino, State Director
Americans for Prosperity—Illinois”


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