Friday, December 11, 2009

Global Warming, leaked e-mails and a side dish of health issues

I’m returning for a few posts to “Global Warming” since some leaders and “scientists” of the international community are presently meeting to solve all our problems in this area. Or, our planet is doomed according to the “Global Alarmists”—sometimes referred to as the “Al Gore Gang.”


“Wednesday December 9th, 2009

This week, more than 190 countries convened in Copenhagen to come up with an international plan to combat climate change. Or at least, that’s what they claim to be there for (rumor has it there are other, more entertaining options available).

But with recent email revelations that the climate data may not be as reliable as previously thought (or hoped?), is it possible that the delegates will concede that their case is not as clear cut as they said it was, and, as a result, temper their expectations and proclamations? (NO!!!—my addition)

Of course not:

The world has just ten years to bring greenhouse gas emissions under control before the damage they cause become irreversible, the Met Office has warned.

Should nations fail to tackle the issue, giant mirrors in space, artificial trees and other so called ‘geo-engineering solutions’ will be the only way to prevent disastrous overheating of the planet, the researchers warned.

After all this new information has been revealed, the powers that seemingly refuse to even acknowledge it. After everything changed, it seems that nothing has changed (including the incredible carbon footprint such a convention leaves. Can’t you get just as much done by sending each other a few emails? Oh wait...)

Perhaps that is the lesson to learn from these hacked emails which headline writers so glibly refer to as ‘Climategate’; When everything goes wrong, just keep on keeping on as if nothing has happened.

It took the Radical Green Agenda a few days to figure this out. Immediately after the controversy, the University of East Anglia (the organization responsible for the emails), promised to publish all their data so anyone and everyone could analyze their numbers. Then, one day later, we learned that the University threw away most of the data on which their doomsday global warming predictions were based. Power Line elaborates on this absurd action, which caused even liberal ally Jon Stewart to shake his head in disbelief:

Without the underlying data, other scientists cannot check the work that gives rise to the CRU’s (Climate Research Unit—my addition) findings of a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. As the Times of London points out, these findings ‘are one of the main pieces of evidence used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which says global warming is a threat to humanity.’

In the law, the discovery of this sort of intentional document destruction would quite likely give rise to some form of ‘adverse inference instruction,’ wherein the judge would instruct or encourage the jury to assume that the discarded evidence was harmful to the case of the party that destroyed it. I might be hesitant to apply this logic to the world of scientific inquiry were it not for the fact that the CRU (Climate Research Unit—my addition) scientists have demonstrated as little regard for honest adjudication of their position as your run-of-the-mill spoliator of evidence.

Yet the UN insists: Leaked emails won’t harm UN climate body. And UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon insists that the human role in global warming is not in question. See the trend? So what if you ‘rigged a consensus?’ Just pretend nothing has happened and keep shouting the same thing you’ve been shouting for years. And make sure to brainwash the children! It’s the same tactic they’ve used every step of the way. ‘THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED! THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED! WE MUST CALL THE PRESIDENT!’

The problem is that everyone is catching on. Our side has learned its lessons as well. In Australia, five significant members of the Liberal Party resigned their positions rather than play along with their leaders unabated calls for a carbon tax. Though the mainstream media is doing their “hardest” (expletive deleted by me—my addition) to hide the story, FoxNews, the blogosphere, and email newsletters such as this one have continued to spread the word. The people are realizing they’ve been tricked by Gore, and his friends in politics and the media and are responding with disbelief and outrage.

If there’s one lesson we hope the Radical Green Agenda will learn from these emails, it’s that stifling dissenting voices in science is as dangerous, if not more so, than stifling in the public square.

One of the most creative lessons learned from these emails comes from the always amusing blog Desperate Irish Housewife, who outlines a plan of action for when your worst nightmares come true, and you find yourself sitting down to take a final exam when you haven’t attended any of the classes:

Maybe you can “fake” (expletive deleted by me—my addition) your way through a college science exam. Look at the Climategate crew. Everything you need to learn about faking it is right there.

Incomplete data: Faulty—no, let’s call them daring—computer models. Stacked juries, rigged ‘peer reviews.’ And to give the whole thing real scientific authenticity, get a few gorgeous Hollywood stars to speak up for you. Actors know everything about “faking it” (expletive deleted by me—my addition). That’s how they make their living. There’s gold in them thar hills!

So the next time you have that ‘oh no I never finished college because I failed my science requirement’ dream, take a tip from Michael Mann and Phil Jones. Try this in your dream: Rig your data. Hire Gwyneth Paltrow to tell the world how important your fake data is. Then make a documentary film about it. (This is a lot easier than it sounds—anyone can make a documentary. Just ask Laurie David.) Cute polar-bear shots go a long way in the scientific community, trust me.

DIH (Desperate Irish Housewife—my addition) promises you will wake up a new person.

A champion liar. Maybe an Oscar winner. Or even a Nobel Prize winner.

Hey, come on—it’s happened before.

More on the Climate Email Scandal:

Climategate: Dissent on Ice
The Fiction of Climate Science
Scientists Behaving Badly
Secrecy in Science is a Corrosive Force
Before Climate Meeting, A Revival of Skepticism

Quote (Poll results) of the Week

From a poll from Foreign Policy (via The Economist):

Percentage of Americans who believe in anthropogenic global warming: 36
Percentage of Americans who believe in ghosts: 34
Percentage of Americans who believe in UFOs: 34

Most Egregious Claim of the Week

Oh Al Gore. I know it makes you uncomfortable—to say the least—to see the cause you’ve worked so hard to promote fall apart before your very eyes. But is it really so much to ask that, in your half-hearted defenses of your collapsed agenda, you could at least try to stick to the truth? (Why start NOW?—my addition)

Not once, not twice, but three times in an interview with Slate, Mr. Gore claimed that the hacked climate emails were more than ten years old, and as such not of particular interest to anyone currently following the debate.

Ignoring the fact that there’s been no global warming for the last ten years, Mr. Gore is wrong in his most basic claim: The most recent of the emails was sent November 12th of this year. Andrew Bolt highlights some other important emails that fall within the ten year window:

...The emails which have Tom Wigley seeming (to me) to choke on the deceit are all from this year. Phil Jones’ infamous email urging other Climategate scientists to delete emails is from last year.

How closely did Gore read these emails? Did he actually read any at all? (Hey! He’s an ex-senator. What would you expect?—my addition) Was he lying or just terribly mistaken? What else has he got wrong? (Just about everything?—my addition)

-Patrick Gallagher, Editor”

From Daily Policy Digest from (National Center for Policy Analysis)

“Global Warming

What do global warming zealots and Stalinists have in common? Too much , says columnist Bret Stephens…

The Wall Street Journal”

“Global Warming

New efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have almost no impact on global warming (cutting predicted future warming by only a fraction of a degree), says researcher Richard W. Rahn …

Cato Institute”

“Health Issues

The Senate health care reform bill cuts imaginary Medicare spending and uses the funds for real spending elsewhere, say observers …

Heritage Foundation”

“Health Issues

Within two years of becoming sexually active, half of teenage girls may be infected with at least one of three common sexually transmitted organisms, say researchers …

Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine/Reuters/Fox News”


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