Thursday, December 03, 2009

Video gambling benefits whom?

Questions to ask members of the General Assembly and the officials of your local government?

1) If video gambling benefits Illinois so much, why did the General Assembly put a limit of five video gambling machines per establishment?

2) If video gambling benefits Illinois so much, why did the General Assembly restrict adult citizens from 18-21 from gambling?

3) If video gambling benefits Illinois so much, why did the General Assembly give only select establishments a monopoly on video gambling machines?

4) If video gambling benefits Illinois so much, why did the General Assembly not allow free enterprise to work?

5) If video gambling benefits Illinois so much, why did the General Assembly not allow any business or profession to have video gambling machines?

Think of the possibilities: We could have video gambling machines in

A) attorney offices
B) book stores
C) coffee houses
D) doctors’ offices
E) electrical appliance stores
F) flower shops
G) gas stations
H) hospitals and clinics
I) ice cream shops
J) churches
K) insurance offices
L) liquor stores
M) automobile dealerships
N) hardware stores
O) Optometrists
P) Pet stores
Q) Banks
R) repair shops
S) schools
T) travel agencies
U) daycare businesses
V) addiction centers
W) warehouses
X) department stores
Y) libraries
Z) zoos

Video gambling everywhere! Just what we need to raise money for the State, for local governments, and for businesses everywhere! Won’t that be a glorious day! Will there be education classes to teach students how to push that button just right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Video Gaming everywhere? Sounds fine to me the state should just flat out legalized gambling and let the market place decide if it is viable or not. People can vote with their money and feet. If enough people do not want gaming around and refuse to patronize places that having gaming then the number of establishments that do have video gaming machines will be limited. I suppose that the public can not be trusted to make up their own choices on something like this well need the government to play parent and either regulate it or ban it all together.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Mike said...

From reading this guys blog I am some how guessing that he think people are not smart enough to make up there own mind and need the government to play Daddy for them. Personally I am tired of the Government, Liberal and Religious people trying to tell us that they know how to run our lives better than we do.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous made tea partyer said...

Mike, you said this guy strike me as the type of person that so strongly believes in his own rightness that he does he doesnt think he has to present real evidence to support his view and that everyone else should just accept it and live by his standards. I dont want to be ruled by a bunch of crazy neo-socialist like Obama, but I dont want to be ruled by a neo-conservative nutter like this.

7:39 PM  

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